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Posts posted by Berty100

  1. 3 hours ago, robblok said:


    You can't read obviously 


    I said its common to lock people up during the investigation of a crime (look it up it standard operating procedure) Now that this is not a crime somewhere else is irrelevant. I made no comment about the actual crime I made comment about locking someone up during investigation. 


    I agree, love makes blind. Isn't it Rob?

  2. 3 hours ago, robblok said:


    You can't read obviously 


    I said its common to lock people up during the investigation of a crime (look it up it standard operating procedure) Now that this is not a crime somewhere else is irrelevant. I made no comment about the actual crime I made comment about locking someone up during investigation. 


    I agree, love makes blind. Isn't it Rob?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Will denial of bail also mean denial of their right to vote?

    It might be disturbing to the NCPO to see these people publically going to the polls however quiet and unobtrusive they may be. Keeping them in military detention solves that problem.


    It also means 10 less NO votes, not that it may make a difference to the end result though, because it will be same same anyway.

  4. 1 minute ago, DipStick said:

    Listen to the advice. By the way are you in Thailand, do you understand the country, do you understand what you are being told ?


    link to the Lumpini Beach promo please 


    Because you ask it so nice, find it yourself dipshit dipstick.


    If you were in Thailand you would have seen the billboards beside the roads all over Pattaya, including the huge one in front of lumpini.

  5. You can look below to have idea about the condo situation


    In The Cliff on Pratumnak, which is not a bad location nor bad developer, are a total of 426 units. We all now that in the majority of the condo buildings in Pattaya only the foreign part is sold ever, so that makes some 200 units.


    Of those 93 are for sale and 76 for rent. Do I need to make a drawing with it?



  6. 9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    But Buffet wants that to change.



    What he want to change?



    "How can you hammer a deal for tax policies when the very person your signature tax policy [The Buffett Rule] is named after is involved -- and argues that it is not tax motivated?" Krueger said.

    "The White House cannot paint this as a black-and-white issue, and Buffett's involvement shows that it is more like 50 shades of grey," Krueger said.

    Burger King and Buffett defended the deal, which is one of the largest and highest-profile tax inversions so far.



  7. 8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


    Trump applied for and got gov't kick-backs for his apt(s) rent several years in a row.  In order to qualify, an applicant has to claim they earn less than $600k/yr.  That's probably another reason Trump won't show his tax returns, because it will prove he cheated the NYC gov't (among other things).

    ....and trump claiming "I'd love to show my tax forms, but I'm being audited."   There are 3 things wrong with that statement: 

    #1.  He lies.  He would hate to release his tax forms.

    #2.  Being audited, even if true, doesn't preclude showing tax forms.  Nixon did it while being audited.  Trump is more corrupt than Nixon.  That's a pretty low bar.

    #3.  He could release tax statements for prior 2 or 3 years.  They're not being audited.



    Oh yeah the holier than holy Buffett, who advocates that rich people should pay more taxes, the buys an American company and moves it to Canada for tax reasons.



    Burger King, Warren Buffett under fire for Canadian inversion deal

    Oh yeah, and Buffet paid a lower tax rate than his house maid.



  8. 12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    I didn't have to.  But I never leave home without my passport on me.  Especially these days! 555


    4 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

    The same as the one I have been putting a lot of research into visiting and my statements are factual. If they are incorrect please feel free to point it out.



    So you have been putting a lot of research into visiting, but weren't aware that no passport or id is required to visit that beach :coffee1:


    Ever been to Thailand in fact, as it is questionable from all your other posts in other threads?

  9. 10 hours ago, csabo said:


    You could throw capital letter in now and then yourself.  Just saying..you brought it up.


    But maybe the poster you replied to isn't an English teacher, and doesn't claim to teach them reading, like the OP does.

  10. 3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

    Ao Manao is a beach on a military base. It is actually quite large from what I gather. The reason it is clean is the military pick up the trash everyday. The reason there aren't hawkers is I don't think they let them in. I find it somewhat sad that a beach can only really be left in tact if it is protected by a base.


    From what I gather, is that same as, I never been there so just make a lot of ASSumptions in my post?

  11. 33 minutes ago, digibum said:


    Actually, I think that's where you have it wrong.  I don't live in Thailand anymore (job situation) and whereas before I moved to Thailand I used to come to Thailand 2 or 3 times a year on holiday.  Now, I visit once a year at most and sometimes not even that often.  


    I use my holiday time to go to other places.  And when I end up going to other places I spend a lot more money than I every did in Thailand.  A lot more.  


