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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. yeah just copy the data page on a sheet of white paper and then sign it - same as we do for immigration - WE are certifying that it is valid.
  2. or closing out of your bank acct.
  3. And just where have you bveen since the 2023 July OECD signing by 136 countries and Thailand's reported plans for taxation of expats and Thai's not paying taxes at all. BTW expattaxesthailand.com will be doing a webinar on how to fill out the forms - Friday 29 November 1 PM. you can register for the webinar at their website.
  4. Cleaning personnel should not enter during the school hours which is much like other offices except here in Thailand of course as female cleaners walk in and out not matter how many males are inside or not.
  5. And, unfortunately (based on the local school experiences of my 21-year old daughter), her schools (5 different ones) her English training was absolutely useless and if I hadn't worked with her she wouldn't have been able to do anything correctly in English. Several of the schools after we enrolled her there, they started getting rid of farang English teachers - at least one of those schools hired filipino teachers for English). We kept leaving to what we researched and found to be the "best" local school but that was futile also as the lessons were horrible and when I complained to the Thai English teachers, I was informed that the school director would not allow them to consult with the local farang English teachers nor were they allowed to change any of the lessons though I found almost half of each lesson had blatant errors and though I would correct those and return it to the Thai English teachers, they never corrected that lesson with the students. Eventually we opted to move from BKK to CM and enrolled in a brand new extremely welll thought out features in the buildings that rivaled most American schools. After the first year although we were offered a full year's tuition to stay there, I realized that it was still a "local" school and we enrolled in CM International school. Best move ever and daughter progressed greatly not only in English but graduated speaking, writing, reading and teaching in 4 languages, each with a different alphabet! Now she is in the #1 university here top 1% of her sophomore class, plus has already spent classes at the number 1 University in Korea during term breaks and received outstanding academic achievement award from there (the only one in her whole class there). She hd been accepted at a US College but due to immigration delay for her mother to take her back there, she opted to do her studies here. Glad she did for sure as she is doing her studies in foriegn languages, and plans graduate study at Seoul in a couple of years. Just saying as this has been my experience with Thai and Enlish teaching - while I studied Thai some 50 years ago and while I can still chat with them and read easily, I have forgotten more than I can remember. Life is still great here and hope it remains as it seems much of the other world is going crazy.
  6. Well this may be true or not, but I rcvd an email from expattaxesthailand.com saying that they have learned that the Kasikorn bank anyway will send out emails to account holders asking for a mailing address for two forms needed to be filled out by the account holders and then sent to the bank prior to a later Dec date. These forms are to enable the bank to carry out their responsibility of the CRS exchange of banking information. That agency is also doing a webinar on how to fill out these two forms and one can register for the 29 November 1300 or 1 PM for those not familiar with times. This agency also advises that they offer a FREE 15-min consultation for individuals or if one has particular questions, one can provide those to the agency prior to the Friday webinar and they will try to answer them at that time. Just saying, but looks like the banks are moving towards ALL local account holders providing information to the banks I guess and if one does not participate in this exercise, the bank might close out that account IMHO. I, although I am very familiar now (thanks to this forum and some helpful advice or information from many others on this forum) so while I may fill out the forms and forward them, I know that I have no taxes this year based on the current rules. Best of luck to all.
  7. In response to the Kasikorn beginning, the expattaxesthailand,com is going to info on the CSR forms that the bank will ask account holders to fill out and forward. The company will also host a webinar on 29 November at 1 PM to explain how the forms are to be filled out and what it means. They will take early questions to be answered in the webinar and also have a FREE 15 minute consultation for folks. You can send an email to Carl Turner of the expattaxesthailand.com web site to register for the webinar or to get further information. They expect other local banks to also be contacting their customers to fill out the forms. If get any further information on this I will of course pass it on.
  8. todaY, 24 November, I received a note from the expattaxesthailand.com rep, indicating the KASIKORN bank is in the process of sending emails to their local customers requesting CSR information. The tax consultant says this is the first they have heard of it so it looks possibly about what will come to pass soon. I
  9. Actually by reading the whole thing would have ruined my eyes, but the last explanation towards the end of the 966-page document kinda explains what it is all about - getting rid of waste, fraud, excess employees, and non-producing employees to cut down on the spending. As it states, they began putting this together 50 years ago! and have altered it to fit current problems. Good luck for all of us in any case. Difficult to totally wipe everything off but some of the proposals are hard to provide any argument from any citizen. This is my opinion - I am not anywhere even close to Democrat policies and while not a Trump fan either, am a conservative and that is basically what the project says it is about, getting back to the conservative values put forth in the Constitution.
  10. I may be mistaken but I thought that I read about the tax forms having a space for exempted income - and while not tax may be charged, it seems that the tax form needs to be completed - but if one tries to get a TAX ID Number, maybe by explaining this to the revenue dept official, they may advise you differently or may say you need the ID number so you can file and indicate on the form that the remited income is exempt. Maybe someone that has filed before or seen the current forms can attest to the "exempt" space on the form. My income as noted previously is not assessable income under the DTA. Good luck while we continue waiting.
  11. suggest you read about the project https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership.FULL.pdf
  12. I wonder why FOX news wouldn't report that...just joking. Have a great Turkey week (if you're American) anyway.
  13. oops, Eating a fattie diet can hardly be controlled by exercise only - health becomes the issue too i.e. diabetes - just check out the developed world figures today
  14. I read weeks ago in a magazine for expats and it mentioned that Panama was very pro expat on taxes as compared to Thailand and what Thailand might consider. Panama doesn't tax any income earned outside of Panama and the cost of living is about half that of the US. Just saying...
  15. Well check out the life expectancies between the US and Thai or other countries and you will see that they two sex is about the same but female Thais live about the same as US women but US men die much earlier than Thai males... https://www.worldometers.info/life_expectancy/#google_vignette
  16. Well check out the life expectancies between the US and Thai or other countries and you will see that they two sex is about the same but female Thais live about the same as US women but US men die much earlier than Thai males... https://www.worldometers.info/life_expectancy/#google_vignette
  17. If the average American actually ate either of those breakfasts, then unless they cut calories later instead of pigging out in several more sweet and carb meals, then even more than the 50% that are already overweight would join the fatties. 42% diabetes. Scxary for sure. Time to get rid of foods filled with chemicals for more natural and less sugary.
  18. well if those carrying out the threats and assault are from rich families, then yeah why should they worry about any law problems as we have noted that money overcomes criminal activities. I for one would advise my children and participate in a law suit to ensure that the case doesn't fade away until the attackers are penalized and taken out of school and jailed. MHO
  19. my message from my bank acct mentioning WISE also said cc and dc. but will not link my secure message for you.
  20. suggest you watch news. I watched the US news report showing the explosion and fire upon touchdown not any written link, just a US national news statiion report. Yeah I have seen some of your other notes before you seem to like criticising other users. But have a good day anyway.
  21. Seems Thaksin has some pull with the Constitutional Court too as they say they can't call him in so that case against the current leaders is null and void.
  22. I think that I and about a hundred others offered that same advice months ago. Now though that it appears that the current government will remain for a while perhaps they other offices will actually put out some information on any taxation schemes beyond that of remittances of the 2024. best of luck. Believe in the poll on this issue, the majority of expats that remain here feel the same way. I plan to do NOTHING unless there is a law change.
  23. suggest you go back to school...biology says that as a fetus grows, sex organs are determined in the womb based on genetics and environment. Sometime later after birth, changes in mental due to hormonal or other causes I guess can cause some changes. But, they are either born with male or female genetalia unless a problem occurs prior to birth but that is not "normal".
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