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Posts posted by FourAces

  1. Very sad, tragic accident, RIP to the deceased.

    That car was traveling at very high speed for all of that debris to be spread over that area and the roof to be torn off that way, I can see at least two trees leveled on the opposite side of the road at least 100 meters from the accident.the driver "admitted that he fell asleep momentarily while driving"

    In my Country if you admit to falling asleep at the wheel, you will be charged with vehicular man slaughter.

    Driving tired is the same as driving drunk.

    It's good to have an accident reconstruction expert on hand who can figure it all out from looking at one blurry photo!

    Thanks for the post, I used to drive tow trucks, I have seen hundreds of fatal car crashes, the babies spread across the road and the mother screaming her head off, stays with you forever.

    If you think that photo is blurry, OPSM have a free eye test this month.

  2. Very sad, tragic accident, RIP to the deceased.

    That car was traveling at very high speed for all of that debris to be spread over that area and the roof to be torn off that way, I can see at least two trees leveled on the opposite side of the road at least 100 meters from the accident.the driver "admitted that he fell asleep momentarily while driving"

    In my Country if you admit to falling asleep at the wheel, you will be charged with vehicular man slaughter.

    Driving tired is the same as driving drunk.

  3. As I said in another blog in another country, the government can either tax or legislate, now if you legislate you set the guide lines for the max amount of sugar in products , that way everyone is healthy , if you tax , you just build up the government coffers of the backs of unhealthy people, a continuing cost to the country , now the question is, which would the un- elected government prefer..........................................coffee1.gif

    Good post, However in a " Developing Country" where you have a scale of ultra wealth on one end where people can be worth multi billions of baht and on the other side of the scale, where people are struggling to live day by day.

    The tax policy, with no education funds and no legislation will always win.

    Even if they did pass some form of legislation it would never be followed to the letter if at all.

    Welcome to Thailand.

  4. The Thais must think this farung is ba mak.

    Once the local mafia finds out he has been blowing 50+k per month on stray dogs, the two legged stray dogs will be coming for their share.

    As for disease ridden muts, humans are the most disease ridden animals on the planet.

    On a Lighter note, Salmon have been running from Point Peron to Black wall reach all week, with some big catches at Wells Park beach.

  5. I have little interest in their manufactured proof if its evidence can't yet be shown , it's unlikely to be conclusive , but rather some ""agent of the devil"" reporter being accused of taking money from Thaksin.

    That's really their pet fear.

    Money .

    Thaksin's money.

    If he can buy lobbyists they maybe wonder if there are those in this big hanger ( see photo) being offered billions to go to the dark side.?

    The America silence might be contributing to their paranoia.?

    They have shown their cards and now expect a US response.

    Will they have "" real evidence of slavery continuing ""? ( America findings against them?)

    Maybe accusing some governments of being favourable to their Boogie man is a tactic in their mind.

    Fabricate is now advisable in their minds

    But they are getting sloppy.

    Even this gathering as evidenced by the camera would be tempting to many would be patriots .

    What if they all got wiped out?

    That's really another 9/11 type conspiracy thing .

    Born of high tech drones and CIA and so forth.

    But the question begs would Thailand still be under military rule if its leaders suddenly disappeared.?

    While Thaksin breathes they all know that fear is possible.

    He was feared for good reason.

    The man is ruthless and more likely than not to have his fingers in many pies that involve their demise.

    They certainly might wheel out evidence in coming days.

    But the oven is now hot and the smell of burning flesh can be faintly smelt .

    It's always a matter of time with military strong armed leaders.

    They always get cooked.

    Either way.

    Externally , internally, traitors or , rogue generals , doesn't mater how.

    It's when

    And we the lucky get to watch the whole process right through to the deaths captured on social media.

    Like the Libyan leaders.

    These days it's grizzly .

    I don't think amnesty will work once the orders to execute immediately are given.

    Or assassins arrive.

    Clearly Thailand is unstable and all scripts of how it might play out .

    Including years of this first can be possible.

    Which will happen depends on how hot they turn up the heat.

    Maybe jailing YS might get the country a bit more motivated?

    What will Thaksin do next if he is indeed bothered?

    And can the general keep demanding compliance and dishing out AA without sanctions?

    I am waiting for Thaksin to get out a message that's peaceful and uplifting to the Thai people.

    That's because he is clever.

    And these guys are not

    Lets wait and see in coming days

    What evidence they have.?

    In a religious country it's hard tarnishing values people have.

    No amount of make believe polls can transcend the people's love of Thaksin

    Hi, and thanks for the post, I lost interest at "I have little interest in their manufactured proof if its evidence can't yet be shown"

    Looks like you have a brain storm there.

    But having said that I would like to give you 10/10 for imagination and creativity.

    You Da Man!!thumbsup.gif

  6. If I had embezzled 11 Billion baht, the first thing I would do is get a new identity, passport and documents to match and disappear, to an unsuspecting part of the world, never to be seen or heard of again.

    What is this todger hanging around for? just to rub it in and thumb his nose at the authorities?? while handing out large brown envelops to the heads of those authorities

  7. And the caption reads" you are the most hansom man I have every seen, I like to eat boogers too, My grandmother is sick and I need to buy a new buffalo for the farm"

  8. If you live long enough in Thailand, you will soon find out that they will never admit to any wrong doing and they will always blame someone or something else, showing no remorse.

    My wife was sitting in traffic at a red light, when a guy on a Motor cycle passed her on the left, he hit his head on the wing mirror of the car, he fell over, his bike had no, lights or registration and he had no license, the first thing he did was call all his friends and family and told them to get there asap as he has just been run over.

    Within a few minuets there was about 50 people wanting to kill my wife, the police came and told her to pay 5000 baht to him, he also told her if it ever happens again, you should lock the doors and keep on driving.

  9. It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.

    Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

    How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

    Beethoven was a genius, Michael Angelo was a genius, Taksin is not a genius, he is a lower than whale poop, sub human, that lacks moral fortitude, conscience or remorse to what he has done or is currently doing.

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