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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. Back home drivers would flash there lights to warn others of speed cameras ahead.......I cant quite see that happening herecheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Happens nearly always before Road Blocks. Sometime to late, sometime in time for me to reduce speed. ;-) thumbsup.gif

    People flash me cuz I drive with my lights on, I'm not gonna be a Thai Uturn Statistic
  2. In Australia the cheapest machine car wash is approximately

    $10, in Thailand i used to get my Fortuna hand washed inside

    and out, detailed and perfumed for $3, you will become a poor

    falang, good idea with your business though.

    Really you sure you got all that for $3 aus /80 baht?

    I understand you want to put your point across but detailed and perfume is pushing it a bit even a hand wash in and out for 80 baht is neatly impossible.

    Try to keep it believable if you want to bullshit

    . I usually pay 170b in Isaan and No Wax
    • Like 2
  3. If I read what all this crazy guys here wrote, I understand why the animal cruelty law is now much harder as before. I hope someone do the same with you what you suggested to do with the dogs!!!

    If you really have problems with a dog, buy a small pack of dog food. Stop in front of him and give him a little bit. After 2-3 days they stop to try biting you!!! They wanna be your best friends!!!

    It not give areason to hit or kick a dog, give electro shots or acid to him. People who do this are <deleted> <deleted>!!!

    read again, geezus, the noise scares them, u don't shock them
  4. did you register the phone number in your name ?

    a while ago all the telco providers changed the rules and now you must register the number by giving proof od ID. or they will cut it off.

    also applies to buying a sim card.


    The phone is about 3 yrs old so cannot remember.Would not Dtac have automatically have reg it in my name 3yrs ago.I have not had any notification to that effect in this time and I eeally got the impression that it was done as a mistake on their part but could not get much out of her .I just got a quick here you are it's alright now!!!!!! anyway thanks for reply moose-------- Dougal

    Big News on TV and media about registration of SIM Cards, last year
  5. I want the 10 seconds back, I lost when I reading this, the nerve

    So sorry-------- would you miss your phone if it suddenly died on you and there was nothing you could do with it to get it working ?

    Anyway I'm sorry I wasted 10 seconds of your timebah.gif

    just joking my friend, I don't use a phone here, except for Internet, I know when I got my iPhone 4 as my first smartphone, they sent me out of the store, without showing me how to use it, and I was leaving for work overseas, next day,a nightmare for sure.btw sorry about the 10 seconds I probably wasted, too
  6. My wife is an incredible cook, way better than anything you can buy and she mixes it up. Not the same dish every day. She even makes Sai Ua from scratch. Takes hours. She is also an excellent BBQ'r as well. She has a passion for cooking and baking.

    When we were in the states and she used to travel back to Thailand she would fill up 2 suitcases of spices fromthe North where we live. She said the US uses Jalapeno, Bell Peppers and the wrong onions and the curries are all wrong. She used to laugh when she would meet people and they say how they Love Thai food yet never had been to Thailand.

    I seldom eat out. When we do its to her favorite restaurant so she can take a break. I think the only dishes we buy at local places is Kumen Gai and Khao Soi.

    . First question asked by Customs, Are you transporting food, so beware, fines are Expensive, Australia too
  7. Stun gun , pepper spray, they work , can buy all over Thailand, u don't have to use stun gun, noise is enuf they run off, I was surrounded by 6 of the Beasts with GF, gave a lil buzz, off they went, best 500 baht I ever spent and no rabies shots btw bought them at International Market Nong Khai, kinda police gear shop , near the end toward temple on right hand side, also Police Shop in Udon across from Centrepoint night market, 2nd row after women's clothes shops

  8. maybe the author of this article is American or has delusions about America because he makes it sound like the US economy is full steam ahead blink.png

    in reality it is also suffering from many of the similar types of economic ailments to Australia.

    and how long has Janet Yellen been only threatening an increase in interest rates now?

    " There is another cycle here that is much more influential on the current market dynamic and should be much easier to spot. When the Fed talks up the economy and promises rate increases, the dollar usually rallies. When the dollar rallies, U.S. multi-national corporate profits take a hit, and the market falls. When the market falls, economic confidence falls and puts pressure on the Fed to maintain easy policy. This is a loop that the Fed does not have the stomach to break."

    Peter Schiff

    . Maybe you 're the Delusional One...
  9. Baccara has recently started having female hostesses who will try to coax you into buying ping pong balls for the girls on the bar top.

