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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Thailand's thoroughly laudable contribution to a cleaner, healthier world. Unfortunately not entirely evident in my extended Khmer family, where babies keep popping out of young women with no visible means of support (sigh).
  2. Every new government everywhere in the world discovers the gap between promising and implementing. And some learn from the experience ...
  3. 13-14. OK, so on that basis, I doubt almost any kids of that age anywhere in the Anglophone world today could pass such a test. For those European countries that still have much of an old-fashioned education still in place for those who can benefit from it - which is probably most European countries - such a test would be fine.
  4. So - for non-Usofans - what level is '8th grade' (eg average age of students?).
  5. Fine, but of course a whole range of things - poverty, poor or no education [my b/f can barely read a sentence of Thai], ignorance, hierarchy & mediaeval etiquette, corruption, marriage rules ... - are all interconnected because they all prop up an appalling system of power & wealth that will do anything to maintain itself. We saw a glimpse of future possibilities in the recent election voting outcomes but the glimpse may be all we get, at least for the time being. Meantime, any gesture towards change reinforces those future possibilities ...
  6. So, Thailand heading cheerfully as always down the path to the next military coup ...
  7. Yes, like winning the lottery and becoming a candidate for kidnapping.
  8. Wasn't like that in my Khmer village here in Surin in 2013 when my b/f and I wanted to get married. Approved by all the extended family and approved by the village elders who replied to our query with: "Marriage is for 2 people who love each other". Ceremony was conducted by the oldest man in the village who could still walk, with due Buddhist ceremony and much joy all round. When the law gets changed to recognize the reality that already exists, we will do the deed again but only for practical administrative purposes. The real purpose of a wedding ceremony - social recognition & acceptance - has already been met for us.
  9. But she looks nice. This is the main qualification in the Land of Appearances.
  10. Wonderful sense of irony people have. Not a native speaker?
  11. Already done under Oz law. It's the Thai end that's difficult, at least till the new legislation is thru (assuming it ever is).
  12. We lived in the Trendy (Sukhumvit soi 13) for a couple of years while we were deciding our longterm future. Loved it - quiet, lovely landlady, swimming pool & gym, easy walk to everything and anything. And my b/f knew all the shortcuts across hotel & other private properties to get anywhere on foot. Now when visiting 2 or 3 times a year from Surin we stay in a hotel nearby (Asoke). Still love it all, but just for a week at a time now.
  13. "Luxury villa": Indians & Russians & violence ... Mmmmm
  14. Good. About time. (My b/f tells me that when I die - assuming that's before him, which, given his driving skills, is not necessarily how it will be - he won't be able to get the death certificate so he can show it to the Oz Embassy so he can get access to my Oz mini-fortune ie Our Oz civil partnership not recognized in Thailand ... )
  15. Yes, Second World imports from Third World and exports to First World.
  16. Yes, PLAN would love it (though only if it had right of way over all other traffic) ...
  17. In my view there is no such thing as 'innocent civilians' (at least amongst adults). All governments everywhere - including dictatorships - get where they are thru the votes and based on the culture of the populace at large. That applies to Hitler or Stalin or Mao as much as to Trump or Biden or Prayut & the boys. The 'innocent civilians' of Gaza voted for Hamas to be their government in 2006 and Hamas have been in place ever since, sacrificing their own citizens whenever it suits them. And Israelis have voted for Netanyahu many times from 1996. The citizens of every country - including the totalitarian ones - get the government they deserve. Same applies to Thailand.
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