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Everything posted by ezzra

  1. The eastern Koel, black little frucker who start 4 am until late at nite, a pest and a nuisance of a creature who laid its eggs in other birds nest and keep on screeching all day long...
  2. The Rolling stones sang: You can’t always get what you want But if you try sometimes well, you might find, You get what you need Oh, yea.. It used to be called PC, politically correct, thinking one thing but saying another when it come to be published, and we all, at one point or another, being reminded that the world has its own rules which we suppose to abide by despite what WE THINK it's right...
  3. Nothing more than gobbledygook and lips flapping for a foregone conclusion as to say: hey look at us, we don't just let him go willy nilly, we're 'discussing' the matter too...
  4. Well done to the boys in khakis, keep in up, not that it's going to make much different to the drug scenes in this country but an every now and then bust is a must...
  5. don't count your chickens before they are hatched... talk to us in a few months as how smart was your idea to give back the meter...
  6. I think there was a typo there, it should read 'the 40th best dessert in the world' as only people with no idea as how a dessert should tests would even consider this food abomination to be included in the competition at all...
  7. Here in pattaya see all those farangs cowboys riding bikes, letting their hair go, many with no helmets and with disregards to a modicum of traffic laws and road safety and than you'll understand how and why those accidents are JUST WAITING to happen...
  8. Legal cigarette selling brings huge amounts of revenues to the government coffres and as you can read the op, they're worried about the loss of income rather the health issues of smokes...
  9. There should be age limits and cognitive abilities tests in place when it comes to the president of the most powerful nation on earth, bit too much to leave the world's faith in the hand of one person...
  10. This man shenanigan has gone beyond 'interesting' long time ago, so much so it's disgusting already to read the 'news' about this man, what left is the sad facts that we're reminded again and again of how corrupt and crooked this country is when it comes to big names and big money...
  11. Scammers with fake banknotes go to a far flung countries hoping no one is smart enough to find out the notes are fakes, but with the proliferation of fake money everywhere nowadays, people are not so stupid anymore...
  12. Don't you just love those guys who can't sleep and run to the phone/laptop to pen whatever BS going through their minds at that very moment? this morning already he has a post about him having a dream and now this, and it's only 6 am...
  13. Don't you just love those guys who can't sleep and run to the phone/laptop to pen whatever BS going through their minds at that very moment? this morning already he has a post about him loving Myna birds and now this and it's only 6 am...
  14. There must be 10's of thousands of cabbies in Bkk and it's not beyond a possibility to get a deranged one every now and then...
  15. YESSSS!!!! 5% now, (read the many posts about it) for 6-9 months terms which it will be extended to suit your needs...
  16. Yes, and after 6-9 months you'll have to extend the term for longer....
  17. His case will be study and analyze in the halls of law and justice of this country for years to come, Or Not...
  18. Incense Burning? I'll take incense burning any time over the war zone like firecrackers cachaphony we get here all day in a temple from an offerings by Chinese tourists...
  19. And to do that one has to deposit extra above the 400-800,00k to guarantee against rates fluxuations..
  20. Why don't you talk to a bank staff before you post rubbish here, i have, and so others checked that FCD account in foreign currencies pays 5% interest per annum...
  21. Sometimes you wonder why Thais are acting holier than thou like when their country is rife with ton of other serious crimes and corruption?...
  22. They do, but in foreign countries for lots more money... But i thought that they're going to change the laws and re-criminalise Ganja dealing, so what the point in having a farm now?...
  23. All the ingredients for a deadly collision were there, late night, barrier, high speed, and who knows of the rider's condition at the time of the accident..
  24. 800,000X5%= 40,000 baht pa minus 6,000 baht 15% leaves you with 34,000 baht interest pa, and as for the procedure whether you need to buy US$ or just convert the 800k, I'll find out soon when visiting my bank...
  25. The source I got my info from talks about shoplifting and pilferage from Australians food retailers, but if you know better, good luck to you...
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