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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. We moved into our new Western-style house in March 2017. I had installed an expensive Italian dishwasher & an equally expensive Italian oven in the kitchen. Neither has been used once. The dishwashing is done by our 16-year-old schoolgirl niece who lives with us, and I dry. Works fine. Quick & easy. As to the oven, we cook only on the stove top. Too hot to have an oven heating the place for the next hour, and we don't exactly do mother's roast for Sunday dinner anyway ...


    All of which was predictable, I guess, but not predicted. Could have saved myself a couple of thousand AUD. Could also have avoided the Thai workmen taking three goes to get the marble benchtop right. They seemed not to quite understand the concept that, to cope with a large dishwasher under the bench, the thing to do would be to install the d/w a little below floor level, rather than raising the bench 4" or 5" above normal so that not even I could use it properly, let alone a little Thai. (Sigh)

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  2. The figures about water capacity in the dams, current water levels, and current USABLE water levels always strike me as quite alarming, even when there's plenty of rain. The gap between 'water'  & 'usable water' always seems surprisingly large, far larger than I used o see in Oz or NZ.  Which suggests that the dams are not maintained or regularly dredged, so they gradually fill up with sludge & rubbish washed down from the rivers & floods.


    Is that an accurate understanding?

  3. Over time, as modernity & technology change the culture, and as contraceptive practices become more and more normal amongst the poor, the size of families gradually decreases and the value of human life rises. As happened in The West over the last 60 years.


    I see it already happening here amongst the unlettered peasants of Surin. My B/F (30) is the youngest of 6 children and with a further 6 older half-brothers & -sisters from both parents. But his 5 brothers & sisters have between them produced only 9 children, with no more likely.

  4. 47 minutes ago, BMW Overlander said:

    With riches like that, instead of enjoying golden years of his life with friends and family, he pursues politics....for the sake of power and ego.

    So what do other rich people do in their old age? (eg The Walmart king). My perception - but what would I know? - is that they keep doing the things they've done all their lives, stoking the fires of wealth & ego.

  5. 3 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    Same as you, 18 FTT transfers and this last one SMT. But please, why would your option 2 be any good as Immigration will not accept a SMT transfer. And I assume you mean use that method IF your first TWise comes in as an SMT. Then you would have TWO SMTs!

    You may be right, or maybe not. Before I started using TW late last year, apart from using an atm with my Citibank debit card for weekly cash as required, I was transferring larger amounts when needed bank-to-bank &, as far as I can tell from my bank books (BKK Bank), they ALL showed as FTT. And these were, as far as I can recall, transfers from Citibank to BKKBk. [When I was still young'nwinsome 4 or 5 years ago & building our house here in Surin, I was transferring very large monies from NAB to BKKBk & that was just highway robbery.] So is the Citibank method not SMART? how does it differ (apart from having excellent xrate & no fees)? This I am yet to discover - will be doing a Citibank/BKKBk transfer in the next couple of weeks after I do a TW one on 22 July.


    Will report back.

  6. An option in all of this for those capable of doing a little planning would be (1) do the monthly TW transfer on or around your set date, with suitable tagging & followup phone call, and (2) keep funds for a second Smart bank-to-bank transfer at the ready in case of need after checking your bank book.


    In my case at least, that's on the basis that the last 7 out of 8 transfers have showed up in BKK Bank account as FTT, so (2) would be the exception not the rule.

  7. And no understanding of the contradictions inherent in this latest hubba dub dub.


    If their aim is to "use technology to enhance production efficiency", achieving this will involve not just widespread unemployment [to replace the current widespread underemployment], but also at least 25 stages largely incompatible with the small-scale & local "eco-friendly agriculture" they also claim to want.

  8. 10 minutes ago, pontious said:

    They will try but cannot guarantee it will always work. Email received yesterday.

    Yes, TW in Oz told me that they have my account tagged to pay my monthly transfer direct to BKK Bank but I should ring them each time as well, as soon as I book the next transfer. (Cheap phone rates are available from Thailand - AIS, which I use, is just 00500 + local number)

  9. 37 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    It all depends on the particular Immigration office you're dealing with, and how they do or don't enforce such matters.

    Early on in our experience with Kap Choeng office (say, 3 years ago), we asked - after one of our returns from BKK & while doing a 90-day report: Should we report to you here each time after we return from BKK or anywhere else outside Surin? They laughed & said: Why would you want to do that?


    Never mentioned since.

  10. We also need to remember that technology (from using rocks to break open nuts when our ancestors lived in caves, to the latest you-beaut) is a MEANS not an END. So, while it is no doubt time to "harness technology", we have to ask ourselves for what purpose?


    The danger is that The Few get to harness & to profit, while The Many are still wondering what's happening. I see this in my Thai family where small & older children & adolescents are being not-prepared for anything at all. They have their mobile phones (paid for by me) but when it comes to anything useful or saleable in a future jobs market, they will be, as far as I can tell, ready for nothing later than about 1970.

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