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Posts posted by FourAces

  1. I just cringe to think about the potential for 98 M79 grenades being in the postal system at one time...............sad.png

    People of the red shirt mob, would snap them up in an instant, then when they are caught and arrested there will be a major outcry for their release

    Also M79 Grenades have a proximity fuse and have to spin at least 16 times to arm the fuse, to enable them to explode.

  2. Seize the trouble makers, e.g Yingy and co, put them in jail and feed them a bowl of rice and water once every two days.

    The supporters of the proxy Thaksin Governments, will do what ever they can to disrupt Thailand and the Thai people, they have no problem killing in the streets and burning down shopping centers.

    They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!

    "They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!"

    Ah, a blind fortune teller. Blind to what's going on today and a fortune teller because you know what the junta, with their increasingly paranoid mindset, will do in the future.

    Bad combination....coffee1.gif

    Sounds like you have a nasty case of the north eastern hairy lasso, of the red strain. You Should get that checked out.

    Also Red movement represents Communism, and that is exactly what TS was running, whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine too, I will keep members of my family and frends in government just like all the other communist governments e.g. N Korea and you are either with me or against me and you don't want to be against me!!!

  3. Seize the trouble makers, e.g Yingy and co, put them in jail and feed them a bowl of rice and water once every two days.

    The supporters of the proxy Thaksin Governments, will do what ever they can to disrupt Thailand and the Thai people, they have no problem killing in the streets and burning down shopping centers.

    They are more subversive and violent than the junta will ever be!!!!!

  4. I seem to remember that in my home country the Boy Scouts used a 3 finger style of salute raised to the side of the head so how do they do it here ?

    If they use what I think is the recognised salute they might need to be careful as paranoia is in full flow these days.

    The Serbians used a 3 finger salute when they were killing Muslims and putting the dead bodies in mass graves

  5. There was only one man who did exactly that to help his fellow Thais get through a difficult time.

    Just one man was able to help 67million people through a hard time and lift their spirits because they were all traumatized by the bombing cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Sounds like a feed of horse s***t to methumbsup.gif

  6. Does anyone know where the tsunami cash went? Here is an article from the Nation dated December 25, 2006.

    "This is the first time that such a large group of Western countries has questioned the integrity of Thai police in an official letter".

    The Australian government gave 25 million to Thailand.

    I have Thai friends in Baan Naam Kem, Mr Thaksin sent government officials to Baan Naam Kem, asked everyone to put their names and details of what was lost.

    They were told that they will be back to arrange financial assistance, they never came back.

    My Thai friend had a large aluminum business he lost everything and was never given a cent and never rebuilt his business.

    The Australian government asked Mr Thaksin, to show how and were the money was being used, they are still waiting for an answer

  7. None without insurance?

    regards Worgeordie

    There is no check for insurance, not even a sticker these last many years,

    Police could not care less. Bit differnet in event of an accident, then it's all about who pays the 'compensation'.

    Its always the farungs fault, regardless of the circumstances and if you argue the point the standard response is, the farung is making problem now.

    That just isn't true, at least not from my experience, i have been involved (smashed into) in two accidents and the police (isaan,Surin) went to great pains to establish fault and the Thai drivers were told to pay up.

    Not the same in Krabi AoNang and AoLuuk especially if you have an accident with a Muslim, the first thing that happens is the driver calls his family and friends and they call their family and friends, then 100 angry Muslims roll up and all of the sudden its you fault and you have pay up on the spot

  8. None without insurance?

    regards Worgeordie

    There is no check for insurance, not even a sticker these last many years,

    Police could not care less. Bit differnet in event of an accident, then it's all about who pays the 'compensation'.

    Its always the farungs fault, regardless of the circumstances and if you argue the point the standard response is, the farung is making problem now.

    Nonsense, it is only the foreigner's fault if he is at fault

    What fantasy, make believe world are you living in????


  9. None without insurance?

    regards Worgeordie

    There is no check for insurance, not even a sticker these last many years,

    Police could not care less. Bit differnet in event of an accident, then it's all about who pays the 'compensation'.

    Its always the farungs fault, regardless of the circumstances and if you argue the point the standard response is, the farung is making problem now.

  10. dear snoop, mind, please.

    A) Karen people don't celebrate Christmas, it is none of their holidays.

    B ) their village has been without electricity for decades, they are used to it and they use candles and headlamps.

    C) muslims do not celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - you must have fallen for a myth. They recognize him, and mention him in the Quaran, but muslims do not celebrate Christmas.

    D) what is your post about ? Electrifying every part of this country? Some islands resorts out there still go by Diesel generators.

    last but not least, WHY is this a problem? Mankind has lived without electricity for thousands of successful years

    just let THAT slowly dissipate into your mind . . .

    even in sleep, there is never no dark

    shoot yourself in your own knee and wake up . . . . . . .

    19 Don't Tell Me Your Troubles.mp3

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