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Posts posted by P4K

  1. My goal is to better keep to my schedule which includes study and put more hours towards my job (which requires a heavy ammount of mental focus), in this case would modafinil help? My goal isnt to stay up longer but rather to be more consistent with my schedule and to work longer hours without being distracted.

    Is modafinil a drug you can safely take on a semi daily basis? Pretty much i should be working 6 hours a day and in the past 6 months ive been doing under 3. I feel like i have roughly 8 hours after waking up to be mentally efficent enough to do my job well because around 9-10 hours after waking up i start feeling mental lack of focus. And also im pretty hyper/energetic in mornings and tend to only start work like 4-5 hours after waking up so you can see the problem. Ive tried many times to keep to a schedule but it never last more than 5 days max

  2. Thanks and i need it due study/work related issues its for something that ive given a lot of time trying to do naturally (diet,sleep) but now ive realised that at some points i will need something extra stronger such as ritalin and or aderall, ive only tried aderall a couple of times but it helped me alot. And i know that i cant officially say i have adhd (its not something im trying to blame for my lack of self discipline) but name any symptom and i have it, i realised i had adhd in highschool but unfortunetly was never able to see a psychiatrist over this.

    Could i as a foreigner see a psychiatrist for ritalin here in thailand? Im gonna be hear until the end of the year and i cant really wait until i got back home

  3. Thanks for the replies, the guys who i know who have used adderall before compared the effects of modafinil to them but they did say its different but i guess the fact that it helps you stay awake longer also will increase your attention spam? Can someone who has used ritalin/adderall AND modafini further comment on this please?

    The thing is ive actually never been diagnosed with adhd but my sister has and my middle school teacher even said he thinks i may have it, and i match all the symptoms to like the absolute max so im very sure i do have adhd but havent actually ever been diagnosed with it so have no prescription for such drugs. Probably a stupid question to ask here but is there anyway of aquiring ritalin without prescription?

  4. So I have adhd and for what I do I need to stay focused for long periods at a time but ritalin and adderall are imposibble to get here. Theres a fairly new drug called modafinil thats effects are very similar to these other drugs, from what I've read online its legality/illegality is yet to be made official in thailand and its safe to have. In the states its a prescription only medication but the most recent thread I read states its okay to have but that was almost a year ago. I know 2 guys here who have already purchased them online and got the shipment and everything and it was fine but they also seem to not know its status in thailand and they are also a bit paranoid when it comes to ordering the pill from this chinese website. I really want these pills for concentration purposes so could I get in any sort of trouble for ordering 40 of them online?

  5. if I only go do the extension on monay will saturday and sunday also count towards an overstay?

    You will be pushing your luck by waiting until Monday, They might only give you 7 days to leave the country after you pay the fine (3000 baht) for 6 days of overstay and1900 baht for the extension.

    Im looking do get a 30 day extension for my visa so if I do it on monday i would be paying 3000 baht and getting the + 30 days starting from feb 16 for another 30 days, what do you mean by "pushing my luck" as in they wont give me the 30 day extension?

    By overstaying 6 days the immigration officers could refuse you an extension of more than than 7 days during which time you must leave the country.

    If you choose to deliberately overstay you must also be prepared to accept the consequences.

    if this were to happen would it affect my chances of getting a another setv?

  6. if I only go do the extension on monay will saturday and sunday also count towards an overstay?

    You will be pushing your luck by waiting until Monday, They might only give you 7 days to leave the country after you pay the fine (3000 baht) for 6 days of overstay and1900 baht for the extension.

    Im looking do get a 30 day extension for my visa so if I do it on monday i would be paying 3000 baht and getting the + 30 days starting from feb 16 for another 30 days, what do you mean by "pushing my luck" as in they wont give me the 30 day extension?

  7. cool thanks and while Im at it I wanna ask about my next visa run. Like i said I came into thailand on a 30 day exempt entry visa which I extend for 30days and then again for 1 week. I did my first visa run in vientiane which is the one im looking to extend now. So next month i'd be doing my next run. If I got to the same embassy in vientiane again are my chances looking good? I've heard you can get like 3-4 back to back but once they see that ive already been here 5 months arent they going to start asking questions? What sort of odds am I looking at? and if it doesnt work in vientiane do they put some sort of "denied" stamp or can I go and try somewhere else?

  8. I came to thailand on a 30 day visa exempt entry which I extend for 1month+1week. then I got a setv from laos 2 months ago. I thought that I have to leave or extend by the 19th but just realised its actually the 16th. I want to extend another month before doing another visa run, unfortunately I have made plan for tomorrow morning/afternoon so if its not a big deal I will go to immigration on friday morning. Would this effect my chances of getting a 1 month extension? also how much is it per day for overstay?

  9. You need health insurance or $3M baht in savings to cover emergencies. As long as you take zero risks (car v scooter) and can afford yearly checkups you are OK. Zero adventures on motor bike to Laos, etc. You also need to pay gym fees so you can work out. Eat in the basement of Promenada, Airport Plaza or another mall. Payap University Cafe has healthy food. Do not expect to eat on the street and escape illness.

    3000000 baht?

    Im 21 and have no insurance and nowhere near that amount saved. How much can I get insurance for? I regularly drive my scooter without a helmet (ik its pretty dumb) but I know of a guy who got into a serious accident and had to pay for the expenses of both parties and it only cost him about $4k. jw what are you basing this 3m baht figure on?

