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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. 3 hours ago, Get Real said:

     There is a reason why it´s illegal in most countries.

    Yes, the reasons are stupidity and politics. The ignorance of criminalizing pot while allowing alcohol to be freely sold is one of the most insane legal quandaries of our time. Thailand will probably be the last Asian nation to decriminalize. Cambodia is increasingly far ahead of Thailand is many respects.

  2. 3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

    So some loser hiding behind a keyboard can say whatever he chooses with Impunity?


    If jerks like him  aren't challenged they see It as weakness and continue their Idiotic behaviour.  


    It's called "Freedom of Speech". Certainly not relevant in Thailand, but the USA has held it as the highest ideal. Looks like those days are ending. Money rules.

  3. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    So let's see, you think it's ok for some prick to accuse someone, falsely, of being a prostitute and having a breakdown because they don't like her husband? a


    And that there should be no redress at Law?



    In politics, you are fair game. That's the way it has always been and that's the way it should stay. If you can't stand the heat, get your ass AND your family OUT of politics. All's fair. Their wealth makes them immune to most any repercussions anyway. They CERTAINLY aren't concerned about their reputation. This was just political revenge by petulant, spoiled children.

  4. 3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Although I believe the whole concept of a monarchy is anachronistic in this day & age, the thought of a President Blair/May/Farage is truly terrifying! When Charles ascends people might start considering a republic more seriously.

    The monarchy brings many tourist dollars to the UK. If for no other reason, the institution should remain. Too bad that Americans don't get a vote. :smile:

  5. 8 hours ago, kannot said:

    you over analyse it, its GREED by the Thais nothing more................ no need to tell me what I can and cant answer thanks

    I see it in ALL areas, not just tourist areas, Greed is a Thai personality trait. Suck the life out of the farang and then deport him. Not so different from Trump mentality in the USA. Entitled nationalism is default mode here.

  6. 21 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Mmm... not only smarter than me, but now your also turning your back on your own kind... well done.... my puny intellect will never allow me to disavow my country.


    As long as the United States  keeps meddling in the affairs of other countries and invading other nations, we  will continue to have problems. The nation was founded by people who believed in staying OUT of foreign  entanglements. That attitude lasted only a brief period before we were meddling in everyone's business, I will defend the interests of my country when it is right. When it pokes its nose into the business of other countries and is openly hostile, I have no intention of defending such an attitude.

  7. 6 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    For God sake does colour matter, we all go to the toilet the same, we all walk the same, we all breath the same but in thai it matters if you are Thai or Farang stupid small minded people with no education or just scared of people the education in Thailand does not want for the majority

    man I am glad to be out of there, but a bit cold otherwise FRESH AIR


    The racism and colorism has always disgusted me, but Thailand changes like the glaciers. Buddha forbid that anyone look like they've done an honest days work out in the sun. A pack of peasants all lusting to be elites.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Better guest worker programs too. Citizens don't want to pick crops and wash dishes. Imagine the price of food without migrant labor.

    Exactly.  The "illegal immigrant problem".....is no problem. It is the mirror image of the "overstay problem" created by Thai bureaucrats. Illegal immigrants BENEFIT the US economy, just as western retirees and workers benefit the Thai economy. The "problems" are purely the creation of Thai authorities. They do not exist in any real sense. The idea of "making it worse for the rest of us" is just an extension of this simple-minded thinking that is completely rooted in xenophobia and nationalism.

  9. 5 hours ago, puck2 said:


    His schizoid character is going to become obvious day by day. Only one example. These before tolerated illegal immigrants are only a tiny part involved in US crimes. If he would be consequent in fighting crimes he initially had to fight the gun crimes in the USA, the absolutely highest in the world.



    Not so sure he is "schizoid". He shows all the signs of being a sociopath. Narcissism is only part of the picture.

  10. I've met a number of girls online. All professional women with university degrees. Usually poorly paid, despite their education. All of them are looking for someone to "take care". Every one of these  women has had a lot going for them, but just can't catch a break. The case for MOST Thai people. The system is so stacked against the average Thai that it beggars belief. Even worse than the USA.


  11. 2 hours ago, farcanell said:


    how far is the fall fall from atop your high horse?

    No "high horse", merely better educated than you and most Thais. The people here are peasants in mentality as well as fact. They have no identity beyond their fealty to royalty. They are fiercely proud of groveling before hereditary superbeings who would use them as food for their animals if they could do it secretly. The "noble savage" idea is alive and well on TVF.

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