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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. I blv the agents and tax expert agencies are chomping at the bit due to the comments on this forum before WE even know what will and when it will happen if anything new at all.
  2. the new OECD program of July 2023 was signed by 138 countries...I think many other countries want their slice of the action too. Some plan to move to other lands but that country too may be changing already or planning to change their tax base too.
  3. That is for every expat here, one of the options is to stay and pay (maybe), rotate in other countries for just over 6 months a year, totally abandon LOS. BUT until there is that new law and how it really will affect us, we are all upset possibly until something does come to pass. We laugh at the possible plans of the Thai govt being shot down, changed, or whatever yet we seem to go bonkers at there every whim.
  4. for MeePeemail - I didn't say in the US one has to file all I said was when we were/are discussing Thai taxes - I said one doesn' have to file if one doesn't have nor remit assessable funds. One doesn't have to get a Thai tax ID either...that may be YET as once the final paper is submitted for our reading, they may change it to that we do have to get an ID and possibly even file when no assessable. We still wait....
  5. not filing a tax return was in the subject we are talking about - Thailand taxes - if one does not have assessable income nor does one remit assessable income one does not have to file a tax return (yet) in Thailand - I never mentioned one doesn't have to file in the US.....
  6. did you flunk biology like so many others must have?
  7. admitted to prostitution..."frequent group sexual meetings in a hotel for which hey received money". Hang 'em high
  8. that is because the western "woMEN" only want to have to compete in sports with girls...oh yeah I just saw that Miss Maryland is a transgender too...sick world nowadays...most must have flunked biology.
  9. US taxes can be efiled too and easy to fill out the forms...believe the IRS is extending that overseas ....check out free filing even. If you have a stateside address, turbotax will fill it out for you.
  10. I fail to understand why one does not update their address to their bank - I can only feel that it is because they are trying to avoid letting someone know and the only reason I can see from that on this forum and this subject is tax avoidance or evasion I sure have no idea. It seems alot of people are getting their shorts all tangled up over something that we still do not have any clue on what the final picture is. When I see folks intentionally not doing what is supposed to be done, and we are talking about paying taxes on in this part of the forum I can only assume since I faithfully pay my taxes and the OECD and 138 other countries said that they were signing onto this July 2023 program, was to insure that people everywhere pay their share of taxes be it in their home country or where they are a tax resident. My opinion anyway and not trying to upset anyone, just saying what it looks like to me.
  11. Well as mentioned elsewhere, I have paid my US taxes faithfully for 60+ years except for the 2 years in Vietnam as a soldier. Even rich and powerful Al Capone fell due to not paying his taxes.
  12. I just read the report again and it sure looks to me the way the sentence reads, supports the 13 others. Poorly written to say otherwise.
  13. one is supposed to update bank of a change of address. If one does not report such acty to avoid paying taxes it is fraud. If one does not update the address then one is also not following requirements. Whether or not that person is ever accused of any fraud or whatever, is a different matter. For me, like I have said elsewhere, rules are rules and I follow those rules and have done so for 77 years to date. If you don't want to follow the rules as I always say "be my guest" or "up to you". I am just stating my opinion.
  14. Fraud is still fraud by any definition. If one fails to advise banks of their current address or change of address in order to avoid paying any taxes, that is by definition FRAUD! in any country, Germany or the US too.
  15. I understand that not providing a change of address to the bank in order to avoid paying taxes somewhere is FRAUD whether or not you believe that. In the US one advises via the 1040 also that he has a foreign bank acct and if the govt learns that a correct address is not provided to the bank then that person could be charged with fraud. You must be one of the avoiders that the OECD, CRS etc was created to find. Strange you would claim this on an open forum.
  16. In the US one also has to report that he/she has a foreign bank account on the tax forms they must file each year. To ignoring that would be to be ignoring the tax law.
  17. tax avoidance is fraud and fraud is still fraud when one intentionally doesn't follow the rules whether or not agree with them or dislike them.
  18. you must also advise the govt that you do have a foreign bankj account on your 1040 tax form! while you don't have to put any FBAR reporting on less than 10K for any one month, the feds would recognize you have a foreign bank acct and could always check for possble fraud reporting.
  19. basically how I was raised, one is supposed to be honest and advising banks of change of address is being honest but not reporting it in order to avoid taxes is fraud whether or not one feels that one cannot escape that fact. If the fed were to audit you and learn you did not report that change of address then a fraud case could be opened. easy to find data on that just by using the google search function.
  20. Then you seem to be one of those that has cause the OECD, CRS, FACTA, FABA etc (at least on the US side) that has avoided paying taxes required by your either resident or tax resident status. While you may avoid filing for taxes in the future, I think bragging about it on an open forum could cost you. Maybe not but breaking the laws whether in your home country or here in Thailand is not correct.
  21. google fraud and providing banks with incorrect address in dealing with US banking. If they suspect fraud then one could be in trouble.
  22. In the US, if one gives incorrect address for account, the address is provided to the feds during CRS or FACTA or whatever and if they THINK it is to prevent proper taxation then they will audit and possibly file a fraud case in which whoever doesn't provide the updated address of an account could be in serious jeopardy. Fraud and US taxes have brought down rich and powerful people in the past - Al Capone for one. Just saying, as I am no fan of taxes but as Ben Franklin mentioned in 1775 or so - "the only constant in life (or words to that effect) are death and taxes".
  23. Other changes to the Thai tax laws need to come into play before this mix with immigration takes place. Many folks do not have to obtain a tax id number nor file for Thai taxes so they need to work that scenario out too before they get immigration involved - can only imagine how the IO's would not like this new requirement.
  24. That could be strange based on the current requirement for obtaining a Thai tax ID number when one will never have assessable income in Thailand. I am of that category both by visa and/or DTA so I need the Thai revenue department come out with a change to the Thai tax law about obtaining an ID number and or no assessable income in Thailand. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
  25. agree that some sort of adjusting reporting times etc as too many countries probably have different tax reporting schedules. Even the US gives overseas workers extra time for reporting though I am unsure as to why since I have always done my taxes upon receipt of the amount of funds received and taxes paid each year thus by the end of January of each year my taxes have been filed - this year I even received my refund by early February! I also have heard on this forum that some country's taxes are filed at different times than those of Thailand - perhaps they will think about that too but then again maybe they won't care at all. This is also why everyone needs to understand how they fare under the DTA with their own country sooner rather than later. Good luck to all.
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