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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. 9 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


    I think on both shoulders.  If they hate the place so much then why do they come here?  The haters are lowering the standards, so instead of whining and denigrating Thailand and its people why don't they just "P Off." :wai:

    We like the low cost of living. We DON'T like the constant change in rules and the inability of Thais to understand simple economics. Take the money and get the HELL out of our lives.

  2. 1 minute ago, elviajero said:

    I agree that it's unclear whether there will be a 1 year AND a 10 year Non 'O-A'  visa. But what is clear is that 1 year extensions of stay are not changing, which is the way most over 50's stay here, and what most people seem worried about.

    Why don't they just SAY that, instead of leaving it to speculation? Many of us need time to get the hell OUT, if they are forcing us out.

  3. 7 minutes ago, jeffcool said:

    Yes, change is... inevitable!!!!! I agree. And yes again, it has been mostly a negative change..... Would make a nice change if it would change for good..... but somehow, I really doubt it will ever change for better in LOS or elsewhere.....


    Time will tell....... 

    Not true. Both Vietnam and Cambodia are making bids for retiree business. Both countries offer benefits not available here and Vietnam is quite a bit cheaper than Thailand. The only downside there is having to leave the country every ninety days. In Cambodia there is NO such requirement and the requirements they DO have are extremely reasonable. If I had wanted to retire in Cambodia, that's where I would have gone. The fact is, that I chose Thailand.Many have made the same decision. They don't deserve to be booted out with no consideration given to their circumstances. Thai elites believe we can ALWAYS come up with the money necessary and that is what drives this insanity.

  4. Just now, ratcatcher said:

    Has anyone actually been forced out due to these possible regulations that may apply to new retirees?

    Not yet....Wait for it. It will happen. Meanwhile retailers from the UK and USA are lining up to support a country which does not support their countrymen.

  5. 1 minute ago, Chip Allen said:

    That being the case, all Thailand has to do is spell out EXACTLY what the requirements are and EXACTLY what they portend for those of us already retired here on an income far above most of the populace. Perhaps if they spelled it out, you would "understand people like me".


    8 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


    Well then presumably they can afford insurance. 

    WRONG!!! At the rates Thai hospitals charge, insurance should be no more than about 60 USD per month, much as it is in Central and South America. 600 dollars a month would buy insurance in America, which is the most obscenely priced coverage in the world. The requirements are out of line and the price of insurance is out of line with the cost of care.Thailand wants foreigners OUT. That is what is behind all of this "adjustment" in the rules.

  6. 2 hours ago, HampiK said:


    I not understand people like you!

    I think you should leave thailand and go to your praised cambodia.


    It's because of people like you who see always the negative first. Even when nothing is confirmed yet.

    But it's the nature of some people to complain  (most time about nothing) but important they have something to say.

    That being the case, all Thailand has to do is spell out EXACTLY what the requirements are and EXACTLY what they portend for those of us already retired here on an income far above most of the populace. Perhaps if they spelled it out, you would "understand people like me".

  7. 2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Logic and past experience dictates to me that if a person has an extension right now at the 800K level then that is their financial requirement unless they break the chain of extensions. I certainly cannot guarantee it but that is what has been done in the past when financials changed.

    I do not have a visa at the 800K level. I have a visa based on monthly income of at least 65 thousand baht a month. My income is actually 87 thousand per month. but that is not enough for the Thais. Hello Cambodia....No more pointless 90 day reports.

  8. 25 minutes ago, digibum said:


    So you're not going to marry your fiancé because you can't get the visa you want?  You call the thais venal but that sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.  

    It is not that I can't get the visa I WANT, but that I do NOT qualify because my income does not meet the 100 thousand baht level and also   because my age prevents me from getting medical  coverage at a price I can afford. I did not move here so that I could spend money I do not have. Does that answer your question? I am 66 and I cannot spend 600 dollars a month on a crap insurance policy which does not cover pre-existing conditions (cancer and brain surgery in my case). Yes, the Thais are venal and simply do not want ANY foreigners here that do not meet their definition of "quality".

