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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Yessir lived here in BKK 1976-1979 and it flooded big time every year. at most large intersections within the city, small boats would ferry people across the intersection. We still survived and still went to work daily.
  2. If your income is a pension then hope it is specified in the DTA with your country as to which country can tax. Some funds not taxed by your home country probably will be taxable here. I fortunately have a very basic financial situation so no matter what they do with the new scheme, I shouldn't be affected but after all TIT. Plus if Trump wins tomorrow, Ilon or RFK, jr have mentioned that benenfits will be cut and many will suffer (just like billionaires, cut the funds of the middle class and poor and give bigger cuts to the rich and their businesses that since his last cuts have been making record profits while even though the news says inflation in the US now is only 2.1% yet no prices have come down at all, and some are still climbing. Good luck citizens of the US tomorrow, I hope you get the best for you and the country. Records that they can automatically get or request are not that detailed from what readers of the CRS and FACTA have mentioned. The tax agencies don't seem to be in a better knowledgeable situaion either att and hope it all becomes clearer soonest. expattaxesthailand.com/tax-info-webinar
  3. If your income is a pension then hope it is specified in the DTA with your country as to which country can tax. Some funds not taxed by your home country probably will be taxable here. I fortunately have a very basic financial situation so no matter what they do with the new scheme, I shouldn't be affected but after all TIT. Plus if Trump wins tomorrow, Ilon or RFK, jr have mentioned that benenfits will be cut and many will suffer (just like billionaires, cut the funds of the middle class and poor and give bigger cuts to the rich and their businesses that since his last cuts have been making record profits while even though the news says inflation in the US now is only 2.1% yet no prices have come down at all, and some are still climbing. Good luck citizens of the US tomorrow, I hope you get the best for you and the country. Records that they can automatically get or request are not that detailed from what readers of the CRS and FACTA have mentioned. The tax agencies don't seem to be in a better knowledgeable situaion either att and hope it all becomes clearer soonest.
  4. If the winning candidate did not cry "foul" and adhered to the US constitution, there would be no problem as it is supposed to be a "peaceful transition of power". In other elections, the loser cried foul but the investigation found no evidence of foul play so the changeover was peaceful. However, the new generations of Americans seem to be willing to listen to lies and accept them as truth, but I sure don't believe anything that politicians claim since I started voting age - I'm 77+ nowadays and that is correct, I don't believe hardly anything claimed by a politician - US or elsewhere!. Trump was schooled IMHO by Putin's propaganda team and he has about half the US electorate falling for his lies even when blatant and easy to check. Scary situation beginning tomorrow! even if Trump is victorious - IMHO don't really know which is the most dangerous!
  5. says the family of the deceased patient decided not to file any charge - shouldn't even be up to them as it is a traffic and civil violation and the police should find and charge the individual.
  6. well so far all we know is that we need to get a Thai tax number if we have assessable income remitted or earned if we are tax residents here and need to file before the end of March 2025. Supposedly new tax forms would be issued by the revenue department this month or next month.Other than that we know nothing else. But if your country has a DTA with Thailand you should be familiar with the contents based on your financial situation. Nothing is very definite here except changes...maybe even a new govt soon.
  7. but that is exactly why, no evidence of any fraud, courts will only act if there is evidence as they too must follow the laws of the land.
  8. For the 2020 election, the Republicans sued for fraud in over 60 cases - all proved to have no evidence and some of the judges were even Trump judges. Trump is already claiming that if he loses it is because of fraud as he is the most popular!
  9. I agree, 35% is a lot more than my US tax on my pension and that pension is guaranteed for life - all that I have paid for here, could be gone like previously mentioned - stroke of a pen on a new interpretation of a law or maybe after they join BRICS too and turn away from the west totally. My opinion anyway.
