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Posts posted by FourAces

  1. Seems to be a single lane road and one of them, either the taxi or the car, could have reversed a little bit to let the other car pass through. Looks like both had big ego problems. The foreigner was foolish as it could have easily led to violence.

    There is defiantly a yellow line in the middle of the road, the white car is within the white line the taxi isn't, cars are passing the white car on the left, and the white car would find it hard to back up, Mexican stand off, the taxi driver thinks he has the right of way and the time he spent verbally abusing the other driver they could have both moved out of each others way.

    Also, we are always told that we should not loose our temper with Thais, as it is part of their culture, but as we have seen many times it appears to be an acceptable part of their culture to get upset with furang's.

    The Taxi driver jumped on the white car knowing well that he would get a slap on the wrist for it and will be driving taxi's next week with a fake taxi ID.

    Amazing Thailand.

  2. Efforts are underway to explain to expats the holy month and other aspects of local life.

    Why should expats have to care less about their religious superstitions and local custom?

    They couldn't careless about ours, all expats have to do it to respect the locals and that's that. Muslims are all about conversion that's all.

    Also as the locals are out numbered by expats, it should be the locals that take more interest in the culture of the west.

  3. I see a constant stream of posters on this forum advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect in the midst of his own barricades and innocent followers (innocent of criminal charges). This is not much different from Waco, Texas and I think we all remember how that one turned out.

    I still have faith in the government (more than any preceding one) that the job will get done but it's a sensitive issue which doesn't need a "shoot first, ask questions later " mentality

    I agree with what you say about "advocating the use of force to arrest an unwilling suspect" and "shoot first, ask questions later "

    There are so many people e.g Taksin and Co supporters that are constantly barking on how bad the junta is, comparing it to the Nazis and Hitler etc..

    Imagine what these anti Junta mouth pieces, would say and do if the army went in guns blazing to extract that stooge of a monk and his trouble making followers. It would be the exact excuse that they would need.

  4. A good start perhaps but will mean nothing until the content of the ' education ' is improved

    Agreed, the education has to be improved to a level that is recognised to an acceptable standard by other nations.

    Also, The 15 years of education should be made compulsory, to stop 10 year old's being taken out of school so they can go to work on the farm or selling goods on the side of the street.

  5. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.

    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Has Britain ever been considered a true part of Europe?

    Or just claiming to be part of it, when ever it suited them for political gains?

    We just save it...twice!

    I just Checked the history book, thanks.

    I appears that Britain had it's ass handed to it and then kicked out of Europe in 1939,by the Nazis, four years later the USA and Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis.

    Since then, Britain has been telling everyone that Britain saved Europe.

    I also so read that before the USA and Russia came along Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war.

    Go Figure.

  6. The woman later told reporters that her mind had been affected by radio frequency from someone who wanted to control her mind.

    Isn't that a project the Thai government has been working on??? whistling.gif

    This top secret program was started many years ago, code named the red shirts (Suea Dang), has been successfully controlling a large amout of the population in the Northeast of Thailand, to the amusement of a wanna be Communist Dictator currently residing in Dubai.

  7. R.I.P to that poor lady, you can only imagine what the poor girl is going through now. knowing she will never see her mum again, hopefully she has someone to take care of her and doesn't wind up living on the street.

    Ya Ba is a really nasty drug and I really don't know why it is so popular.

    My neighbor's grandson is constantly threatening to kill her, or beat her up, if she don't give him more money so he can buy more Ya Ba

    He is causing more and more problems for the whole family everyday, they have asked for my opinion on how to intervene .

    My reply was " I would call the Police and pay them some tea money with instructions to scare the crap out of the kid to stop threatening the old lady"

    Their reply " Oh no you can't do that, we don't want the police and our community to know our problems and that our son is on Ya Ba".

    So the poor old lady has to live in fear every day now, waiting for when her Grandson to come to visit again.

    How many other Thai Families are in this type of situation? and know of serious crimes committed, yet don't wasn't to loose face by calling the Police.

    Very Sad.

  8. For everyone's sake I hope the ' grueling tests ' were exactly that and not anything like the educational system's grueling tests which everyone seems to pass with ease.

    i'm not suggesting these ladies may not be capable it's just the system here doesn't engender any confidence.

    I wonder if its anything like the mental and physical sexual abuse grueling tests they put female recruits through in the Australian Military.

  9. ^^Sums up the Thai way perfectly.

    Thailand is slowly becoming the laughing stock of the thinking world.

    Sad thing is they don't seem to know or care.

    I'm going with don't care, after all this is LoS and the centre of the world. Their world that is and if there's actually anything outside their borders it doesn't matter.

    Consider the post a couple of days ago where schoolchildren said they'd never eaten foreign food thinking McDonalds etc was Thai

    never eaten foreign food thinking Mc Donalds etc was Thai

    You nailed it on the head there.

  10. ^^Sums up the Thai way perfectly.

    Thailand is slowly becoming the laughing stock of the thinking world.

    Sad thing is they don't seem to know or care.

    Thailand has been the laughing stock for along time.

    It is very hard for the average Thai to get a resident visa in my country as the Government doesn't want them.

    Thai education,qualifications and degrees are not recognized or accepted,as the Government doesn't want them.

    Sydney based organized crime were bringing in Thai prostitutes by the truck load to work in the brothels, on holiday visa's. that has been stopped now, as the Government doesn't want them.

    And the list goes on.

    My wife has a Thai University degree in chemical engineering, we were together for five years then married in my country and its still took me three years to get a permanent resident visa for her, they only wanted to give her a temporary resident visa. She was also not allowed to work until the visa was approved, then, when it was approved, she had to get a certificate IV in English before she could apply for a job.

    It is easier for a refugee from Islam country somewhere to get a visa than what it is for a Thai, as the Government doesn't want them, as they have all been tared with the same brush.

  11. "He noted that the case could not be handled by law alone but also with the monastic law and dharma discipline concurrently. “If taking action now will lead to more conflicts, the officials will not do it but would rather wait and will do it in the future,” he said without elaborating.

    Because he didn't want to elude to, that he wants the issue to be kept quiet until the elections are over, as he thinks he can get more votes by sweeping this issue under the carpet.

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