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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. What goes round comes round. Why shouldn't China ignore this resolution ? Why should the US get so upset ? After all the Jewish supported US congress has allowed Israel to totally disregard UN resolutions over Palestine . The US are just upset because the Chinese now have the military ( and economic ) might to show the finger to the States.

    Game over , world power domination is shifting, as it always does through history.

  2. I noticed a lot of I guess middle easterners and Indians out walking around down in south south Pattaya last night. I don't know if they go in bars etc. It may be a holiday.? There was only one Eastern European hooker walking the street. She would talk to one group, no deal, talk to the next, no deal. I don't know if that's an indication of supply and demand or just unable to reach an agreement on "group sex". Don't be fooled by the traffic. A lot of the buses going by are empty for some reason.

    Ramadan starts in a couple of days.

    Ramadan cheaters on the run, here they come
  3. When I was going to America for a holiday, I read a bit about the country in a magazine.

    i was told to expect to use about 20% of my spending money on tips in hotels and restaurants etc

    Because of that, I went the whole three week holiday and never tipped even one cent.

    If the capitalist employers won't pay their employers a decent wage, and have to depend on customers to tip their staff, then let them cut their profits a bit.

    . Wonder how many Sneezers u had on your food...

    Why would they sneeze on my food when they do not know whether I am going to tip them or not? I may have been a good tipper for all they know.
    No repeat appearances...I can smell a no tipper anyway, in the biz for along time
  4. There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

    Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

    If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

    They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

    So police officers <deleted> up and they are put to inactive post, but a checkout girl misses a 49 baht item and 100% she is fired?

    how do you guys dream up this nonsense?

    Extraordinary how foriegners seem to know all these things absolutely 100% but have no proof or experience 100%

    my gf cahier was fired for giving me a container of milk for 40 instead of 45, it can happen
  5. There's no way to link this tiny indescrepancy to a single cashier. It's simply not possible in a large store with many cashiers.

    Do yourself a favour and forget about it.

    If you walk in there with your receipt and tell them she <deleted> up her job they will probably just fire her. How will you feel then ?

    They won't tell you they're going to do this but for the purpose of arguments sake you should assume that they will absolutely 100% fire her if you do this.

    So police officers <deleted> up and they are put to inactive post, but a checkout girl misses a 49 baht item and 100% she is fired?

    how do you guys dream up this nonsense?

    Extraordinary how foriegners seem to know all these things absolutely 100% but have no proof or experience 100%

    my gf was fired for giving me a container of milk for 40 instead of 45, it can happen
  6. When I was going to America for a holiday, I read a bit about the country in a magazine.

    i was told to expect to use about 20% of my spending money on tips in hotels and restaurants etc

    Because of that, I went the whole three week holiday and never tipped even one cent.

    If the capitalist employers won't pay their employers a decent wage, and have to depend on customers to tip their staff, then let them cut their profits a bit.

    . Wonder how many Sneezers u had on your food...
  7. My Thai wife once berated me for tipping at a restaurant. Her opinion was they were already making money and if I want to give my money away I should give it to a disabled person sitting on the footpath who can't work.

    There is an old lady begging in Udon, close to Sampan and Central, she makes about 800 baht a day and gambles all of it, she looks like Hell too, malnourished, my gf heard the locals discussing it at restaurant
  8. I see they re working on new bar, where Sports bar was, New Sports bar is beautiful. And what's going on with Sampan fish and chips, unusual hours, looks open but isn't.

  9. Today I had my application declined, because they wanted a written with signature travel plan for the metv visum. What places I'll stay, purpose of stay and where I'll do my border runs for the 60 days extensions.

    Anybody else had to do this?? I had perfectly filled into all other requirements. Showing copies of in-flight and out-flight, copies of hotel staying at arrival, bank statement with 5000 minimum, travelplan about when to re-enter the country (general paper with applications), every listen recommendation.

    Is this weather they think I'll be working there or to ensure that my stay is tourism only. Kinda would suck if they will decline it again for some half assed reason, bye bye money.

    which Consulate, LA was so EZ
  10. I suggest everyone dispense with all the trash talk about the driver until the accident is investigated.

    The driver could have had a mild stroke or other medical condition. If so, there is no negligence, no legal liability, nor could charges be filed.

    Post accident, drivers do occasionally get help and are rushed to the hospital by a witness.

    It's possible he fell asleep. He could be charged with that.

    I'm at a loss to understand why some posters are so angry and negative after reading news that generally is wriiten, before an investigation, with a negative spin to generate more business.

    Be calm and thankful where you are and enjoy the freedoms and great food here. Keep in mind millions of people worldwide have lost what you currently have in Thailand.

    . Apologist, do u have FB , all over the place these videos, running away after a Stroke, my god man, open your eyes, they are Murderers, Plain and Simple, Koji Absolute Carnage,
  11. Siam Secure is where I put my stuff on Pattaya Klang near Foodland , Harbor Mall, google it, or search Pattaya forum for other posts, they have over 300 customers so far

  12. I sat at Eastwood Bar across Soi from Fun Bar, they had some talent at Fun Bar last nite, Eastwood has pool table, that's why I was there, friendly bar, too, good music, YouTube selections...

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