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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Yessir, I recall about 3-4 years ago we had the TM28 which we could do...provided the same data to the immigration but then they dropped that in favor of making the ex-pat responsible for TM30 if a Thai landlord won't do it. Immigration can't control their own people but can easily control the ex-pats. Hope that changes in the future.
  2. Singapore is clean, orderly and easy to go and come back. I like the PI but many do not...Malaysia is reported to be nice too. I have been to Jakarta, myanmar, VN, Japan, Taiwan, Korea.. though Myanmar is at war. VN is quick but I am not familiar with their visas. Too many choices...Good luck!
  3. yeah, we are bombarded about the dangers of too much exposure to sun...but, just like exposure to air pollution, since it takes quite a while for the dangers of such exposure, most people I notice just ignore it here in Bangkok/CM too. I seldom see folks wearing good quality masks to cut that pollution some. Regular news reports carried on this forum indicate that last year som 30 million patients were treated for air pollution related ills and so far this year over 650K have been treated by local medical facilities. But, folks continue to ignore those "fat" bodies reports too...latest is over 1 billion obese people...just another drain on the medical facilities and rising costs for health insurance...let the healthy pay for the sick who ignore good health practices in my opinion.
  4. You have that correct! imagine in the US the governments have allowed ILLEGAL immigrants to stay in the country unimpeded by location, work, or whatever...some states even are now taking benefits away from citizens to provide benefits for the illegals. In NYC today the news reported that some school districts have closed for teaching so that they can house illegal immigrants there! There are numerous reports of 10Plus millions of illegals now running around the US. Yeah some have been arrested for serious crimes many times yet still remain in the US freely (not in jail for all).
  5. I thought they had a picture of the 2 Russsian prostitutes lured by the police who scammed them 1 was 18 and the other 23 years of age. On this media just a couple of days ago.
  6. you mention that Thailand did not sign the OECD agreement - then why have they been on the OECD committees for many years already? IN addition, Thailand is listed as a member country too. JUst wondering where you found that Thailand does not have to share the banking information of foreign citizens?
  7. well, I have lived in Thailand many times working in NKP and BKK (10 years) and retired here in 2005 in BKK but grew bored with the traffic so moved to Chiang Mai 10 years ago. We bought a house there, love it and even if we sold the house, we would still try to stay in CM province. You will not see much grumbling from me about Thailand as I have been here long enough to realize the great difference my life would be if I was forced to live in the US. Not just financial but too many other reasons too. Immigration problems are fewer today than they used to be and it appears they are trying to make the in-person visits fewer too as it swamps them too. Maybe though if the costs for immigration do jump too high, things might be different unless quality of service jumps too. My opinion anyway from someone who has been in and out of Thailand for the past 50 year period and seen a lot of changes but I too have changed a lot and not all as great.
  8. you forgot that the food can be local (great) or international. weather is much easier to forecast than just about any western country. BTW I also subscribe to the PI forum - it is exactly like that here, most of those writing just complain about the locals - but surprisingly, they also complain about not having anyone to speak English with - I lived in Thailand in the 60/70's and hardly anyone spoke English as now I find many do while I speak Thai but in the PI when I was there 70's'90's everyone spoke English even in the countryside so I am not sure about those writing in the forum there. I agree and wonder what would make many happy here other than fewer visits to immigration or contact with immigration (if it works) and thank GOD that there is no snow or cold enough for snow here!
  9. I did my transfer at CM. All I needed to do was fill out the immigration form for the transfer. They did have me check in w/TM30 office (5 min) and 90-day as it was due that date too (2 min) but the transfer and other reports were all FREE. But TIT so not sure what your options might be...could also be part of the possible Mar19 cost increases for all immigration processes. This was my second transfer and just need the form and the two passports (I copied all pages of the old passport just in case they wanted that too).
