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Posts posted by ezzra

  1. Well done Malaysia

    Seriously? For marijuana? You're congratulating Malaysia for killing somebody for a plant that does vastly less physical and social damage than alcohol? Amazing !!!

    I would say that you've been indoctrinated very effectively -- to the point where common sense judgements are well beyond you capability.

    Do some research and open your mind to the REAL reasons that marijuana has been demonized and alcohol, undeniably one of the most (if not THE most) harmful substances on the planet, is legal.

    Your 3-word post and both pitiful and terrifying.

    Yeah well, today is marijuana, and if all goes well he will upgrade to harder and harder stuff, so good

    riddance i say...

  2. The question that had to be asked, will you sell some of it and send to Bkk?

    A date lover.

    Ordinarily I would, you are a little late, it is the end of the first crop.

    We had many kilos; they are immensely popular around here, not much left.

    A second crop is still more than a month away, the dates are smaller but should taste OK.

    Well, keep us in mined and PM me as soon as you have them ready to be sold,

    Thank you,

  3. Is Palestine qualified to be called a "state"?

    Not according to this informed article,

    Is Palestine a state? The International Criminal Court (ICC) answered this question this week, and said no.

    The Palestinian Authority, apparently calling itself the “Government of Palestine,” tried to lodge a complaint against Israel at the ICC. As American courts would do, the ICC first had to decide if it had jurisdiction. As its statement notes, the ICC has jurisdiction over a matter only when the UN Security Council or a “state” provide it. So is “Palestine” a state?

    The Court’s answer was no, as it explained:

    The Office has been informed that Palestine has been recognised as a State in bilateral relations by more than 130 governments and by certain international organisations, including United Nation bodies. However, tthe current status granted to Palestine by the United Nations General Assembly is that of “observer”, not as a “Non‐member State”. The Office understands that on 23 September 2011, Palestine submitted an application for admission to the United Nations as a Member State in accordance with article 4(2) of the United Nations Charter, but the Security Council has not yet made a recommendation in this regard.

    Two comments are worth making. First, the ICC’s prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo, should be congratulated for upholding legal standards despite obvious political pressures. He went by the book. Moreno Ocampo’s nine year term ends in June, and his successor, Fatou Bensouda of Gambia, should be equally careful and judicious. As she has been his deputy since 2004, one can hope that this will be the case.

    Second, the Palestinian failure in the United Nations last year is what produced this dismissal of their complaint. They did not seek the status of “non-member state” from the General Assembly but insisted on having full membership in the UN as a sovereign state accorded by the Security Council. This the United States rightly blocked, preventing the PLO from attaining the necessary number of Security Council votes even to require an American veto in order to block their plan. The PLO is reaping what its diplomacy sowed in 2011.

  4. Thai's do not have to crack anything !

    TrueVision had not developed anything at all, they had bought a system from a Chinese manufacture !

    Do you not think another Chinese manufacture already produce equipment that can pirate the system ??

    I tell you there are !

    And properly the same company who sell to True, they have just a "un-official" company who do !

    Yea, i second tha,t and also more important that within True itself, it's personal ( technicians) are sometime happy to "help" if the right amount of bahts changes hand and i speak from personal experience, so if the new code will be cracked it will be largely due to the above.

  5. Been trawling the TV travel and insurance sections for good advise on travel insurance and

    not much is there,

    I'm about to embark on a long trip to the state with few stop overs and as such Murphy's law

    is and will be, i have a good chance of some misfortune happening to me be it missed

    connections, cancellation and delays of flight loss of baggage and health issues,

    ( for over 60 y.o travelers )

    All the travel insurance companies i have looked at, big and small, were offering products

    all over the spectrum, with Pre-existing medical conditions, trip cancellation, loss of

    luggage and delays coverage being most paramount on my list,

    Many good policies are offered ONLY to the residents and citizens of this or that country

    and it become tedious, time consuming and confusing at time to select one suitable coverage,

    Any contributions to the above will be much appreciated,

  6. As appeared in the Australian "The Age" newspaper,

    Confused Jetstar pilots forgot to lower the wheels and had to abort a landing in Singapore just 150 metres above the ground, after the captain became distracted by his mobile phone, an investigation has found.

