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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. A rational person might think that a sensible US policy on its oil reserves would be to preserve them for its own longterm use ...
  2. So, all of the above. In sum, it ain't gonna happen.
  3. Even if you go for the land bridge as opposed to the canal option, the unloading and reloading facilities at BOTH ends would have to be super efficient & economical to justify the shippers' participation. Which might be a challenge ...
  4. Anything can happen, and some of it will.
  5. There's a parliamentary process to be gone through, not much different from many other parliamentary processes in Western countries - 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings, then committee work to reduce 4 drafts to one, then off to the Senate for its rounds. It's the latter that will be difficult, but of course the current Senate has a quite short life expectancy ...
  6. The real colonization that's well underway both in Thailand and just about everywhere else is not genetic. It's cultural - via modern technology (computing/internet, international travel, tourism, cinema, food, fashion ... ). The genetic contribution is minor compared to the technological tidal wave.
  7. The author of this piece is either a comedian or a fruitcake.
  8. 2030 is a long way away and the today's promisers will be history by then.
  9. To an ol' man like me this is nearly incomprehensible. But I guess it must be good or they wouldn't be doing it.
  10. It also strengthens (1) the Thai b/f's rights of inheritance, both here & in Falangland (2) the falang b/f's rights of usufruct in Thailand. Those are the principal issues from my point of view.
  11. 'Third World' means different things to different people. Your view of Thailand is perhaps more optimistic than most of us manage most days of the week ...
  12. All of which rather assumes a non-corrupt judicial process under a military regime (or indeed any other in Thailand) ... No doubt Thaksin was and is an imperfect human being (like all of us) and an imperfect political leader (like all of them), but the continuing (though now diminishing) support for him and his party from the poor people of Thailand tells us something good about him. Whether all that deserved 8 years in prison (when you look at his military predecessors & successors) is at least doubtful.
  13. Ah, so that's the cunning plan, is it? The canal you have when you didn't dig for water.
  14. Just about ENTIRELY spent within Thailand, I should think. Why else do we change our home currencies in to baht?
  15. In a country where status is more important than competence, appearances more important than reality, optimistic predictions with little or no foundation are the norm for all governments and their bureaucrats. It is the 'system' that produces unwalkable footpaths, massive holes in roads, and unending poverty for 50% or more of the population.
  16. But but, I thought Muslim men weren't supposed to have 'girlfriends' ... Just very close boy friends.
  17. So the committee (including government reps) told the PM to go jump ...
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