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Everything posted by Jaybott

  1. In my country that would be considered "cruel and unusual punishment".
  2. Biden probably thought he was going whale watching with the prince of whales.
  3. Like the another poster mentioned, I have Google Fi too, although with a regular SIM, not an eSIM. It works out great, International roaming just about everywhere in the world as well. If you go with Google Fi, you can probably keep your same US number too.
  4. Kingsford charcoal lighter, it's sold at Villa. And there is always the poor man's napalm. Cotton balls infused with Vaseline (petroleum jelly).
  5. Russian collusion. Hunter Biden's laptop is fake. COVID came from bat meat at a wet market. Despite there being a bio lab a Kilometer away performing Gain of Function research on Corona viruses. Wearing a mask will stop the transmission of COVID. You will not contract COVID if you are vaccinated.
  6. And they did thier job. Not only Trumps appointments but every other Republican Presidents appointments as well.
  7. Not necessarily. If everything is legit, then it's confidential. If something is found wrong or illegal then "you reap what you sow". Charges will be pressed which will be made public.
  8. If it's an IRS audit they can't do anything about it.
  9. Then the IRS would already know about it. You don't think that the IRS hasn't already been auditing his and every other super wealthy taxpayers returns? Releasing his returns is not going to expose any form of tax fraud. He doesn't file his taxes using Turbo Tax Lite, the rich (both parties) use tax attorneys and wealth management attorneys who know every single little nuance and loophole in the tax code to pay as less tax as possible.
  10. Then change the tax code. If that is all he had to pay, then why should he pay more? Do pay more tax than you have to? I don't. Remember during a debate with Hillary he stated " the system is rigged ". The moderator asked "how do you know" Trump replied "because I use it". If you can beat the system, then beat it to death.
  11. Absolutely not! They are beholden to the Constitution.
  12. Like with insider stock trading?
  13. Just goes to show the character of his nominees.
  14. ...and Tik Tok will come pre-installed in the propulsion and navigation software.
  15. Didn't they just seize over 1 billion baht in cash and assets from the Chinese on line gambling mafia? Why not use that money towards paying for it?
  16. Isn't this what the Immigration Bureau should be doing year round?
  17. I agree. Alberta in February is just awesome. It would just suck to be in Foft Lauderdale then.
  18. So why does everyone keep going there?
  19. What is the woke title for a black person from Africa? Africa African?
  20. Oh! So you mean "White Chalk" on a BLACK Board! Hanaguma, You Are A Racist!
  21. He / She is a racist. When referring to a Black; Hispanic; Asian, Middle Eastern or any other non-white conservative.
  22. There's a lot of white RINOS in the USA.
  23. My wife. Ooh sorry, I misread Beach.
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