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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. The main attraction in Nong kai for me, is the noodle ped/duck stall @ Indo Chine market , 40 bht .

    Thank for confirming its not worth the drive!
    I enjoy Nong Khai, i enjoy the restaurants, the view, indochina market, I stay Udon, I go up to Nong Khai twice a month, just sayin, Where are you driving from, sorry if I missed it
  2. Big Drama at Day Night bar, Farang get in fight with Lady, pool cues involved, Police called, 10 min. Ago, Farang head wound, he had yak yak with lil bar next to day night, not ATM bar, other side and then yak yak day night bar with lady, he grabbed lady by hair after she use pool cue and swung her by the hair to the ground

  3. I have seen several movies in English with Thai dubs in Central Plaza Udon Thani, they usually have one or two running

    As tlcwaterfall says look for Soundtrack on the poster usually near the bottom

    I have even seen English language movies in Central Plaza Khon Kaen and that was a real surprise.

    They are out there but the best thing to do is go up to the cinema floor and look on the posters there

    Good luck or look good

    my gf could see on 1st floor near information desk whether English or not, Thanks everyone it was written in Thai
  4. There are many items to deal with the Prostate problems, either enlarged Prostate, or an affected cancer Prostate .

    In order to obtain the requested items including Sam Palmetto and of course several other items for helping and sorting the prostate procedure.

    In order to obtain the items for the prostates visit the Pharmacy business, Hospitals, or apply via the Internet to well known Minerals and Vitamins businesses procedure.

    Pumpkin Seeds solved the Prostate Problems, takes about 3 weeks
  5. Odd to find a response today as I was very closely attacked by a pack of soi dogs. Yes I made a wrong turn as the very nice Thai lady pointed out. (Google maps wanted to play games with me today). No one ever comes down this soi she told me as (literally) ten dogs were wanting to chomp me to threads. This was near Bang Pra yesterday. My "Flashlight" which doubles as a beat the FK out of you stick just came in today. I was scared. I wont lie. Had visions of all these guys chomping me down. Damn. What a dumb turn I made. Let me just walk away guys and no one will get hurt. Try to walk back slowly and calmly.. They try to flank me. The only thing protecting me was my bike and tall grass with concrete next to me... I kept my bike between me and them . Thank GOD (or whomever) this older lady was out there .. They knew her. First thing I did was pick up the biggest thing next to me'. I think it was a stink bean pod. The bastards were scared as shit when I bent over and picked this up. Then (thank the GODS) this old lady came out and started to corral them away from me. I said Kop khun Krap. She said mai me khon mahhh. (no one ever comes here). So I turned my bike around and started to leave. One little guy started to come at me but the nice old lady picked up a stone and threatened this guy to stay away from me. He backed down.

    I have had guns pulled on me and been shot at.. But This has been one of the most terrifying moments in my time in Thailand.. BRING PROTECTION! If you have a pack of dogs on you.. stand your ground.. PICK SOME SHIT UP AND ACT TOUGH. I was there for a LONG time (5 min) with them running around me, Do whatever you need to but do not back down.

    I walk with a Stun Gun already had the crap scared out of me near Soi Kopai, lucky had one on me, 6 dogs ready to attack my gf and myself, just let them hear it and scattered
  6. Trump racist? But he is so much more: sexist, anti handicapped, irrational, narcissist, serial liar....

    It is hard to figure out if he is really racist since he basically say anything that will get him attention - not because he believes it. I mean, he is running for the GOP when he is definitely not a conservative (not a social conservative - though he can act like one; and not a small government conservative since he just loves things like unrestricted expropriation).

    I keep on trying to remind Americans that they still have an option... Gary Johnson - Libertarian....

    I have pretty much given up having any good president of the United States this century.... certainly none so far, and probably none in the next 4 or 8 years.

    Why waste a Vote...
  7. Go to CD store and ask, I've bought several and cheap about 10"b

    You mean a CD store in Thailand, in suppose?

    I live in London, so I doubt I'd find that in a CD store here (there are not many of them to begin with)

    I was looking to find something online, before I travel to Thailand again... so I can listen at home and reminisce :)

    sorry CD store in Thailand 100b, I think a lot are Pinoy singers
  8. Ok, now the big questions/comments that seem to pop up often.

    Why oh why Pattaya?!?

    Well, why not? Why Bangkok? Why Chang Mai? Why Phuket? Why the remotest parts of Issan? My own reason is because I know Pattaya, it's a good start point. I stay a year initially, if I find I don't like it I move to the next place. I am certainly not locking myself down. I also have friends who go there often who, due to commitments back home don't have the options I have but at least I can meet up with them when they arrive.

    Why Thai Elite?!?! what a rip off!

    Well, here's my situation and some of my logic. I'll start by quoting myself over a year ago where I said "Elite membership is definately out of the question" so this was not something I took lightly.

    As most have ascertained I am only 40 years old, which really does limit my options.

    Having been a lurker on the boards over the past year I read endless horror stories of members (sub 50) essentially 'fiddling' the system to help them stay and in many cases ending in disappointment, so yes the Thai Elite seems the easy option till I get to 50 (by that time I may not want to stay in Thailand! laugh.png )

    How do I justify the Thai Elite card?

    I won't divulge exact figures but I will give you an idea of what I'm getting at, I will focus only on housing the rest is trivial in my opinion. I currently live in the UK and completely disillusioned with the place, I need to get out!

    Cost of rent + Council Tax: £500 pcm (approx ฿27,000) UK average is much, much higher.

    Lets say for arguments sake I spend £300 pcm (approx ฿16,000) for accommodation when I am in thailand, thats a straight saving of £200 (approx฿11,000)


    saving £200 pcm for 12 months = £2400

    over 5 years = £12,000 or approx ฿657,000

    That's how I am justifying the Thai Elite card

    I have not included any other costs of living like electricity, food, clothing, entertainment etc etc. because I already pay for those things in the UK and I am sure I could cut costs there too. As an example I currenly pay £700 for a golf membership in UK, although I have not researched it I'm pretty sure I would be paying nowhere near that in Thailand.

    I would be interested in peoples thoughts on my logic regarding my justification of the Thai Elite card as there may be something critical I've missed. Am I being completely naive?

    I have considered economic downturns and costs of living escalating, but over 5 years It shouldn't change THAT much surely? tongue.png

    Thanks for all the responses thus far!

    Before you invest 500,000 Baht in a visa, why not get one of the new METV do a couple of border runs if required and see if you are happy living in Jomtien.

    Surely a better way to go.

    Duly noted. I have been watching/reading with interest on the METV. Still seems to be a lot of speculation on the details and from what I gather thus far it still sounds like the same process as double/triple entry visa. Maybe slightly less admin but still invoilving regular border hopping and the gamble of potentially being refused entry.

    I'm far from an expert on these matters so I will stand corrected if my assumptions are waaay off.

    I still like the idea of a completely hassle free stay. thumbsup.gif

    . I've got METV, 3 border hops and 3 extensions at immigration for 9 months total ,$200.00 and 3x 1900 is what visa and extensions costs, I think il have no problem at border for re-entry
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