  9. 47 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    How many times do I have to post this?

    The Royal Thai Government whose PM is Prayuth has an official website. On it recently posted is the cabinet meeting held on Tuesday about Long Stay Visas.

    Here's the link:-

    Read it.


    That pretty much settles it. I will be a resident of Cambodia in my later retirement. Two years here on a paltry 87 thousand baht a month. Obviously NOT "quality" according to the Royal Thai Government.

  10. 16 hours ago, LivinLOS said:



    So.. Marry her.. Stay on a marriage extension.. 


    The drama is ?? 

    The DRAMA is......that it is not spelled out specifically if this new visa replaces the old requirements or not. Nary a word about "grandfathering" in previous Non_Immigrant O holders and those on extensions of stay. Nada. That's the "drama". Marriage visa would be a moot point if the new visa replaces all.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Chopperboy said:

    Why should a foreigner have a right to live here TAX free while a middle class Thai has to pay tax to cover the cost of government. I am not surprised Thais are fed up with the cheapskate ferang who come here and use the country as a cheap (to them) hangout, while contributing next to nothing.

    To answer your question: Why should I pay tax on income already earned which I did not work in Thailand to earn? I pay sales taxes on everything I buy and contribute to the economy just as every other expat does. Bottom line: we live here and take nothing out of the economy and contribute to the sales tax base with our purchases, which are considerably  more than the average Thai. Does that make it a bit clearer for you???

  12. 8 minutes ago, elviajero said:



    You are wasting your time @Spellforce. This thread has been completely derailed by off topic discussions, scaremongering and people in a panic that don't understand the difference between a visa and an extension of stay.

    A good many of us  DO understand the difference between a visa and an extension of stay. My situation is further complicated by the fact that I am planning to marry a woman from Bangkok who has a very good job with NGG and two daughters living in the area. My plans will be totally derailed if I have to move to Cambodia. My income will not slide up to 100 thousand baht merely because that is the new standard. I am 66 and had planned to stay here until they burn my bones. Obviously, some have other resources or the advantage of youth. I don't. Thus far, the only comments seem to be something along the lines of "you should have planned more carefully and put away more money".   I put away what I could AFFORD to put away. Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in their mouths and making huge salaries. That's why many of us retired in Thailand. Affordability is key.

  13. The only thing that those of us with extensions of stay based on retirement, need to know is if we are grandfathered in on the old rate of 65 thousand dollars a month. I have three sources of retirement income, which, combined,, amounts to 87 thousand baht per month. If my current rate is grandfathered, I'm okay, if not. I have to move to Cambodia.

  14. 3 hours ago, i claudius said:

    After reading the article and ,reading some of the alarmist rubbish on here , i am off for dinner ,

    this looks like just another spin on the elite card , do any off you honestly think that the Thai govt are going to force thousands of "Farangs" onto planes leaving behind their wives and kids ,with the western newspapers taking picture of the weeping hordes of family members crying as their husbands and fathers are booted out? never to be seen again , even they are not that stupid.

    They have shown repeatedly that they are NOT concerned about our problems or the consequences of their decisions upon us. We have never been welcome here and this is merely another example of that attitude in action. Make it hard on these evil farang carpetbaggers who are spending money in our economy while taking NOTHING out of it. Yes, let's kill that goose that is laying our golden eggs and when the inevitable economic problems begin, we can blame it on the farangs. Well played, gentlemen.....well played.

  15. Still not answered.  Is this visa "in addition to" or "in place of" the old extension based on retirement?  This is really the only question worth asking. If it replaces the current system, then thousands must leave Thailand, including myself. I only have 87 thousand Thai baht coming in each month. That won't increase by wishful thinking, so Cambodia is my only realistic option. Malaysia and Phillipines are out of the question because of bank deposit requirements. Vietnam is cheaper but has no real "retirement" option other than leaving the country every 90 days.

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