    Also while on this topic, say i get into an accident and have no license, how would this effect the situation, would jail time be involved?

    Also to op Im living very comfortably off about 36k baht per month.

    this includes a 40sqm condo with cleaning service once a week, internet, cable, cell, scooter, eating out, and 12k baht spending money, so that last part excluded Im practically living off 24k baht. I'd compare it to about a $2k/month lifestyle in north american standards, so for 65k baht youre balling

    A closed head-injury from a motorscooter accident, with a stay in ICU and convalescent time can easily run in excess of 3 or 4 million baht. I've seen people run up hospital charges that high from head-injury accidents on a bicycle! Sadly, one I know died recently from a head injury suffered in a bicycling accident in the city, along the moat. Nothing high speed, just running errands without a helmet. Unfortunately, he lingered for months, running up millions in hospital bills.

    Jail time is the least of your worries for driving without a license.

    ouch thats terrible, I honestly prefer death over that bill haha, death over any serious injury imo is better anyway, that said how should I go about getting medical insurance? how much should I expect to pay? And Im assuming the insurance would be void if I crash without a license? I have like no alternatives to getting around, biking in my area is even more dangerous imo. Is there any way I could get a scooter license here being on a tourist visa? sorry for all the questions haha

  10. So I've been in thailand for about 4 months (cm about 6 weeks). Im 21 and for the most part since Ive been here ive done nearly no "tourist stuff", my idea of fun is just going and and drinking. I've been boogie boarding and went to a couple of muay thai fights, checked out the markets, and I've been to doi suthep but have done nothing else. I wanna try trekking, not interested in the elephant stuff cause I hear its animal cruelty. What fun stuff, events, festivals ect is there to do in cm?

  11. You'll grow bored with eating street food all the time and learn about some of the gross shortcuts used to make it. What's in those fishballs and "broth"? You don't want to know.

    +1 loved thai food before coming here now I hate it haah

  12. You need health insurance or $3M baht in savings to cover emergencies. As long as you take zero risks (car v scooter) and can afford yearly checkups you are OK. Zero adventures on motor bike to Laos, etc. You also need to pay gym fees so you can work out. Eat in the basement of Promenada, Airport Plaza or another mall. Payap University Cafe has healthy food. Do not expect to eat on the street and escape illness.

    3000000 baht?

    Im 21 and have no insurance and nowhere near that amount saved. How much can I get insurance for? I regularly drive my scooter without a helmet (ik its pretty dumb) but I know of a guy who got into a serious accident and had to pay for the expenses of both parties and it only cost him about $4k. jw what are you basing this 3m baht figure on?

    Also while on this topic, say i get into an accident and have no license, how would this effect the situation, would jail time be involved?

    Also to op Im living very comfortably off about 36k baht per month.

    this includes a 40sqm condo with cleaning service once a week, internet, cable, cell, scooter, eating out, and 12k baht spending money, so that last part excluded Im practically living off 24k baht. I'd compare it to about a $2k/month lifestyle in north american standards, so for 65k baht youre balling

  13. You haven't by any chance been using Viagra or other ED drug, have you?

    I think you should see a doctor first as MRI might not be necessary.

    This place is the least expensive source of MRI http://www.mrithailand.com/ (click on CM on the map for CM location) but it is still far from "cheap". And they will only do the scan and provide radiologist report which is insufficient, still need to bring it to a good neurologist to review.

    Prices may be a little less if referred there by a doctor at a government hospital.

    Note that for this type of problem it should be MRI with contrast media. Which adds to the cost.

    In addition, the neurologist (whom you are going to have to consult anyhow afterwards -- cannot rely on just radiologists's report, the film needs to be reviewed by a specialist in the context of the medical history and symptoms) may have specific preference as to type of scan etc. Might for instance advise MRA rather than MRI.

    All additional reasons to see a doctor first.

    I suggest Prof. Surat Tanprawate who is head of the headache unit at CMU Hospital (Maharaj), should be able to see him at Sripat.

    thanks for the info, and no I havent used any drugs like that. Do you have a ball park figure about how much I would be looking at, neurologist included and everything? Im canadian and have free healthcare but Im not going back until like june but idk how serious this could be so if i can get it for less than $1000 total cost I may go for it but I really wouldnt want to pay more than that

  14. So Im a 21 year old guy and 4 days ago I started getting whats known as sexual headaches, it just came out of the blue with no previous stuff and Im not really a headache kind of guy. I read that if it comes out of nowhere it should be treated as a emergency situation since it can be a hemmorage or a tumor or something haha. Im not really a paranoid person but its really started to get anoyying cause whenver i have sex its followed by a headache. anywys yea so im not sure if i need a mri/cat scan but where can I get a cheap one in Chiang mai with a reliable doctor?

  15. kk cool thanks and yea i think its fine then it just said I get 15kg allowance which I assumed was only carryon but if its checked luggage then im pretty sure there'll be no problems as ive been travelling everywhere with my monitor. As for saturday where can I catch a bus from vientiane-udon thani?

    and does anyone think its worth checking out vang vieng? one of my friends is telling me I have to go there but its like a 6 hour ride there and back to vientiane so yea idk, is it worth it?

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