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Posts posted by FourAces

  1. Senseless violence like this and these types of vicious assaults and murder, for no apparent,or petty reasons, is hard for me to comprehend, are these people filled with so much hate towards other people to be able to do these evil acts as a matter of fact?

    Unfortunately, quite often these events are caused by nothing more than a "loss of face" - something we Westerners find hard to understand.

    Agreed, but how can you justify giving someone a death sentence, because he made you loose face, especially when you are supposed to be a nation of Buddhists.

  2. So far by reading the news and personal experience, I can say that there are a lot more crooked Monks then there are respectable.

    I remember quite a few years back a Thai monk was pulled up for stealing money and sexual assault, he was quickly whisked away from Thailand and was put in charge of the monastery in serpentine, Western Australia.

    With in a few months he was again found to be stealing money and was reported to the police for sexual assault, arrest warrants issued and served, no messing around, like Thailand, he was done and had to face the full force of the law.

  3. Yep that is a classic example of Thai mentality "oh we aren't allowed to sell on the foot path now, Mai pen rai. we will just move our stall, away from the footpath to the road".

    With no concept of what mayhem they will cause and how dangerous it is to do so.

    Anyway the food will have a nice new seasoning, a combination of diesel/petrol exhaust, road dust and the Flem from the motorists, coughing that pollution and spiting it out the window as they drive by at 2kms per hour.coffee1.gif

  4. Might as well be elected to be the king of England.... the US has gone Islamic long, long time ago,

    the pomes has capitulated to the many millions of Muslims and arabs living among them for long time

    now that a Muslim PM is just a matter of time.....

    Less than 50% of British nationals are living in London now.

    Islam is the fastest growing religion covering about 1/3 of the world

    Islam is all about conversion, they will do and say whatever to get you to covert, including extremist, fanatical actions.

    What happens next to our society as we know it, will be our own fault, accept them and they should accept and respect the culture and lifestyle of the country that has adopted them.

    Most Muslims I know have done just that, however there is that element that will always be wanting to convert and intimidate others to their radical and ignorant beliefs, that does not fit into our society.


    Very sad, tragic accident, RIP to the deceased.

    That car was traveling at very high speed for all of that debris to be spread over that area and the roof to be torn off that way, I can see at least two trees leveled on the opposite side of the road at least 100 meters from the accident.the driver "admitted that he fell asleep momentarily while driving"

    In my Country if you admit to falling asleep at the wheel, you will be charged with vehicular man slaughter.

    Driving tired is the same as driving drunk.

    It's good to have an accident reconstruction expert on hand who can figure it all out from looking at one blurry photo!

    Thanks for the post, I used to drive tow trucks, I have seen hundreds of fatal car crashes, the babies spread across the road and the mother screaming her head off, stays with you forever.

    If you think that photo is blurry, OPSM have a free eye test this month.

    OK then. All sorted. An accident reconstruction expert AND used to drive tow trucks!


    You forgot the <deleted> wit with his poor and heartless attempt at a troll post, from a fatal and tragic accident.

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