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Posts posted by P4K

  1. thanks for the replies 


    2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Strattera (atomoxetine)  is available here and might be worth asking your doctor about. It has a different mode of action than Ritalin and is not a stimulent as such so less likely to cause anxiety.

    is strattera offered in a generic version or cheaper version? I looked into it and seems pretty expensive compared to ritalin

  2. Hey so I've been getting prescribed ritalin for the past year here in thailand to help with my adhd and though it does help me focus better and increases my attention spam I always have to suffer the anxiety-like effects of it which are pretty uncomfortable (though manageable), I know adderall isn't approved for use here but I'm wondering if there are any alternatives my doctor can prescribe to me?

  3. On 11/1/2017 at 10:54 PM, Sheryl said:

    Etizolam is approved for use but there is no registered product of it so not available.


    It does not appear on the list of controlled substances but that is likely only because it is not used here, if and when it becomes available it would almost certainly be classed as a controlled substance. As I assume you know, it is highly addictive.


    Sleep meds available in Thailand besides benzos are:


    hydroxyine (Atarax and many other brand names, the 25 mg tabs not the 10mg and dose can be 25 - 75 mg) - over the counter


    zlopidem and zopiclone - controlled susbatnces, hospital pharmacy only


    melatonin can also be gotten OTC, lazada sells it online





    thanks a lot for the info, in regards to etizolam would it then  be legal to order online?

  4. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Phenibut is not approved for use in Thailand (nor in many other countries) but it is also not on the list of banned substances. So  it  falls into a somewhat grey area.


    It is technically illegal to import any medication through the mail unless you have an FDA import license, which yo ucannto get. In practice custoims usually lets through small quantities of meds if they come by regular mail (not courier), are small in quantity and not a controlled substance.


    thanks for the info, do you happen to know the status on etizolam? 


  5. Im a 23 year old guy and im hoping its nothing serious but been having chest pain after a couple years of a lot of cigarette smoking so I'd like to check up on it and wish to do a chest xray. How do I go about this and what would the price be? Also while I'm at it I think I might as well do a full body check up since I havent gotten one in over 3 years, same question how and how much? thanks for answers in advance 

  6. So I haven't done this nor am I planning to I'm just wondering how immigration deals with this sort of thing. So assuming someone overstayed their visa by say 4 months, ik they get the 20k baht fine +  1 year ban now but would they have to have a return ticket to their country when leaving or would they be able to leave using a ticket to another country?

  7. so I couldnt do half in thailand and half back in my country? I'm actually going for invisalign, it being a trademarked thing is there some way to continue the process at another dentist in my country? I guess this is something I should speak to a dentist about but yea if anyone has any insight let me know, thanks. iirc my friend started her invisalign in costa rica and continued it in the states

  8. Sorry if Im posting this in the wrong section. Anyways Im going to be in thailand till around summer and would like to get braces while I'm here. I'm wondering if I could get the braces here and finish them off in my home country? Also how does the payment work do you need to pay the full amount or how does it work exactly sorry for the noob questions I have no idea how this stuff works. Also any recommendation are appreciated, look forward to any replies, thanks

  9. Hey so I was wondering if you were to 'hand yourself in' at the border with less than 90 days overstay and pay the 20k baht fine what would the other penaalties be? I'd have to do a visa run in a couple of days but overlooked that my passport expiry date just falls right under a 6 month period from when I'd apply for a new visa, so now I'm thinking if I should just leave the country now all together but if I were to risk it and wait for my passport renewal then go to the border on a 1-2 month overstay and pay the fine would I have an issue applying for a new visa? this would be in vientiane, and yes I got the 30 day extension already. I know this forum is against breaking the law so the general advice will probably be to just get out now, but if I were to choose to overstay then 'hand myself in' with less than 90 days would this have an effect on me re-entering?

  10. On 10/3/2016 at 0:24 PM, Sheryl said:

    As an adult with no prior history of diagnosis of ADHD, no,  it will not be easy. It will depend on the expert opinion of the doctor treating you and some tests may be administered. Anxiety disorders in particular can present with similiar symptoms so do not be so certain you have adhd and let the doctors make their assessment.


    Cost of a consultation with a psychiatrist at a government hospital will likely be just a few hundred baht, maybe more if some cognitive tests have to be administered.


    Ritalin brand is an expensive import. There is  a less expensive generic equivalent called Rubifen and government hospitals will likely have it. How much it costs exactly I can't say.

    cool thank you

  11. 23 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Ritaline = solely through hospitals, it is a tightly controlled substance. Will be very expensive at a private hospital so I suggest going to a government one if you can handle the extra red tape and long waits.  See one of the psychiatrists at Sripat or visit Suanprong Psychiatric Hospital  http://www.suanprung.go.th/eng/


    Cough medicine with codeine =  ditto. Codeine is treated as a Class 2 narcotic, same as morphine, believe it or not. You will not  find robitussin brand here but there are local equivalents. HOWEVER, what you can get OTC, at any pharmacy or even 7-11, that works just as well (assuming you want this for cough suppression) is Brown Mixture which contains an expectorant and trace amount  if tincture of opium. Green package with red tiger in it.

    cool thanks for the reply, do you think it will be easy to get a ritalin prescription? I'm like 100% possitive I have adhd my teachers even recommended me to get checked for it but I've never been diagnosed also how expensive would the examination be and how expensive are the pills?

  12. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    As previously mentioned, an abortion at 20 weeks is not a clinic procedure. Be very careful. Any clinic which offers to do this is not only acting illegally but quite likely also unsafely.


    If you want exact information on a safe facility in Viet Nam for this call Marie Stopes International Viet Nam Office  +84 4 37225471.  For Hong Kong, contact the FP Assoc   for a referral  +852 2 572 2222

    [email protected]

    awesome thanks for that I'll give them a call

  13. yea idk why zhe witted so long i remember jokingly asking her if shes pregnant cause her boobs got bigger and she was like nah, but shes 100% for abortion i just think she very naive she said she thought she wasnt getting  her period due to stress or something (ik very dumb) we're going to cm clinic today to see what they can do as yes the baby is 20 weeks old but still much smaller than most 20 week old babies if nothing can be done in thailand we're looking for flights to another country

  14. 1 hour ago, manfredtillmann said:

    my personal opinion is, that your up -your -self attitude that makes you ask for help without even writing 'please' - you actually seem to be demanding it - is just the same reason why you got that poor girl pregnant.

    sort it out some other way, pal!

    lol what are you talking about 

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