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Posts posted by P4K

  1. "are all chiang mai chicks like this, like all shy and stuff but actually dtf?"

    No, all Chiang Mai women are different, and I won't attempt to generalize them all.

    I will give an approximate generalization of some of the universities they go to--there are huge differences between the schools and social activities of their students.

    Chiang Mai University is the serious university; it discourages its students from getting into relationships (many ignore this) or taking part-time jobs. It also makes incredible demands on their time with academics and mandatory activities. On average they log much less bar time than other university students, though they still get out on occasion. Also, since the women will earn degrees that are respected across Thailand, they are not as desperate to find a man to take care of them. Many of them want a man, but they tend to have high standards.

    Rajabhat University is much less demanding on its student's time and activities. It has flexible schedules that allow students to work and study. The degree isn't as respected and the women seem more interested in landing a man who will give them a future than the CMU students. Many of the waitresses that work on Nimmanhamin are Rajabhat students hoping to meet a quality man. Most prefer Thai men, others are open minded, and in general their standards aren't as high as the CMU women.

    I won't offer an opinion on Payap, Far Eastern, MaeJo or other university students since I haven't met enough of them. I think student attitudes in Payap and MaeJo fall between CMU and Rajabhat, but I can't say with certainty.

    Also around Chiang Mai are "technical universities", which are more like trade schoolsarrow-10x10.png. The students wear uniforms like the other academic universities, and the girls look great in the black skirts and white blouses. I think in general the differences between the students in technical universities and academic schools in Chiang Mai are similar to the differences between students who go to trade schools and academic universities in the west. They are generally from poor families and I get the impression that many of these students are very open to finding a sponsor who will make life easier for them.

    I'll offer one generalization about the university women--they're thinking about their future. If you find one who makes it easy for you, you may safely assume she expects more than a night in bed.

    thanks for this its really informative. And whats with this "not being seen in public with a ferrang" thing. Do other thai people look down on a girl if shes dating a white guy? Like that makes her a gold digger? Also Im asking from the point of view of someone whos like 25> cause no offense but obvs if youre some older guy its gonna have a stigma anywhere in the world if youre dating some girl whos 10-20 years yougner than you, but does this still apply to my age demopgraphic? Cause I mean Ive used tinder since I been here (never actually linked anyone yet though) but Ive gotten messages from what seemed to be good girls who wanted to meet for lunch during the day and stuff. Im jw cause I'll prob be here for awhile so youre saying the only chicks Im cuffing are either gonna be gold-diggers or embarrassed to be seen in public with a white guy?

  2. this thai chick I met found me a place in the exact same complex im currently at Im currently staying at and its practically the same thing for 1/5th the price lmao. Im meeting the owner tomorrow but if its as good as this place then Ill prob stay here

  3. and bangmai do you mean as like a friend with benifit or what? I thought that girls here who associate with white dudes are trynna cuff us or something or why would they just put out for free? tbh if your in your early 50s you might have a different outlook on this, but then again Im a noob. Are there any 30> year olds on this forum??

  4. thanks for the answers, and ubon you said that you can get up to 2or3 at the same location. my previous quetion being how do you reset this proccess? So if I got 3 back to back and stayed a total of 9 months (if i understand correctly?) would I never be able to get a 4th one from this location? or how long would i need to wait or what would I need to do to be able to repeat this process again?

  5. so yea im a 21 y/o guy and been here about a week now. I've met quite a few university girls (it seems every girl who is 24> is in school here). First encounter was some girl I met at a local club (not a bar girl) and I went out with her twice after that and even though she was very cute she seemed like a good studious girl and was sort of acting friendly/not-flirty so I assumed that she just wanted a friend or something so I made no moves on her then after she seemed untinterested and hasnt really messaged me since. Then a very similar situation the other night with some girl I met then she called me out the next day to hang with her and her friends, she was really hot but seemed like very passive and didnt act flirty at all so I thought it was the same as the last girl, but after her friends went home we stayed for drinks, and since she stayed out alone with me im like what the hell so I made a move and then she actually came back to my place and was a full on pro in bed. so this got me thinking, are all chiang mai chicks like this, like all shy and stuff but actually dtf?

    Before chiang mai i was in phuket and bkk and all the local girls I met there were either bargirls/gold diggers and they seemed like really westernized when it came to flirting and stuff.

    So yea im jw if this is some sort of cultural thing, like are girls here just really shy and dont know how to flirt cause I cant really tell which girl is interested or just wants a friend. im gonna be here awhile so Im trying to gather some info on this

  6. So Im enjoying thailand a lot, I really like it here and like the culture and stuff. I've been here 2 months on a visa exempt entry so far (i gotta do a border run soon) but I was wondering how many of these border runs can I do before they dont allow me to stay any longer? And how exactly do you "reset" the process. So what is that absolute longest I can stay here each year by doing border runs. Would it be possible to stay like 8-10 each year. I work online and make about 35k/y. Also what is the visa situation like in thailand, is it constently changing and would this be a maintainable strategy? Im a noob with this so dont troll Im still like level 1

  7. Four guys coming to a city with cheaper rent than anywhere in America, and they want to share? I would recommend "re-education." And are we to assume that your visa gives you permission to stay as long as the lease you are willing to sign? I'm sure your credit reports would be interesting reading, also. We've got 32 sm condos with balconies for 4000 thb, with government rate on electric. I think there are probably too many beautiful 20+ yo girls for your liking, though.

    actually 4000 thb for a condo?

    Might as well get an apartment for each person. Can get a decent studio for 2000 baht a month if you look but it probably won't have aircon. 3500 a month will get you a luxury studio with aircon.

    where can you find these places?

    I always get my places off airbnb (obvs more expensive since its targeted at tourists) but the cheapest furnished studio condos im finding are at least 1kusd/m

    also Im canadian not american I just thought people would know I meant usd.

    and lol at everyone freaking out about 4 people sharing a house. Its not necessarily to be cheap its mainly work related and its really normal actually, Ive been sharing places with other guys for the past year. And yea its better to have roommates to party with cause it prob gets boring alone. But if someone can point me in the direction of a luxury condo thats 500usd> im on board

  8. talking about usd obvs lol and yea we'd get a maid to clean up after us and its not bad we had a place in phuket 3 of us and it was okay. But yea how much is a 1b or studio condo here if I rent locally and furnished? and where should i go to find one?

  9. so I just got here last night and currently got 2 weeks at a nice condo but its nearly 2k/m so way outside my budget.

    I wanna know how 4 guys should go about looking for a house here. We need a 4b house with a budget of 500-700max, for about 6months. And how decent of a place can we find given this budget?

    Also how much would I need to pay if I wanted a nice condo or apartment here and I was staying alone? Im really trying to get something cheap but also decent. If I get a 6month lease thing would I get a better deal. Also all of these places need to be furnished

  10. The op ain't going to live in Thai

    Let him find his feet

    How good is the Internet in Bangkok? What a ridiculous question.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    hows this a ridiculous question? the hotelarrow-10x10.png I stayed at in bangkok had the internet cutting out. Im in phuket rn and still have the occasional outage (maybe once or twice a day for 15-45 seconds). Some of these outages cost me a lot of money so maybe from your point of view its a ridiculous question but from my point its really importnt.

    on this topic whats the internet like in pattaya?

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