  10. well Trump has claimed victory already and says "if I am not elected then this is a fake election due to corruption" and unfortunately his folks are buying that claim. Just as many Republican elected officials in 2020 also still claim that election too was fraudulent when over 50 court cases (some with Trump judges) could find no credible evidence of any fraud. Already there are news reports of fake videos about fake voters this year. Trump and his lies have made too many people believing in even more lies and amazingly, none of the people have any actual proof. Scary to say the least for this old man. I have not been a believer in the presidential skills of too many of the winners over the past 50+ years I have been eligible to vote. Rich and powerful organizations determine who we will vote for and therefore they are unfortunately the receivers of more benefits than JOE CITIZEN, especially the middle class. IMHO anyway
  11. The change(s) in tax laws are showing up in other countries too, the reason is the OECD 2023 agreement on exchange of financial data between 130 plus countries, some use CRS, some FACTA and what data is exchangeable is still not totally clear it seems to all. Yeah, Thailand has had a dismal tax collection from its own citizens who are targets and as a result of the changes within the revenue department, expats are seen as a possible lucrative source of funds too. This is show up possibly in the next year or so but, TIT and who knows if this govt or a more strict govt will be in power so...good luck to all.
  12. However, if one earns any income within Thailand they too must get a Thai Tax ID and file whether they stay even less than 180 days in a calendar year.
  13. that is the purpose of the OCED agreement, CRS, and FACTA agreements on exchange of financial information. Immigration will know when you pass 180 days and probably have set up some kind of computer exchange with the Thai Revenue Dept We have yet to see any final information on tax schemes affecting tax residents or those earning income within Thailand. We still wait...
  14. HMM interesting! I will continue checking around to see what I can find.
  15. yes that is what the webinar stated but they also said CSR could allow Thailand to access ATM and CC and we have read that isn' so. Anyway they have that webinar on the website and about many DTA's also. Access is free. BUt most is exactly what we have come to accept. Have a good one..."winter" appears to have arrived further north.
  16. that is what one tax agency is saying also, even says that if you go to the local revenue department office and explain that to them, they won't even give you a tax id number and will tell you that you don' have to file. Unless some different RULES from the revenue dept come out, I don't plan on doing anything at all!
  17. not a tax-free pension unless specified in the DTA which overrides the ThaI TAX LAW.
  18. according to the expattaxesthailand.com agency, unless your pension is specifically mentioned in the DTA with your country, then Thailand will be able to tax it even if your government does or does not tax it. Maybe something about tax credits. You can check free with that agency.
  19. I corrected the webpage..as I made two mistakes in that original one. Sorry! Never been a link-er . https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/general/2894662/board-of-investment-eager-to-dull-minimum-tax-pain.
  20. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/genral/s89466s/board-of-investment-eager-to-dull-minimum-tax-pain. most of the article deals with investment but the opening paragraphs mention tax residents having to pay tax on all income whether remitted or not to Thailand and bill being drafted now.
  21. BTW: there is a 2 November BP article saying that the government is drawing up a draft law on the worldwide income tax scheme which they plan to implement next year. Not much in the article other than this info that the BOI needs to come up with something to dull the pain on Tax resident foreigners having to pay taxes on income earned whether the income is remitted or not. Good luck.
  22. 2 November dateline: BP has an article that does not add a lot to the worldwide income taxation scheme but does mention they are now drafting the law which will tax all foreign income of Tax residents beginning next year whether or not that income is remitted into Thailand so, BOI needs to find a way to dull the "PAIN" of that new tax scheme. No a whole lot more except on corporate taxes. Looking more and more definite. But then again, not even sure this govt will be around next month even. Welcome winter as prediction is this week, temperatures in BKK might drop 1-3 degrees! However, for three straight days the pollution has been over the healthy level in Prawet district anyway (where we have a lot of greenery/trees)!
  23. The article that I read indicated that they were unsure of what they might offer once they decide on the next tax scheme so maybe they will provide something in return for the taxes they collect. good luck
  24. Unless those funds are specifically mentioned in the DTA between he UK and Thailand, I do believe that Thailand will tax any of those funds remitted into Thailand. If the UK had taxed them, then you could get a tax credit but since you say the UK doesn't tax those funds, Thailand probably will. I am not a tax expert but from what I have read and heard this is what will happen. If those funds were in your account prior to 01 January 2024, then you might get by with no taxes but like I say, I am not an expert on any taxes other than my own. Good luck anyway.
  25. Not on this FORUM! every day is a new day and amazing at some of the choices as folks have run out of the "normal" ones.IMHO
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