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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Switzerland! Gosh they're brave. Mmmm, and wonder whether Oz will be reciprocating. (I guess Yes - China doesn't give away anything for free.)
  2. At the moment here it's '38C real feel 43'. My 3 workmen who travelled 3 or 4 hours to get here early last week have just about finished the major tasks around and in the house. They are currently sleeping under a big tree in the back yard. Thoroughly sensible. I will give them an extra bonus when they leave this afternoon for the good & hard work they have done, and will remind them that I'm expecting them back in December this year before the real heat begins again ...
  3. A "mid-sea airport"? Really? Or should that be 'mid-South East Asia'? Either way the chances that anything actually happens out there in the real world ... Thailand: Hub of Ridiculous Announcements.
  4. If some on AN were to be believed, she should be taken out at dawn and executed by firing squad.
  5. Key point I see here in south Surin on a daily basis including in my family: Amongst poor and uneducated people, every day is much the same as the last one, steady does it take your time keep plodding on ... So time is NOT money in this culture. Time has no value. What we don't get around to today we can get around to tomorrow or the next day or never.
  6. Yes, if you can't cope with the criticism, shoot the critic.
  7. 22? Looks more like 32. But a child at heart. Does he have a big let-down awaiting!
  8. mfd101

    5* bedding

    Chilly in Phuketski? I guess temperatures have dropped since the Russians took over ...
  9. Not at all my IMAGE of a Swiss man. I thought they were all tall, hansum and peaceful, getting filthy rich at the bank Monday to Friday, and practising their yodelling up in the mountains with the cows at the weekend. Turns out they're more like Russians these days.
  10. 'BA reignites ... adding fuel to the excitement'. I think I'll stick to Cathay Pacific.
  11. Mustn't hurry these things. Dignity at all costs.
  12. Oh no! This cannot be true! We all know - at least here on AN - that even ONE covid injection can be life-threatening.
  13. Well it would certainly be hard work, particularly if the client is over 60. And skilled work at that.
  14. Well it would certainly be hard work, particularly if the client is over 60. And skilled work at that.
  15. I don't suppose Israel was 'war torn' at the time the Thais entered the country. But some of them did decide to stay on after it was ...
  16. OK so, accepting that, the question is Why? I don't imagine banks close down accounts for the love of closing down accounts ...
  17. Um, so Z, VDL & T also have their fingers on The Button?
  18. Governments everywhere using modern technology to enforce the laws. Only those who constantly try to dodge the laws (and thus get an advantage over everyone else) need worry.
  19. Shock! Horror! It is the end of the world, nay the universe.
  20. I can wax on endlessly about history, languages, French literature, English literature, Latin, politics etc etc ad nauseam. I'm also good at housework (neat & tidy). Good at managing current funds (despite b/f's best efforts), not so good at increasing funds ... But if I have to fix a dripping tap I get my b/f to do it. Ditto the a/c, an electricity blackout, water pump not working etc etc.
  21. Unfortunately the warning sign was in Thai, English and Russian.
  22. My b/f says the guy is very hansum & if he goes to prison he should have a good time ...
  23. Big Brother's presence in town helps to clear the minds of the judicial referees.
  24. Not entirely clear what he means by 'top' in this context. If it simply means more dazed tourists pouring through, that's scarcely reassuring. But if you add some concepts of 'quality' to the mix [measured efficiency in & out, baggage handling & retrieval, customer service, transport to & from ... ] it starts to have some point. But only if you act on them vigorously ...
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