  10. I have read stories and seen international tv shows about doctors that have made some "miracle" cures. One Romanian, living in Texas would only take on cancer patients that the best hospitals could not cure and gave the patients a death sentence so to speak yet this doctor who has been charged with "fraud" by the state of Texas (last I read 4 times) was exonerated at each trial as the number of his cured patients testified and provided proof from the other hospitals/doctors that they had been diagnosed with incurable cancer. The state of Texas then revoked his patents/trademarked treatment as their law on this states that the patent/trademark could only belong to a pharmaceutical research facility and not one individual. He was still allowed to treat "incurable" folks with some cures. I read this in several different respected magazines/newspapers. Other cures have also been reported and I have actually talked to one individual who claimed that he was given a death sentence too as incurable but found thisl treatment I read about and he is now surviving years later! I think that there is too much money for the pharmas to ever put out a cure unless it would be for a continuing buying of drugs/medicines so that they could continue reaping the results. Just look at the number of new Pharma BILLIONAIRES created during the COVID years - over 500! Now read about all the problems that have been and continue plaguing folks who too the vaccines. I of course am not any kind of expert on this and am just opining my personal views on this. I lost a wife, father, father in law to cancers and not a pretty picture but I do have my doubts that I will live long enough to ever see a cure for all put out to the public.
  11. Retired in 2005 from a job which enabled me to work in 20 different countries - Asia, Central America, Africa, and Europe and loved most of those places. I could afford to live comfortably in the US monetarily anyway. However, while living overseas, I logged in the good and the bad of all those countries and when ready for retirement reread all. Thailand came out on top. One primary reason - I hate COLD and snowy weather so checked those warmer places and put them near the top of the list. I loved the PI (6+ years) living mostly in Manila but also in Cebu. Unfortunately, I was there for Pinatubo, close to probably 100 typhoons many with flooding in Manila, Earthquakes that really shake the ground (8/9 ratings) so with these negatives outweighing the fantastic scuba diving (over 500 dives) in crystal clear water, great and varied golf courses and some really great people. Other Asian states I also did enjoy but also had negatives. Meanwhile, Thailand went to the top and stayed there (I worked here over 10 years, NKP and Bangkok), love the food, love the weather(though that seemes to be changing) loved the freedom to travel all over the country, much cheaper than the US and most other "western countries), housing very affordable and cars so so in cost. If the traffic was more like that in the west, but, well we know what it is so...not so liking the pollution and while the govt claims it is doing more and more...we have heard that for a long time but still see the fields being burned in preps for planting and forest fires to find those mushrooms or whatever they are hunting for. Yeah, hate the tm30's, tm47, tm7 etc though some of those seem to be fading with online sometimes available. Lots of unhappy folks here just like in the west, want to attack, maim,kill, whatever with what seems like very little problems. So far, I still love it here and have no plans to depart anytime soon.
  12. I received from the landlord, an immigration form, notifying that the TM30 had been received at Immigration and this was the "Approved" notice sent to the landlord and then on to me. I have that copy in my passport. This would be in Bangkok so I assume (Yeah I realize the when broken apart equals "ass u me") it is from Chang Wattana...it has the Thai Immigration Logo followed by "Inform Accommodation" Below is a box with my current BKK address, date I arrived at said address, passport info etc. Upper left side of all the info is a smaller box with the "Approved" and the BKK address. The landlord did it online and mentioned that he had been having problems doing it - he has other tennants too but he did do it for me about 8 months ago with no problem. Anyway I will not worry about anytime soon.
  13. Well I am no fan of anyone who actually "kicks" someone especially a male towards a female no matter the race/foreigner/local and he should probably pay a fine. BUT, I am sure that he THOUGHT it was private property as that real estate office apparently has made some folks think that the beach was private when it according to the Phuket city officials is a public beach and many other people living there have erected something illegal on that public beach Guess the Swiss guy will end up moving anyway since he was misinformed about the beach. I really have no idea if all this is true or just made up but it seems to me to be overblown while really serious things that happen here are totally ignored by the masses.
  14. My wife has a lease for a house here, so when I came we asked the landlord to do a TM30...after he/she complained how difficult it was, they said it finally worked. I got an email copy of the "approved" form from immigration.
  15. If you meet the requirements for an LTR visa, wealthy, whealty retiree, professional..etc (look up requirements for LTR then you could change from your current visa without leaving the country and do so within a month or so. Check it out.
