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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. "Pattaya Is Already A World-Class Destination, Says Thai Real Estate Experts" I can't stop laughing long enough to reply to this header...
  2. Thanks for the info, however living in Thailand for nearly 40 years thought me that asking for unorthodox and complicated arrangements are, most of the times better left alone, and starting a new is a simpler way to go about it as i have no qualms in coming in as a one month tourist, get the 3 months extension and than re-apply to the retirement permit to suit my travel plans...
  3. I'll say, a stupid, knee jerk idea, not only 'raising' but it's rather annoying and out of place, I for one think that this is a clear discrimination against tourists, why not make Thai people wear masks as well? are they immuned from bringing or carrying the disease in? and why only in holiday spots and not in major cities? how odd will it look to see foreignness wearing masks and locals not? and whey don't they give it at the airports rather than at the holiday spots?...
  4. Not only the bible, ample archaeological discoveries over the years pointed to the undisputed facts that Jews/Israelite have occupied the holy land now Israel and not a mention of Islam/Palestinians of today, An article today says that Putin planning to execute the 4 ISIS terrorists that killed all those Russians last week, (link will be supplied if requested) something that Israel have never even contemplated when dealing with terrorists with much blood on their hands, or may they should have? who knows, as the most of the world hate Jews and Israel anyway...
  5. No point in re-hashing a narratives and opinions that was posted in these pages a thousands of times already, just to that in this war, there're no winners, only losers..
  6. The way world's opinion of Israel at the moment, no matter what hey will hold in their hands, anything and everything will not look good, the world forgot the authorities Hamas inflected on hapless people back in 7.10, now they all feel sorry for rapists and murderers and the people who support them, It's fickle crazy world out there with very selective memory...
  7. I'm the OP, As i have found out, the best way is to forgo the retirement permit extension and start all over again choosing the months where i want to be...
  8. I totally feels his pains, I too, not long ago, scratched my Mazda 2, didn't get over it for days...
  9. Possibly, but for all we know the PM just keeping up on his promises to certain people to repay them for helping him get elected in the first place and continue support, Who knows, one thing i have learned over the years, that in Thailand, is the land of everything is possible...
  10. And how long, prey tell Mr. PM, do you give this venture before the under world or other influential figures will muscle in?...
  11. Every minuet detail of his show and dance return was crafted and agreed upon well before he boarded the plane, and one can safely assume that some big names were in on this circus act that unashamedly was played in front of the nation, and now, the charade continues...
  12. Thanks, that's what i was afraid that I will have to to do is start over, as the spring/summer in Melbourne Australia start in October/November and I'm stuck in Thailand in those months for the renewal..
  13. My renewal is end of December and i know it can be renewed a up to a month earlier, my question is is it possible to request that my renewal will be from now on, a month or two earlier, as it's more covenant with my overseas travel scheduled or i have to start the whole process a new?
  14. Bit too late for this narrative now isn't it? without foreignness Phuket would have been just another unassuming Thai town, the locals seems to forgot that many of them become very well-off because of them foreignness...
  15. Use to see him many times in the usual bar scenes, He was a personality, long before the digital age, good or bad up to the individual POV, pretty much as many of the personalities today 40 years later...
  16. My point exactly, with so much money they can bring him back to life already...
  17. 2.9 billion for a bit of rice some pork and veggies ? why, who's the cook? the french chef Joel Robuchon?
  18. ezzra

    Job offer

    If the job is guaranteed for 5 years and you' don't have better options, I'd say take it...
  19. When pigs will fly, no offence yes, but Thai people are not a noble laureate material...
  20. I'd put them on a public toilets cleaning work for a whole month before deporting them back to Putin...
  21. What a horrible way to end one's life when there's no one misses you to check on you and your well being, one of the big draw back living away from home, friends and family...
  22. Crossy's link works just fine to read the article... Or try this one.. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/24/nyregion/mickey-barreto-housing-fraud.html
  23. Since when do we know for sure what's god responsibilities' are and what are not? and until we know that, we can't asked that question...
  24. egregious set of circumstances where facts are stranger than fiction, about a men who walked into a hotel for one night, and by unbelievable set of manipulations, ends up owning it... https://www.theage.com.au/world/north-america/a-guest-walked-into-a-hotel-and-wouldn-t-leave-his-next-room-may-be-a-jail-cell-20240325-p5fewz.html
  25. The man is a genius, I'll give him that, in manipulating every one and pulling the wool over everybody eyes, including the highest office in the land, and soon we're going to hear more and more of him going back into politics...
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