    The Australian Transport Safety Bureau report on the May 27, 2010 incident on Flight JQ57, from Darwin to Singapore, reconstructed a scene of cockpit chaos.

    The captain, of more than 13,000 hours flying experience, was distracted by incoming text messages on his phone, while the first officer, of more than 4000 hours experience, was probably fatigued, the report said.

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    The pair had lost their "situational awareness", leading to poor decision-making and hampered communications, investigators found.

    The problems aboard JQ57 began when the co-pilot, the first officer, switched off the autopilot on the 220-seat Airbus A320 to make preparations to land.

    Somewhere between 2500 feet and 2000 feet, the captain's mobile phone started beeping with incoming text messages, and the captain twice did not respond to the co-pilot's requests.

    The co-pilot looked over and saw the captain "preoccupied with his mobile phone", investigators said. The captain told investigators he was trying to unlock the phone to turn it off, after having forgotten to do so before take-off.

    At 1000 feet, the co-pilot scanned the instruments and felt "something was not quite right" but could not spot what it was.

    At this stage the captain still did not realise the landing gear had not been lowered, and neither pilot went through their landing checklist.

    At 720 feet, a cockpit alert flashed and sounded to warn that the wheels still hadn't been lowered.

    At 650 feet, the captain moved the undercarriage lever "instinctively" but then a "too low" ground-warning alarm sounded as the plane sunk through 500 feet, indicating the landing gear was not fully extended and locked.

    The co-pilot was confused by the captain's action in lowering the wheels, as he was getting ready to do quite the opposite — to abort the landing and re-ascend to the skies, investigators said.

    Neither spoke to each other about their intentions.

    At 392 feet, the crew aborted the landing and powered up the thrust.

    At this time the pilots had lost track of their altitude, thinking they were much higher, at about 800 feet.

    A further piloting error occurred, with the wrong flap setting during the ascent.

    When the mistakes were recreated in a simulator, investigators determined there were two minutes of descent, from 2800 feet to 1000 feet, where the pilots failed to take any necessary actions, including putting the wheels down.

    Jetstar said it had incorporated the the lessons learned from the incident in its pilot training.

    "Pilot distraction meant all the landing checklist items weren't completed before the aircraft passed an altitude of 500 feet, at which point a go-around was required under our operating procedures," said Jetstar's Chief Pilot, Captain Mark Rindfleish.

    "The combination of factors on JQ57 has provided new learnings and the opportunity to add to these safeguards, which we take very seriously.”

    Changes introduced included completing landing checklists before 1000 feet and a reminder to pilots to ensure their mobile phones are switched off before take-off, he said.

  7. You have been to a few techie shops and you speak the language but they don't do as they are told. Buggers!

    First point of note: doing a comprehensive backup/restore isn't a while-you-wait activity.

    Second point of note: a comprehensive backup/restore needs to be planned and structured and never an 'over-the-shoulder' task with anyone.

    I have recovered and restored my laptops and PC's for years. Most have been caused by system upgrades but a few have been forced on me due to technical issues and HD failures but I am still batting 1000. Some of my buddies have asked me if I can do the same for them but they too don't want to lose anything. However, most of them don't help much by being unable to tell me exactly what they want saving and it usually ends up in a pissing contest because 'I am not listening' to them when in reality, they haven't a clue about what they are asking for or don't realize how time consuming and complex it can get. The worst aspect is usually this is their ONLY working machine so they want it done now and be finished in a couple of hours... for a beer.

    Since you will forever be at the risk of getting something 'lost in translation', I reckon what you need to do is buy an external USB hard drive, say 500Gb maximum. Then take a long, quiet weekend and sit down with your laptop and locate ALL the stuff that you can't afford to lose by file name and location. Back the files up to the external drive. If you use a regular POP3 or IMAP email client, then you will need to backup your emails too (most of my mates didn't appreciate that email backup aint a simple point and click exercise). I would imagine that you have favourites and saved url's in the web browser(s) that you use so you need to export them to that they can be imported into your new installation. Also, make a list of all the programs that you have installed, then over a glass of wine or a beer, whittle that list down to what you want to re-install on your 'new' machine. There's about 30% of programs downloaded and installed on a 'trial and error' basis, to fix a one-off situation, just old and obsolete and never, ever used again so you don't need them.