    I am not of their actual role as there seem too many of them. You really don't need that many to sell ping pong balls.

    Baccara has always had hostesses and part of their job is to sell pingpong balls. They provide other services as well.
    . I like the glass floor upstairs, and crew in cheerleader skirts
  10. All this talk of repatriation coupled with my recent trip to South Dakota has kinda spurred me on to accelerate my own plans.

    The seemingly endless crazy rantings of the government has got me increasingly spooked about potential future clampdowns on exchange controls, especially when 'the event' happens and all Hell breaks loose.

    So started the process this morning of getting all the FET thing going so I can actually move money back.

    I know this ain't JT's thing, but I've already scoped out some great condo's in the SD Black Hills, which as a Californian, are an unbelievable price.

    I think it will somehow calm my nerves that I know I don't have everything tied up here and I do have a bolt hole if things get ugly

    A couple of pics just to wet your whistle for life in S Dakota. First from the snow queen festival second a normal afternoon out for retired folks.
    What's not to love about a gal in a cowboy hat! Hehehe
    or a Heifer in a Prom Dress
  11. Ah, so China only attacks and occupies weak neighbors, such as Tibet, Bhutan, and Mongolia, who can't fight back. I see. And they get to do it, because they think they are a "superpower."

    Define Attack ? When you speak of Bhutan ...do you mean by the same token India which proclaims to be a key USA ally and the world largest democracy stick and carrot approach in their foreign affairs management with Bhutan and Nepal ?

    India has repeatedly used oil and gas supplies as a means of holding on to Bhutan much like Russia's strategy in the baltics

    Bhutan is strategic in a military sense to both China and both countries wants to make friends with Bhutan

    I have not seen any military inclusions so what attacks are you talking about or you are flaming the issue ?

    Politics is wide encompassing ...be good to see the multiple complexities

    Tibet and Mongolia is strategic to China in blocking India and Russia ...no different from why USA hold on to Alaska for holding Russia to create a military and missiles buffer

    By the way China is a superpower ...if anyone is still using terms like they think...they are obviously not current with the world situations

    We are discussing the CCP Dictators in Beijing expanding the Central Kingdom into the sea south of it. The sea borders 131,000 km of Asean countries and 3000 km of China shores. The Dictators in Beijing have consciously and willfully chosen to make themselves the neighbor from hell. A big lout neighbor from hell.

    The number one tactic of CCP's in any discussion is to divert, divert, divert. CCPs attack the other guy while admitting to nothing and denying everything.

    This side of the argument does not need to defend Asean or the entire region from Japan and S Korea to India, inclusive of Australia/NZ. UNLOS is on this side of the argument as is the United States, the European Union, the G-7 countries. (Thailand supports the ILOS in the matter even if it only whispers it, however, the PM stated it openly and firmly at the Singapore regional security conference last week.)

    CCP in 2012 demolished the Code of Conduct in respect of the SCS that had been initiated by Asean and signed by the CCP in 2002 after years of discussions initiated by Asean. Asean wanted the CoC to try to establish a balance in the Sea that would allow sharing of resources and -- of a vital importance -- cooperation and reciprocity in respect of claims.

    CCP in 2012 demolished the Asean proposed Document on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea which had sought to update and refine the 2002 CoC.

    CCP Dictators and their fanboyz do not discuss these vital matters central to the region and its nation states whether individually or collectively. The three documents are the core issue: the CCP-demolished CoC of 2002 trashed by Beijing in 2012; the 2012 proposed Document on the Conduct of the Parties Beijing trashed in the same year it was proposed, i.e., 2012; and the UN Convention on the International Law of the Sea where the Philippines case versus CCP Dictators in Brijing is expected to be concluded and announced by the end of the month.

    CCP in Beijing has lined up nations far and wide to opposes Asean and the region and to support Beijing against its neighbors -- maritime powers such as Kenya, Montenegro, Gambia among a couple of dozen others that are the same same. Beijing's list of supporters reads like the failed state index.

    Call them what you like ...it's the usual cut and paste CCP stuff you print

    When USA have ratify the UNCLOS like China , the country will then have legitimacy to comment , otherwise it's hypocrisy if you believe the USA is above any laws sanctioned by the UN and act when it's convenient for the country or is that just superpower arrogance ?

    If so , then yes China is guilty of following the example of USA and learning how to be a world power ...setting rules and engagement when it fits their strategic needs.

