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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. You and many others are deluding themselves that a long lasting and fair solution can be found where everyone is satisfied, not while a dozen other countries will agree to owing to their own agendas, We all know that the Palestinians are nothing but a pawns in the hands of those other countries and powers and that Hamas and other terrorist groups will not stop for one moment to re-arm themselves for the next round...
  2. Never minds the ultra processed food where its up to us to buy or not, but the air we breadth is full of dust and harmful particles, at my home in a lofty condo with everything shut i find layers of dust everyday and everywhere, the dust we can see, but what else is in there that we can't see?...
  3. This Israel-Palestinian war has gone way beyond those 2 entities and reaching and agreement to solve the issue will have to be with the nod of approval from other players in this conflict, the countries who were actively involved and inserted themselves in this conflict as well, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Iran, Iraq,Turkey, Lebanon and Yemen all all involved up to their neck with Russia, N. Korea and Iran supplying weapons and armaments to Hamas, One thing for sure, agreement or not, other than the Israelis vacating and leaving the whole of Israel for the Palestinians to 'go back to their land,' the hostilities will never end no matter what paper will be signed, The Palestinians (inflammatory phrase removed by Moderator) will not stop hate Israel and will continue to take any opportunity to take revenge Arab style, meaning shooting and stabbing at Israelis and Jews...
  4. The Romans invaded the land of Palestine in 63BC. The Roman army marched into Jerusalem and took over the city. Very soon they took control of the entire country. Then the Romans put their own governors in charge to rule the people. Each governor had to make sure that the Jewish people of Palestine obeyed Roman laws and paid Roman taxes. In return the Jews were allowed to follow their own customs, and practice their own religion. However the Jews did not accept the Romans, They believed Palestine was their land, given to them by God
  5. Wow, didn't see you coming out with such statements when 1,200 men, women and babies were raped, burned, mutilated and kidnapped 5 months ago, and you never called for the terrorists an animals to be brought to justice did you now? or Jews lives don't matter much to you?...
  6. You can ask the same question regarding many countries around the world where immigrants have populated them like the US, Australia, Canada etc.etc. and where the so called Palestinians came from giving the fact that Jews inhabited the holy land for thousands of years, well before Islam and 'Palestinians'...
  7. Well, the issue here is that the Palestinians want all of 'their lands back' (which is virtually the whole of Israel) and 'from the river to the sea' attitude, there're enough external forces, who to suite their agendas, makes sure that the Palestinians will continue to die while demanding such absurd conditions, and don't care if 10's of thousands of them will die in wars...
  8. Just wondering what is the average Palestinian is thinking now that 5 months later from that 7th October date and with 30,000 dead? Gaza is in ruins, millions displaced in hunger and despair, having to loot food trucks to feed their families, was it worth it all to do what they did back 5 moths ago? and in a hindsight wisdom would would they still go out and do the same? better yes, have they learned anything from all of this? What do you think?...
  9. Yes, forces from Arab countries who are at peace with Israel, like Jordan and Egypt for instance, and as for 'Critiquing Israeli actions' you can criticise as much as you like, like criticising Russia on what the they do in the Ukraine right?
  10. This is from Israel news reports, many of the dead were crushed by the lorries who were delivering the food while looting the food, others were shot because they got too close to the Israeli tanks who were guarding the food trucks, interesting enough that the world feels sorry for people who don't care what happens to them and still, after 30,000 dead, allow a terrorist group to dictate their faith and future, and if so, they deserves what they get...
  11. The above poster sums it all up correctly, no need to add anything to the post...
  12. There are many anti Israeli posters here that condemned Israel for it's treatment of the Palestinians but don't offer solutions, What is Israel to do when an utter mayhem and madness is going on in Gaza at the moment? just withdraw and leave it to Hamas to control as if they were doing a fine job before, Withdraw and let Hamas dig more tunnels and arm themselves for the next attack ?that everyone knows it will happen because this is the resolves of the Palestinian population to get back ALL OF ISRAEL? Non of the other Arab countries are willing to get involved by sending their forces to control the situation, which leaves Israel, by hook or by crook, having to control the chaotic scenes, so hence the free for all wild-west behaviour each to himself like and the mounting casualties, which will continue to rise...
  13. I wonder, why there is absolutely no stance from the international community who cares SO MUCH for the Palestinians for the 600,000 dead and the devastating mortality rate in a war the Ethiopian government has deliberately tried to shield from international public, And with 5.5 million displaced, starving Sudanese. I wonder why there are no repercussions for Syria’s President Assad who murdered over 300,000 Syrians. Where are the furious voices demonstrating the “disappearance” of an estimated 12 million mainly Muslim Uighur in China. Well, that's because they're not Jews Let’s be clear, to this very day, the Hamas charter calls for the obliteration of Israel, And just to be even more clear, there are 22 Arab countries in the Middle East with an estimated population of 330 million Muslims. and tiny Israel is fighting for its life...
  14. They have committed the name of the cleaners at the Immigration, wouldn't be a lot better to say the top commanders at the immigration instead of listing 5 ranks, positions and names names?...
  15. Only a numbs-nuts operating with fake credentials and committing crimes, will argue and accuses police of misconduct, give the man the idiot's trophy of the day...
  16. The man probably was thinking to himself, Now that i have slaughtered a pig, let's see what it feels like slaughtering a person....
  17. This thread IS Worst Joke Ever....
  18. Cum alright... beside the TAT can turn a lemon into a lemonade and use this as an advertising with a slogan 'our beaches are so beautiful and inciting, so come and have a passionate frolic on them'...
  19. There are only 2 ways to make things better, either simplify and streamline in/out procedures or put many more immigration officers on 24/7, and since we know Thailand passions for documents, red/blue chops, visa for this and permission for that, that leaves the second choice...
  20. Mind you, most of the big time quantities findings are because of a tip off from other sources, and there isn't shortage of those who will gladly dob those smugglers in...
  21. It's a publicity stunt to show the Thai people that he support Thai artist and what ever other self-servings messages he's hoping to get with this purchase...
  22. 30,000 baht? just wondering how was the value set on this 'art work', but now 10,000 copies of this picture will be made and will be sold in every market in Thailand...
  23. What's the issue here if the BMW hit the Yaris in the back? it's a no brainer who's at fault here...
  24. From the competition no doubt... or from someone who's got his nose out of joint for some reason, one thing for sure, it wasn't a police work that discovered this shipment...
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