    When you are happy that you have all the files saved and only you know what files you want, then it is time to learn how to use that recovery disk (if you want to clean install the Vista o/s. The alternative is to go online and download and install the Win7 compatibility checker then run it. This will indicate pretty conclusively if your 'legacy' laptop will (mostly) work with Win7. If it passes the test, buy it, download it and install it. That way you have a genuine product and not that hacked crap that you have seen them try and foist on you at the local traps. The Win7 installer is pretty impressive at getting the right drivers for your peripherals but if in doubt, you can always go to the online support pages for your laptop BEFORE YOU CHANGE ANYTHING and download and save the Win7 drivers to the external HD.

    Now, after you have either restored or clean-installed your laptop and reinstalled your programs, you can plug in the external HD and either copy your backed up files en masse back to their new homes on the laptop which will be time consuming. I would recommend working for a few weeks with the external HD attached and only copy back the files on an as-needed basis. Once again, you may be surprised at how much of that precious backup is obsolete or otherwise redundant.

    If the above does seem beyond your technical savvy and there's no shame in admitting that, then my rates are US$150/hour for standard service and US$300/hour for expedited service.

    The advice in this post is free.

    Thank you Manlew,

    your comments were a big help and an eye opener, albeit somewhat condescending at times,

    but hay, i asked for it didn't i? i have taken all your wisdom words to mind and shall try to act

    on them, and thanks for the freebie,,,

  8. Thanks for all the feed back,

    The problem is that my OS was pre installed when i bought the computer new and i don't have an installation's

    disk, i have a recovery disk and I'm not sure how to use it, also, i have so many important stuff on my HD that i don't want to lose any of it by DIY,

    if i have learned one thing in my life is that if you are not sure as to what are you

    doing than leave it to the expert and don't wing it, I'm not a 100% computer's literate, so

    I'm happy to pay for the right service,

  9. When it comes to good quality cakes you can't beat the hotel bakeries, they are expensive but they

    are professionally made by foreign chefs/bakers,

    most of the one you see in the local cake shops are made wit substitute ingredients but beautifully decorated,

    but taste bland too sweet and not worth the money,

    so if you want to impress your love one with a good cake, get one from a reputable hotel,,

  10. We're in need of a computer techie person that can reformat my laptop OS ( Vista) and do other

    simple maintenances

    that ACTUALLY understand what he is asked to do and dose it correctly, seen and been to

    too many computer cowboy shops to

    know that a lot can be lost in translation and i speak the local lingo,

    can be a home service or

    go to the shop, Any suggestions as to a true computer savvy person in and around Sukhumvit Rd,

    Bkk will be greatly appreciated and will put you on my Christmas list,


  11. Thanks to all the contributors, now i have more option to consider, however UAL BKK-LAX-NYC-BKK option

    for about $ 1,650.00 look very interesting and reasonable particularity that UAL are part of the star alliance

    group and thus i get the millage for my royal orchid frequent flyer as well,

  12. Very confusing, can you please share your exact desired itinerary?

    Are you planning on spending any time in LAX? Before LAS? After LAS? Both? This is very, very important to understand as it affects the total number of stopovers.

    What is your budget, all in, for airfare?

    I checked ual.com, found BKK-LAX (stop-over)-NYC (stop-over)-BKK for $1,574 all in, however you would have to use ground transportation for LAX-LAS-LAX, or a separate air ticket.

    Again, with more, precise details you might expect some decent recommendations. Just share the same information you plan to share with a travel agent.

    To simplify things, departing Bkk early July, i wish to visit LV, (Las Vegas,) for 2 weeks, than continue on to NYC, ( new Jersey actually)

    for 2 weeks and than head back to Bkk,

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