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Posts posted by FourAces

  1. "But anyone who takes the time to sit down and talk to some of them soon realizes this is unfair."

    A brilliant fiction with a smattering of truth, quite a masterpiece.

    My brother in-law is a reasonably high ranking cop and I have "taken the time and sat down and talked" with him and the simple fact is they are all corrupt...

    There are levels of the corruption though, eg; the traffic stop 200 baht scam, the drugs found in your pocket or car 30,000 baht scam, or the brown envelopes for selected businesses paid each month to keep the doors open and their Lao/Burmese workers employed at slave wages and onwards and upwards.

    Now there are actually cops that do not do the traffic 200 baht scam etc,etc, and are not active in the taking of tea money but they don't report it either which in itself is complicate in the corruption.

    Also every cop know the wages of speaking out against his fellow partners in crime, which starts with transfer followed by trumped up criminal charges then family harassment and finally they will wake up dead.

    Perfect example , The Thai cops that is currently in Australia requesting Asylum due to his reporting on the human trafficking that is reported as almost cleaned up and finished.

    So yeah the reputation of the BIB is well and truly deserved and no amount of apologist's can cover it up.

    Every station should have at least 2 separate and undercover internal affairs cops investigating and reporting on corruption for Thailand to have any chance of being some what cleaned up.

    Every station should have at least 2 separate and undercover internal affairs cops investigating and reporting on corruption for Thailand to have any chance of being some what cleaned up.

    The only problem with that is that they will be in Australia seeking asylum before their first week on the jobwai.gif

  2. "73 million rai of forests nationwide have come under government protection. In 1983, Thailand also signed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna"

    Looks like that some one forgot to inform the land encroaches, chanote forgers,wild life poachers and greedy local officials, that hear no truth, see no evil, and speak no truth.

  3. "the Pheu Thai party issued a statement criticizing the military’s overacting in the use of a large military force to lay siege to Mr Wattana’s house and whisk him away to an undisclosed destination"

    this is the Phew Thai's explanation of how the Junta provoked Mr Wattana on face book giving them no choice to arrest him, now Phew Thai and Yingy have lost face due to his arrest and crying like stuck pigs,Mr Wattana was just sitting there minding his own business that it was all the Juntas fault and over reaction with a large military force. booo hooo hooo!!sad.png

    This from childish/immature people who have been controlling and manipulation political events since TS became a fugitive.

    I say round up all of the Phew Thai and put them in a dungeon and throw away the key, then maybe some things may change in Thailand, not all but some.

  4. No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

    When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

    The only people smiling, where the perps.

    In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

    Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

    "walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed", it's clear from what you wrote that you've never ever lived in Thailand and I doubt that your holiday here was longer than two weeks because what you know and understand about the country is absolutely zero!

    I respect what you have to say and your opinion, including your summary of my involvement in Thailand, I have been involved with Thailand since 1987, lived in Thailand from 2006-2011, developed properties and built housing, my wife and family are great people as they live in a small farming community.

    I stick by what I said as my experience with the Thai tourist areas and Thais in general that go to the tourist areas to make a buck however they can.

    Don't attack what you don't understand as everyone has different experiences and views.

  5. No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

    When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

    The only people smiling, where the perps.

    In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

    Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

  6. He's back!

    Well,sort of.

    He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

    What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

    What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

    Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

    What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

    What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

    Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

  7. "General Chavalit suggested the NCPO to adopt the middle path, to try to restore national reconciliation and to cede its power to a non-partisan committee represented by all sectors of the Thai society which will be tasked with staging the election.

    He also suggested that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra helps find new market for Thai rice".

    Translation; I have received a handsome commission from TS to continue to carry out his policy's of disruption and destabilization of the governments that succeeded him, disrupt the Thai people and nation, while paying people to be constantly singing his praises.

    The red mob will continue to be a subversive and violent element within the society.

    Red movements represents communism and that is exactly what TS has been running e.g. putting his family and friends in key positions of government just like N Korea and Cuba etc.

    Policy's of whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine, you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me.

    Policy's of disruption and violence against political opponents.

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