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Posts posted by mfd101

  1. Everyone should be preparing their dollars to start buying when the moment comes ... In these circumstances the usual pattern is that most people (the Little People, like me) join the herd, first selling at the wrong time, then buying at the wrong time. And they wonder why they never become rich.


    Meantime the already filthy buy & sell in countermovements and become even filthier ...

    • Like 1
  2. Here in Prasat south Surin wearing face masks has already gone out of fashion. The most I ever saw in one day was about 6 or 7. Now one or none.


    A week ago we went to the local BKKBank branch to pay our annual house insurance. Our 2 girls that we deal with both masked. 2 days ago we went back to pick up the finished papers. Not a mask in sight.


    Similar experience at the local pharmacy in the Lotus building ...


    Fashions come and go when you're young and live in a culture where appearances are what count.

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  3. Experience elsewhere (eg Latin America, Sudan, Algeria ... ) suggests that you need first big civilian demos, then parts of the military change sides, then the future is open ... and anything, good or bad, can happen.


    What the civilians achieve is to destroy the old as currently established. The old may rebound but - as in Algeria currently - it may be only a temporary shadow of itself, provided the civilians keep up their efforts.

  4. Well, the 'government' is certainly doing its best to share the love around ... Just saw an announcement on video that showed people in the new, as-yet-unoccupied provincial administration building outside Surin city ("Town Hall" according to my b/f) setting up beds & other facilities for the ex-Sth Korea "illegal workers" to be quarantined there.


    So the disease arrives in Surin. The bureaucrats who had probably all measured up their new office in what is quite a spectacular & very large building (just about the biggest in the whole of Surin, I shouldn't wonder) will be feeling less than excited at the prospect of moving in in a few weeks or months ...

  5. 52 minutes ago, fred110 said:

    Zero. The media is trying to panic people.

    That's not true. MOST of the people who die from CV are elderly and have other earlier problems of heart, lungs or whatever (eg diabetes). But SOME are younger and healthy before they catch CV & die (eg the Chinese doctor whistleblower who died was in his early 30s & apparently healthy [well, at least until the nice Chinese security people got their hands on him]).


    As with most things in life, your genes have quite a lot to do with the outcomes.

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