    I think for many people, a place as a certain intrinsic value.  When I go to Paris, I expect to pay through the nose.  But I also expect the beauty of the city, the great food, the museums, etc.  When I go to the Bahamas, I pay more but I also expect world class scuba diving, beautiful well-kept beaches, and superior service.  


    Thailand has slowly evolved into an expensive dump.  Many aspects were never spectacular.  The beaches were so-so at best.  The diving, meh, I've seen better.  The food, okay.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  As far as I'm concerned, Thailand never had the best of anything.  


    But when you put all the mediocre parts together and mixed it with a dash of inexpensiveness, friendliness, and easy access to fun nightlife, well, now you had something.  


    Yet, today it is more expensive, far, far less friendly, and nightlife has become increasingly transactional and prone to scams so you're back to mediocre tourist attractions.  


    So, yes, I think it has to be cheaper otherwise I will and do prefer to spend my money elsewhere.  


    But it is still cheaper, because as you say yourself, anywhere else you go you spend more. A lot more.

  12. 1 minute ago, digibum said:


    Because I think that's the initial draw for a lot of people and for many who decide to stay.  When you factor in the cost of airfare and such and the amount of time your butt has to sit in a airline seat, unless it can be done cheaply, many people are going to find other destinations.  


    Keep in mind too that Thailand is sort of hitting a few different crossroads at once.  Roll back the clock 10 years and the Thai baht was in the toilet so it made it very cheap for people to travel to Thailand and even relocate to Thailand.  


    Prices were cheap too.  Not just because of the weak baht but because overall costs were lower.  Food was cheaper, apartments were cheaper, hotels were cheaper, ahem, entertainment was cheaper.  


    But as prices have crept up and the baht has strengthened, your pound, Euro, and dollars buy less.  And prices have started to increase as well.  


    So, my point is that Thailand has become less and less of a value play.  If you're thinking of moving to Thailand or have already moved to Thailand and you're on a pension or some other sort of fixed income (BTW, I am not in that situation so don't read this as me moaning about my own finances), Thailand sucks!  Between the weakness of the baht and the rising prices, a lot of people are getting squeezed.  Even many tourists are caught in the rise as prices seem to be outpacing rises in their own income.  


    Given that, if I lived in Europe, would I fly half way across the world if my main driver was sex?  Not so sure.  Even if I commit to flying half way across the world, maybe Vietnam or Cambodia might be better values.  Even the Philippines.  


    Bottom line is that Thailand does not have a lock on the sex market.  It exists everywhere.  People have other choices and if Thailand's prices become uncompetitive, people will go elsewhere.  That's simple Economics 101.  Obviously some are in love with the country, have friends in Thailand, enjoy other aspects of Thailand outside of bars, etc, but anybody who is making a purely value based decision can probably find better value elsewhere.  



    Well that's where you got it wrong, they are looking for tourists, not people who want to stay.

  13. On 7/30/2016 at 4:13 AM, digibum said:

    I call BS.

    The prices these days are not so much cheaper than they are in Europe. And you don't have to fly half way across the world for that. And there are no barfines, lady drinks, and other fees that inflate the price.

    It is greed.

    My estimate is that for many services in the naughty sector, prices have increased 50% - 70% in the last 10 years. Sure, locals and experienced punters know where cheaper prices can be found (or negotiate lower prices) but asking prices are simply ridiculous these days compared to what they were. And remember, the world wide economic situation, prices should be coming down.

    The worldwide economic situation certainly isn't helping and gawd knows that there are endless supplies of idiots who think they're going to find love in Nana Plaza but make no mistake that there are plenty of other places that are a far better value than Thailand.

    Thailand will do the same thing to tourism as they've done in electronics and exports. They'll squeeze and squeeze until people get tired of paying and then, wait, what is that Vietnam?

    Why do prices "HAVE" to be cheaper as in Europe. Is it in your book a requirement that if you fly more than a certain number of miles that prices of entertainment have to decrease?

    When I go holidaying in other parts of Europe in touristic centra,  I usually are charged more for a beer than in my local.

  14. 1 hour ago, Loaded said:

    Any reason why this will be a positive for the farang community in Chiang Mai?

    I actually feel a little disappointed every time I see or hear of a new multi-national restaurant or coffee shop opening here. I avoid them; however for me, it slowly erodes the feel of the Chiang Mai I fell in love with many years ago. You can't stop progress but progress in my opinion would be excluding these types of places.

    Ever considered that the progress might be directed at the Thai community in Chiang Mai?

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