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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Again disparaging the LTR holders. We have the same rights most likely that you have, that is we find Thailand to be more desireable than in our home country. During my work career I lived in countries in Europe (Spain, Italy, Malta, Switzerland) Asia (Thailand, Japan, VN (wartime), Burma, Jakarta, PHilippines) Africa (Zambia, Angola (wartime) Central America (Guatemala). In addition I travelled to many other countries too. I kept a log of the good and bad of every place I spent any time in, including food, weather, relationship with locals, et.al. and when it came time for retirement I picked #1 on the list - Thailand. Some places had similar weather over all but big storms or earthquakes, or volcanoes erupting were negatives. I absolutely hate cold weather so anyplace with a real winter was out,, war were out, more expensive were out, but Thailand just seemed the best bet. I retired with an O , for 20 years did the yearly extensoin with the collections of paperwork and time - thus when I read about the LTR and cut in cost by 50%, it looked like the best, especially as the tax schemes came about due to the OECD 2023 agreement to nab those not paying taxes (but since I am an American I have always had to pay my taxes). Anyway, yeah I could have lived in the US with my pension but life here in Thailand is to me still much better than living in the US. I plan to die here in the future and have no idea how long that may be but for the next 9+ years I feel that I will still be using the best visa for my situation and desires. I too also wonder why some of you are still here and for what reasons did you even pick Thailand? I personally am not Chinese nor have any Chinese relatives, and I am not nor have ever been a criminal or tax evader. I still love it here and I can only see people that have probably been avoiding paying taxes on earned income so you are the ones that brought about the tax situation changes here whether you are a Thai or an expat.
  2. US has a similar problem, it has had billions of workers contributing to the social security fund which would have continued to give folks some of their money back except the Congress members while campaiging talk about what needs to be done to insure there will be SS for all in the future, once elected into the Congress none of them do anything to adjust what needs to be adjusted in the age for SS nor the amount needed to be increased for the current workers. People are living longer so spend more years drawing SS and there has been no move to change any of the spending nor the need to increase the ss taxes on the current workers if they are to receive any ss. 2034/.2035 seems to be the key year for cuts in benefits, etc. COngres has for many years taken money out of the ss fund to pay for other programs, not just wasted the money. Going to be some upset people in the future and even poorer than they thought!
  3. HEY, the authorities are saying it will facilitate the COLLECTION of entrance fees! that is the only concern of these people anyway. TM.6 dropped for a while again what a joke!
  4. Expattaxthailand.com advises that they are doing a webinar on the Canadian DTA and rental income. Plus they have several videos on other DTA's and tax situations too plus have other webinars scheduled in the future. For those interested.
  5. And today a report on North Korean military in Ukraine too...Just yesterday a report on the destruction by N. Korea on the rail and road links to S. korea....shooting at propaganda drones too.
  6. Just don't under estimate the power he holds over the MAGA ites! but even KH with her lackluster history maintains an even poll count for whatever that means. But even if he loses the vote, he and his followers will never accept that defeat and then the true destruction of the US democracy will unfold IMHO anyway. He even admits to talking privately with Putin after he left the presidency and we are already aware that he held "private" talks with Putin without any record allowed during his presidency yet people still think that he is pro-American instead of pro-Russian even when he campaigns and states that very fact. I as an American, former military, civil servant, etc sure as hell do not support him in the very least. I also do not believe that KH would make a good president. She will only be the pawn most likely of the rich and powerful DEMs. Again IMHO.
  7. totally agree with this assessment of the UN - especially the security council with rogue states having way too much power to counter any resolutions needed to have actual peace in this world. Too many countries still want to be in control of other countries with more resources and that will continue forever IMHO. The UN is just a drain on any country's money!
  8. Why disparage ALL LTR holders? just because the category says "wealthy pensioner", doesn't by any means that everyone holding that LTR is wealthjy by any international standards. Also, by having 40K pension, one could satisfy the spending on bonds/property locally could be just the purchase of a condo satisfies that requirement. For some of us retirees on a pension only, the LTR seems to me to be perfect! overall cost is lower (since they dropped the price 50%) no 90-day reports, in and out of country easier, and no tax on foreign income whether remitted (now) or totally (later maybe). At least some retirees can get a break with this visa - had a retirement O for 20 years - this LTR is much easier for me to do the necessary paperwork if nothing else!
  9. Totally agree with these statements - neither is qualified IMHO to be any elected official, let alone the President of the USA!
  10. Floods throughout the country, many reports of drownings in different areas. Anywhere there is a river with moving water these days, people need to be advised to stay out of the water!!! Parents too should use common sense and advise their kids to stay out of the water especially during flood season!!!
