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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. Any updates on UK passport holders getting a MTEV in the UK?

    I am planning to apply for one next month.

    Documents I already have are:

    Statments from a UK savings account where the balance is currently £17,000 and had never been under £10,000 in the last 6 months.

    A 'HMRC SA100 Self Assessment Tax Form' for last UK tax year showing my income which is from UK baised investments which will show a net income of just under £20,000 pre my UK tax liablity. This will be stamped by my UK accountant.

    A confirmed flight to Thailand (actually the second part of a return ticket bought in Thailand).

    A letter from the Juristic person at the condo I own confirming I own it and a copy of the charnote showing my name, confirming my accomadation in Thailand.

    Any thoughts on if this will be enough or if I should book a cheap exit somewhere at the end of the first 90 days stay?

    Also any idea what is the best/most lenient Embassy or consulate to apply, the London embassy would be most convenient but I will be visiting family in Yorkshire while on my UK trip and could visit Hull or Liverpool should they be more laid back.

    Many thanks in advance for any constructive advice.

    Out of my experience you need a return ticket as well as one additional ticket showing you exit after 60/90 days. I would prefer a Honorary consulate as they are more interested in money than in documents.
    . I didn't need to show exit departure after 60 or 90 day, but this was LA, btw, just got 30 day extension in Bueng Kan, No Problems at all
  2. There is some geordie bloke from Peterlee in the NE of England that makes pies and stuff at home and sells them to some restaraunts ..don't know if it's the same bloke

    . Papa Farang...Dean???
  3. However when I first started coming here I always used to get a few thousand baht in the UK - I just felt more comfortable arriving in a foreign country with a ready supply of local currency to hand.

    Sure you can take sterling but again no guarantees the bureau de'change will be open when you arrive. Even if it is you will pay a punitive rate in the airport. I just felt more comfortable to always have some ready cash on me - and the few quid I lost by getting it in the UK was worth it for my peace of mind.

    Pro tip: savvy repeat travelers to the Kingdom have learned to hold back some 'starter baht' from the last trip to get them going on the next trip.

    The exchange booths at BKK arrivals operate 24/7. They are part of the tourism process. The odds of finding them closed is about the same as finding the ATM networks down: minute.

    But yes belt and suspenders are the way to go; so I enter with starter baht, USD cash, two debit and two credit cards. And yes it is a good idea to notify your financial institution when you will be abroad.


    I always bring 20,000 in baht and just keep in wallet for next time
  4. Burma was renamed Myanmar in1989 (27 years ago ) so why do people insist on calling it by its old outdated name , is it just that they are to old to change with the times or not willing to let go of the British colonial name they gave the country . Calling Thailand Siam is pretty much along the same lines and i wish people would just call the countries by the names they now have and live in the now and not the past .

    Even Indians still call Bombay not Mumbai
  5. If you have an ATM card from your country you can put that card in any ATM machine and get baht. Will usually charge 180 baht per transaction plus whatever fee your home bank charges for using a foreign ATM. When I vacationed here I use to take 20,000 baht out at a time to save transaction fees.

    I used AEON, 150 baht

    Must have been awhile ago as they are now at 180.
    about a week ago, I remember when free
    maybe had a promotion week or something
  6. If you have an ATM card from your country you can put that card in any ATM machine and get baht. Will usually charge 180 baht per transaction plus whatever fee your home bank charges for using a foreign ATM. When I vacationed here I use to take 20,000 baht out at a time to save transaction fees.

    I used AEON, 150 baht

    Must have been awhile ago as they are now at 180.
    about a week ago, I remember when free last year
  7. Just another word of caution, watch out for dodgy Farangs, when I first came to Thailand it wasn't Thai's trying to get my Money it was crooked Farangs, there are plenty of dodgy Farangs in Thailand who would have no problem cheating, lying and scamming to get your money.

    Don't drop your guard just because they are not Thai's, be extra cautious.

    Of course not all are like that, but be aware that some are.

    For Sure
  8. If you have an ATM card from your country you can put that card in any ATM machine and get baht. Will usually charge 180 baht per transaction plus whatever fee your home bank charges for using a foreign ATM. When I vacationed here I use to take 20,000 baht out at a time to save transaction fees.

    I used AEON, 150 baht
  9. Won't take long until they start busting people for flashing lights to warn others of a police check or speedcam.

    Actually I've already heard stories of people having been pulled over for this.

    Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone with GPS in car. Time for social GPS apps... until they make them illegal as well. Could be.

    Waze is what we use in the States, lets u know cops, construction pinch points
  10. The shear arrogance of cyclists all over the world never ceases to amaze and humor me. Is there a chip implant put in to humans when they buy a pedal cycle with tells them they are invincible/rule the road(and pavements when it suits them)are in fact a law unto themselves????. Now here it seems they belive they have a divine right to whip/stick/tazer/spray/kick or otherwise abuse the local dog population. (It's only a matter of time when human pedestrians who use there pavements come in for the same treatment

    If you think that any dog that tries to attack me will get a dog biscuit, you are wrong! Mind you I may give it a pat on the head though, with a rock. Can't you dog lovers see that these possible rabid beasts are a dangerous nuisance. Children cannot protect thenselves like some of us can, the dogs need removing from the streets so everyone has the right to carry on with their business without the threat of being bitten.
    These head case animal lovers, would step over ur dying body to get a thorn out of a dogs paw, bunch of disguised Cat Ladies, yeah I don't mistreat animals, they adore me, but a human life is more up the evolutionary ladder...ok let me have it!!! 1.2.3....
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