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Posts posted by Ireland32

  1. Try Aroma , they sell 200 gram bags with Matcha tea produced in Thailand. 160 baht. The best quality I have found which is not imported. You can buy them in the cafe inside Home pro next to Big C S-Pattaya. If you want imported from Japan they sell big packs at Friendship , 1 kilo but the price is close to 2000 baht.

    buy mine at Tops , I also stop at Costco USA before coming , they sell a combo Sensa and Matcha 100 bags $15.00
  2. Maybe you could look further afield?

    Rayong Resort near Ban Phe is a lovely location although the old fashioned hotel has seen better days, I found the grounds with great views of the island are beautiful & the restaurant not bad either with Thai & western offerings

    some beautiful hotels close by too
  3. Thanks,, my wife's sister has a place on the lake,, sitting/lounging areas,, food, beer etc,,, I believe on basically the west side of the lake, I found peters pit stop last Sunday,, late in the day,, no one there,, and honestly a bit far from me. What area are you talking about?,, on the side that peters is on? thanks again

    other side from Peters, have banana boats and many docks for restaurants and eating, the reason u don't see signs in English is u have to pay for English signs, so I've been told, incoming up on Sun. if around
  4. I wouldn't do it, but if you must why not build a very cheap house there and buy house to retire in somewhere else, then you always have a house to live in when you and the Mrs want to go back.

    buy one of those cheap bungalows , and can stay and leave anytime without big investment

    It would be better not to build at all because going cheap means parents and daughter lose face in the eyes of the village and they will forever hate you for it. Think about it seriously before you go this route.
    tell everybody just holiday home , Have Penthouse in city
  5. Hope they do

    I will have the BMT and 9-Grain Honey Oat bread gigglem.gif

    On a serious note,

    Nice as it would be to have a Subway, i don't wish to see anymore badly throughout transport projects

    around town, the Tunnel is just a piss take so far a Subway, god knows what they would f------up wai2.gif

    No for me

    Try and Improve what we have now,

    First step, remove all managers at city hall, and just keep going chopping out the dead wood. thumbsup.gif

    Now you're talking, OMC! I want a Subway (sandwich shop) on the Darkside. I just spoke to the manager at the Big C Extra shop about it yesterday. :-) They'd do a great business over here, I believe. That would be my lunch at least twice a week.

  6. Thanks for the response,, my Thai wife tells me there are many, "farlang" here, I've only seen 2 others,, lol,, I'm not looking for a massive, proper pool hall like I'm used to in Bangkok,, just a local place that I could play maybe 2-3 times a week,,, I nearly lived in the great ones in Asok area,, just wanna few games,, or just keep my edge,,, thanks again

    go to the lake Sat and Sunday, ask for Steve the American, most Thais know him and Network from there, btw it's Enchiladas on Saturdays at Steves,No pool table at Steves but good conversation , where u see a lot of restaurants on water, go far left and ask around
  7. I have tried many of the sharwarma shops in Pattaya and my favorite is the one run by the Egyptian guy on Second Road near the intersection with Pattaya South. As you go on Second road from the intersection heading north his shop will be about 50 m on the left.

    yes, the Best, but I haven't seen him in a Long time, wife yes and relative, but not see him

    I saw him about a month ago.

    Thx , Good News
  8. Thanks for the response,, my Thai wife tells me there are many, "farlang" here, I've only seen 2 others,, lol,, I'm not looking for a massive, proper pool hall like I'm used to in Bangkok,, just a local place that I could play maybe 2-3 times a week,,, I nearly lived in the great ones in Asok area,, just wanna few games,, or just keep my edge,,, thanks again

    In Seka , Funny Pizza, aka Pips across from 7/11 has one table, Peters Pitstop has a table , but only open Sun.on the Lake
    Is Peter's wife called Penelope?

    (Sorry, couldn't resist)

    No, Sorry
  9. Great attitude callaway.

    Many perfect previous and future nights to remember and enjoy.

    The good to come out of your tough night is that you now have a few more people laughing at it all with you.

    Hope it doesn't happen too often.

    Make note to self... Buy earplugs.

    when heading to Thailand always buy about 3 boxes
  10. I admit to shopping at Tukcom once….I’ve felt dirty ever since and have terrible nightmares!

    Ain't that the Truth... Touché
    You guys live here?

    Just visited HM today for the first time. Some interesting restaurants and many pc/phone shops with not many customers in them.

    I think Thais like to walk around inside those malls just window shopping and perhaps have a meal.

    It is a bit cramped inside but nevertheless a nice addition to Pattaya's many malls.

    Now looking forward to the next one, he-he.

    Come for the Air-Con too
  11. Thanks for the response,, my Thai wife tells me there are many, "farlang" here, I've only seen 2 others,, lol,, I'm not looking for a massive, proper pool hall like I'm used to in Bangkok,, just a local place that I could play maybe 2-3 times a week,,, I nearly lived in the great ones in Asok area,, just wanna few games,, or just keep my edge,,, thanks again

    In Seka , Funny Pizza, aka Pips across from 7/11 has one table, Peters Pitstop has a table , but only open Sun.on the Lake
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