  16. easy to get extra protein with all the drinks and added protein powders that are easy to add with the meals. Last I recall was that within 4 hours of weight lifting, need 40 extra grams of protein so that the body doesn't take it from the muscles..but I am no expert and do take extra protein when I lift weights. I do fruits AM w/soaked oatmeal, tumeric, Thai or farang lunch, nuts, seeds, probiotic yogurt and berries during the evening (fortunately Villamarket carries a variety of fresh berries)
  17. Age 77 Lift weights (though have cut poundage and use more reps to avoid any joint problems) every 2 or 3 days a week, do core exercises on days I don't lift weights, walk 6 kms or so to get 7500 steps every day. Latest study shows 7500 steps a day is the most beneficial in extending life (20%) and if one walks even more then the benefit drops rapidly. Used to run at lest 5-10 miles a day until 65 then started walking as no good surface for running...walked 5-10 miles a day for 10 years and then cut back to what I do as mentioned previously. Have no aches or pains, eat healthy, no medicines - not even a headache this century. Don't drink alcohol nor do any drugs. Enjoy all the available fresh fruits, nuts and seeds available and have maintained the same weight (70 kilos) for years. Eat one Thai or farang meal at lunch per day. Have plenty of energy and TRY to sleep 7-8 hours daily. Love life and even with the local problems, still realize Thailand is much better than in the US.
  18. my bank has my Thai address in English as do my US health insurance company and pension producing office and has done it this way for decades.
  19. However, you forgot to mention that those coming in illegally over the past x number of years totalling by estimates well over 10 million and with the shortage of immigration judges/courts to hear their asylum cases, are now being told it will probably be 2030 before many of them are ever heard. Meantime, "progressive" states/cities provide free food, housing, schooling, medical for them and their families and they can work and roam around the US as much as they can afford. Those progressive states are experiencing a flight of their own citizens who can no longer afford to pay the increasing taxes to care for these immigrants. Open borders just doesn't work, competent immigrants are needed in the work force, not only the US but in many countries as the birth rates are falling drastically. Japan as a perfect example have had to resort recalling retirees to come back into the work force. China and Korea both report falling numbers of citizens due to a lower birth rate that reportedly will drastically affect the work place in the coming years unless the falling birthrate is fixed. Even read in the Thai news lately that the birthrate here is falling too. Immigrants are necessary for most developing or developed countries in my opinion, but not open borders.
  20. however, you neglected to mention that those coming in illegally over the past x number of years totalling by estimates well over 1
  21. FYI: Just did my transfer of stamps from old to new passport at CM. First they had me go to the TM.30 office (opens 15 minutes before the main office), then after they checked my documents they had me redo a TM47 on my old passport and go to the walkin window to do a new 90-day report with instructions to just come back to the window (5 minutes), then they stapled both the TM.30 and 90-day report in the new passport and sent me to window 2 (transfer of stamps) inside. easy to accomplish all but had to be done in person.
  22. BTW, there is a form from immigration requesting the transfer of stamps, can get it from immigration.go.th
  23. previously, I always did my yearly extension about a month in advance and tried to make an appointment about 2 months prior - nothing was available except the day after my last day so I just ended up going and waiting in the tent. Only spent just over an hour there at immigration so even without the appointment, based on what I still remember it used to be with the super long queues just to get inside and get a queue number to get processed the same day. Now it is better but it seems each year when I go to CM immigration, the crowd seems bigger so although they redid those immigration buildings not so long ago, seems like they need to open even more processing sites. Improve the online 90-day so it is more reliable, cancel the TM.30 reports altogether or at least go back to having a TM.28 so we the expats can do it online too whenever we change where we are sleeping and don't need to rely on an unresponsive Thai landlord/lady. Immigration things are better than they used to be but still no where near perfect yet in my opinion.
  24. YOu are correct, they have no visas so are illegal immigrants that can get housing, food, education to an including college, work if want to without permit, no reports on where they are living or whatever doing until their asylum hearing probably many years away as Trump cut the number of judges that do these hearings. BTW over the past year, over 60K Chinese also joined the illegals invasion from the south, many of them military-aged men and no controls on what they do or where they go until their hearings...since they just cam in this past year, reportedly will not be heard until 2030!
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