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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. 61% temples? Grounds poorly maintained? Left in Buddha's hands? Buddha doesn't think it matters?
  2. Well you're an Aussie. You should know that the AFP has had 'liaison officers' in Thailand (as in many other countries) for many years. Basic job relates to drugs smuggling, but no doubt 'wanteds' hanging out are on the list also ...
  3. If this is accurate, then no big deal. Police liaison, as with any number of countries and as in any number of countries including just about every 'Western' one.
  4. He may be an alpha male but sexy? Pregnancy in middle-aged men is not sexy.
  5. If you have a Thai d/l, you could always use that.
  6. Just as I've described - English-derived, with poor cuts of meat from untrained butchers. Only the sweet things were 'nice' - pikelets & steam pud. Generally mealtimes were painful. A visit to Tahiti to live with a French family for 4 weeks between school & varsity in 66/67 was an eye-opener. I ate real food for the first time in my life. Couldn't believe it when we went out to a French restaurant on my second night there and the hors-d'oeuvres were wheeled in on a large trolley - about 15 or so dishes, and just for starters. Heavenly.
  7. I was brought up on 'English' food in the NZ of the 50s & 60s. Went with the Queen being on her throne, London the centre of the universe and we won The War. Problem was my mother didn't have a clue how to cook. Beef was inedible by the time she'd finished with it. Vegies were boiled to a pulp ... Only good thing was stuffed roast chicken (first killed by my Dad) & 'steam pud' for dessert on Sundays. I'm afraid the words 'favourite' & 'cuisine' do not compute with 'English' or 'British'. Yuck!
  8. Not sure what the law says but the practice here in rural Surin is as in Oz: You cut the offending trees/ branches back to the fenceline (assuming the fenceline is accurate according to the surveyors - which isn't always the case, as we found out from experience).
  9. It would be nice to think that the seat belongs to the voters, and they can nominate and vote for or against anyone they choose ...
  10. Will be interesting to see how this particular little threesome works out over time ...
  11. No concept of being 'an independent'? Not a difficult concept to master. Common in democracies. But apparently not in Thailand ...
  12. The thing about Oz is that it's a filthy rich country but also very egalitarian in attitudes and behaviours. In the last year or 2 before I left Canberra forever, a middle-aged male moved in to the townhouse next to mine on the rather elegant shores of Lake Tuggeranong. I never spoke to him but he had all the looks of a bogan. However I did notice on several occasions as I pulled out of my driveway he had, parked in his garage, a white Rolls Royce of some age. I never saw it moved.
  13. Yes, the generals had no 'political' instincts, just the need to control. And a 'PM' snapping at the press in front of the cameras - never a good look. Basically they had no idea. (As the English Queen Mum used to say: Whatever happens, just keep smiling and waving.)
  14. Agreed, but equally remarkable that anyone - let alone a monk - would conduct their romantic affair on the public parts of the internet! Asking for trouble.
  15. For any government anywhere in the world to boast about their 'achievements' after only 2 months is ridiculous. Even in effective, well-managed societies anything worth boasting about takes months and months and years and years ... But then there's the announcement-as-achievement syndrome, strong everywhere but perhaps stronger in symbolism-laden Thailand.
  16. My eyes weakened steadily thru childhood & adolescence, then stabilized. In my 40s/50s they started to improve which my Canberra opthalmologist said was perfectly normal. They would stabilize again at a higher level, then deteriorate in old age. Had test done in BKK in April this year (age 74). Basically no change in my distance spectacles for the last 25 years, left eye a fraction weaker than in 1998.
  17. I always wonder where the medals come from. Even the most humble of village schoolteachers has at least one row. Are they awarded officially? and announced in the Gazette? or are they available at Woolies on discount?
  18. Makes sense. Only a fox knows where the other foxes are, and how to catch them. The problem is to control the police fox.
  19. Hope the Germans will be paying out over time on the basis of performance-to-date ... Otherwise down the (highly polluted) drain.
  20. A couple of Sametto pills a day + healthy diet (reduce sugar, high on fibre & vegies) & plenty of exercise (30 minutes fast walking a day will do).
  21. The price of brunch at PTT here in Prasat - eg larb & papaya salad - hasn't changed in the 6.5 years we've been living here.
  22. For once I find myself - as an elderly homosexual - feeling empathy towards a trans person. Could it be because she sounds sensible, mature, non-demonstrative and quietly getting on with life?
  23. Thais love complexity. Just look at their architecture. Or their immigration rules. Or their infrastructure planning. Or their 'Constitution'. Complexity means there's always an escape route.
  24. Some people are ignorant. Some people are morons. Some people are both ignorant and morons.
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