  11. Yes, against Thai law to have more than 120 playing cards not registered with the exise dept law origianlly passed in 1943 ! google it if you don't believe me. Says Thai police can enter anyplace at any time if they believe there are illegal playing cards there!
  12. Yeah remember the old bridge games at the retirement homes scandal here - if I am not mistaken, they said it was illegal to have too many decks of playing cards. What a stupid waste of police time! Okay to go gambling at cock fights, run across the border and gamble but oh no you can't plaly card game. Wonder if they would arrest kids for playing Old Maid or Fish orWar?
  13. Just like every time his supporters are caught on national media coverage and they blame that event on someone else. But why would we be shocked by NAZI flags at a Trump event, even his former military chief of staff said he was a Facist to the core! By now everyone should have the complete picture of just who and what D.T. wants to bring to the table! SCARY
  14. exactly right! But in a lot of those early pages, I was totally ignorant of the wording of the DTA, where to find out its location, plus after reading a lot of the notes on the Thai Revenue Dept website (learned about on this forum's pages too), i became positive about my finances and taxes here and totally relaxed once that happened so, I do thank all you folks out there who spent time with us more ignorant folks to bring us up to date on the Thai taxation schemes. NOW, if only we can get the Thai revenue dept and govt offices responsible, to let us know via the gazette exactly what new rules there are if any at all. WHo know, we just might have an even newer govt with no desires to come after the expats but instead will do like other counries that actually want long term expats to spend their money there, i..e Philippines, Panama, et.al. I do thank all of you for your input to the different situations that provided any input at all. Best of luck in this taxation scheme (s).
  15. Problem is the attitude of Buddhist being fatalistic in that what will happen will happen because of a former life or whatever and so they accept anything at any time whether it be dangerous or not, that whatever happens is their destiny and they can't alter it at all.
  16. Started during the BLM demonstrations as too many to lock up so then the gangs organized mass thefts at the same time in a big department store. Police could only catch so many but too many to send to prisons. Also caused some businesses to close stores due to the losses of merchanidise. Sad for sure.
  17. stealing is still stealing and stealing I was taught is a crime except for in at least 22 US states, the amount is USD$1000 to 1500 value when it is not considered a CRIME as such. What a world we live in today! So many criminals I guess since the demonstrations and no place in which to keep so many. A scary world getting worse all the time. Lucky to be in Paradise and hope it remains so for those of us who respect the property of others. Good luck to all!
  18. sounds like you are describing the Trumper!
  19. o if coming to Thailand, and don't want to be taxed on income then stay in the country no more than 179 days as in that case you would not be a tax resident in Thailand.
  20. Thailand has not reported approval of the worldwide income taxation scheme yet! We are only in the first phase of remittances taxed maybe!
  21. Actually, Biden signed that executive order on DEI on his first day in office. Yes, opportunities exist for all that are willing to make some sacrifice. One of the reason cited for this xecutive order was racial discrimination. The group of immigrants from AFRICA in modern history are the most successful group as a whole. When interviewed those successful people say that they immigrated to the US because of the opportunities available to all. I had co-workers of different races that told me whenever they would return home, they had to forget the suits and ties, put on old jeans and ragged shirts and corn-row their hair and speak in the street talk in order to survive while on home turf. Just saying. I also realize now that some states are outlawing DEI for that state.
  22. Nomad website indicates that Panama is a "Tax Haven", and the weather is nice too.
  23. Diversity, equity, and inclusion - US laws changed so that those students that some felt were disadvantaged due to poor education, could still attend the top universities and could graduate having lower scores than previous graduates of that university including doctors - that means these DEI students don't have to meet the criteria to become a doctor!
  24. That is with in 2 (two) weeks very quick and easy to get documentation from my own computer only!
  25. Yeah, I lived and worked around the world, many countries and kept a log on the good and bad things in each place. Thailand ranked at the top as retirement came along and PI was a close 2nd, I spent 6 years there too, loved it especially since I am a scuba diver did advanced open water there near the old US naval base. But although warm weather only, i didn't like the number of typhoons, earthquakes (big ones), volcanic eruptions - there during Pinatubo, near Manila), and the food was not a whole lot to my liking unlike that here. I plan to spend my final years here and have thought the same since I arrived. I did live at first in BKK but the traffic got to me so moved to CM due to schools for daughter. Not a fan of pollution but we own a house there in a 100 house mooban and are renting a house in BKK where our daughter is going to college. WIfe has indicated that we might have to travel on those worse months - daughter may be in Seoul for graduate study so might check that out during the worse months. Anyway, you won't won't read many negative notes about Thailand from me. Hope you get to stay as long as you want. Maybe when the go to worldwide income taxation (if they do) they might do as the PI and not taxes on retirees unless working in country. Good luck and have a good one.
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