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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. 23 hours ago, GuyFawkes said:

    What is the situation here in Thailand regarding the need for treatment if any of us is unlucky enough to get the virus.  Many, including me, are too old to be insured or find such insurance too expensive, albeit I now understand Covid-19 has been removed from policies.    I have no idea what it would cost to  an individual here in Thailand but in a worst case scenario a lengthy stay in ICU would doubtless be expensive.


    Would we be turned away or treated?

    Triage is already well-established in Italy and starting in the US. Can it be different here? No, once the hospital beds are all taken and the doctors & nurses overwhelmed ...

  2. 23 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    It is highly unlikely that the situation would have improved in Thailand. Do you really want to go to  a country that does not handle stress very well? Stay where you are and wait 3-6 months. You will have a very good idea  the direction Thailand is going  in 30 days, and I don't expect that it will be welcoming.

    Yes, given the (so far) total incompetence of the Thai government in this matter, and given the (already on display) lack of self-discipline of many many Thai people (as elsewhere in the world too), the chance that things will be better here in May are close to nil. More likely a disaster zone.

  3. 1 hour ago, Teee said:

    Why did he travel? Does he not understand what is going on in the world???

    But that's the problem with many people who have led a trouble-free life - off they go on their dream trip, never thinking for a moment that anything could go wrong and no idea of keeping informed of world or local events while traveling ...


    On the other hand in Jan 1990 when the 1st Gulf War fighting began and Scud missiles started coming out of Iraq towards Israel, hundreds of people in Adelaide Sth Australia (!) rushed out to army surplus stores to buy gas masks ...

  4. Today's Le Monde quotes figures from Johns Hopkins which subtract those recovered from those infected. The results are startling: China now has only around 15000 still infected (which leaves open the question of immunity/reinfection) while the rest of the world, including particularly Europe is still climbing swiftly, even when recoveries are subtracted..


    Slowness of governments to react & take tough measures gets the blame.

  5. China, Taiwan & Sth Korea are the 3 countries to watch, because out ahead of the rest of the world. They have lessons to teach us.


    Taiwan seems to have arrested the virus at quite a low level. How did they manage this?


    Sth Korea highly effective with disciplined populace and high level of testing (with compulsory isolation confined to those who test +ve). The question for Sth Korea is whether they are now seeing a 2nd bout ...


    As for China, it has certainly flattened its curve with draconian methods that are hard to do in Western or incompetent countries ... Will that last?

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  6. There are the village illegals and there are the government-approved. This applies to the weekly lotteries, cockfights, housing construction, electrical installations, massages, marriages and just about anything else you can think of in this country.


    Still today, here in my village, marriages are not registered because divorce is so much easier ... My b/f's oldest 2 full-blood brother & sister are 42 & 39 but they are 'twins' because registered only when the 2nd one came along ... and on & on. Most of Thailand is still the Wild East. A whole lot more interesting to live in than just about any 'Western' country ruled by an increasingly prissy mafia.

  7. 22 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Do you have a link to that? Smart traveller site doesn't say that at all. They do recommend returning soon if you choose to as commercial options (flights etc) may be harder to get soon, but there is no mention of shutting any border.

    Yes, I just checked the Smart T site & nothing there. My source was a friend in Oz and I think he overstated slightly (or perhaps new info just out). My own check says the following (from The Australian):


    - ALL travellers entering Oz to quarantine 14 days

    - Qantas 90% internat flights cancelled, 60% domestic

    - All other airlines flying to Oz cutting capacity - Finnair 90%, AirNZ 85%, Virgin 80%, BritAir 75%, American 75%, AirFr/KLM 70% ...

    - Awaiting further announcements of action including on the economy from Fed Govt.

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