    If not , while don't you also respect the Okinawan residents & their referendum and leave the Japanese bases ?

    Is that semi forced occupation : bullying as well because The Central government says yes you can be there but you know the local resident hate the arrangements for many years and been protesting for you to leave ? Why won't you respect the Japanese citizens of the free world and leave ? What's that called ?

    Don't just comment on China being a bully ...answer those real questions because this is not deflection

    If the USA believe they can act on their own accord , I can't see the argument while China as the world 2nd biggest economy and superpower has to follow what you tell them to do ....I don't see the Russians doing what you want them to do ...irks the USA and nothing you can do about it just like China because these are superpowers ...and they don't argue / bargain at a fair platform

    Why does the USA not ratify the UNCLOS / Kyoto Treaty / UN Child Labor Sanctions ?

    If it agrees to the points of law on these issues why not sign and ratify it ? What's stopping them ?

    Just inconvenient ? Arrogance ? No one can tell Uncle Sam when to sign something ... ?

    . You would love to see us leave Okinawa, what agenda, do you have??? And when does CCP sign anything for anyone but their Selfish selves, No one more Selfish than the Chins
  12. I also hear that a new bar will open in the next few weeks, located at the very end of Day and Night. As you walk towards the end, it's the mostly unroofed area facing you. As far as I know it's never been opened since it was built years ago, but I could be wrong. Some work on repairs and alteration is under way now.

    New bar called Zaaps , top end of the Soi , hiso welcome, nuff said,

    opening party on the 8th , this Wednesday , for those viewers in farlang land , tough .

    Thai food , plus Burgers made locally, 555, the best burgers in NarkVille . IMO. clap2.gif

    Where the old Sports Bar was Located, Wednesday opening, I wish Sampan would close or open, nonsense hours, closed again today, and close Thursday, wth
  13. Recent weather news highlights the climate downsides of the two areas I've focused on.

    Temperature in Phoenix Arizona -- 115 Fahrenheit!

    Tropical storm hitting gulf coast of Florida, not directly on Pinellas but sandbagging going on.

    To add, NILE man eating crocodiles confirmed in South Florida! Imported by stupid pet owners.

    Plus that god awful mindset in AZ, yuk, too much Sun for that population.
  14. I think the Pannarai is the best hotel in the area. The Centara is good but now very dated with a gloomy outlook through its uncleanable room windows. For a full English breakfast in any of the hotels, you will probably be out of luck but right next to the Pannarai is the Irish clock where a full English (with air-con) is always available. Lots of bars and restaurants would be within a few minutes walk and I fell the high standards and location would not disappoint.

    . Irish Clock has been going downhill, it needs New Management...imho, love your input, Bill
  15. The UN sponsored Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague that is about to rule on the UNCLOS treaty in the Philippines v China dispute has five members.

    The presiding arbiter is from Ghana and the Tribunal arbiters are from France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland.

    CCP Dictators in Beijing have radically different notions on the law of the sea. To include radically different notions of the rule of law domestically and internationally. CCP does not like the rule of law as it continues to enrich itself by the rule of men.

    Under the UNCLOS the South China Sea is a global commons where freedom of navigation is assured both on the sea and in the air above it. CCP however wants it to become a Chinese lake.

    CCP in Beijing have gone so far with it that they've alienated almost all of Asean and the entire region from Japan and S Korea to India, all the while lining up supporters against the UNCLOS such as Gambia, Togo, Slovenia, Fiji and among a bunch of such others, Moscow.

    Scarborough Shoal is the only place CCP Dictators haven't grabbed yet. It's well within the Philippines EEZ and Philippine sovereignty, 470 miles away from the CCP coast. US told Beijing not to go there because CCP missiles would be in range of Manila and US troops returning to the Phils.

    So everyone is waiting for the PCA to drop the first shoe to find out if the CCP will drop the other one to show its defiance. If CCP does move against Scarborough it will know to expect a response which is of no comfort to anyone.

    Can you ask your government to sign and ratify the UNCLOS and then come in trying to tell China to obey the international ruling under UNCLOS.

    Or is USA able to interpret the laws in the way when they want to because they believe they are a world power ?

    So they will ratify any UN agreements when they are ready and not when people ask them to ?

    But in the meantime can butt in to any regional business almost like the war cry at Iraq into bullying all the smaller UN members to believe the USA that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction in an open deceitful declaration ?

    They are a World Power...
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