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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. We shall see. So far he's doing fine - intelligent, open-minded, approachable.
  2. Not so, if his comments on the future of the Chinese subs are anything to go by.
  3. Seems a bit ridiculous that no staff appointments can be made till after the Parliament has received the Government's policy statement. Not obvious what the connection is between the two. Meantime a Minister without staff is unable to function in any sensible way, I should think.
  4. No, this is a case of the new Government reversing the (proposed) stupidity of a Minister of the previous government. Exactly what new governments are for.
  5. Well, contrary to just about all the above comments (well-justified though they may be), I think this is a good sign of the new Defence Minister actually having a brain. He may not have any background in military matters but he recognizes an expensive disaster when he sees one. So he's wriggling out of the current deal and softening up the admirals for abandoning the sub altogether. Good for him. Takes guts + some squirming.
  6. My b/f is 40 years younger than me. I lust after one of his friends & one of his cousins and he lusts after occasional guys he sees on the internet. We both laugh about it & we agree that we can have sex with someone else if we want to, but the other one should be there to watch. Hasn't happened so far after 11 years (10 years married).
  7. The first item she was accused of seems peculiar (but perhaps I simply don't understand). Turns out she over-declared her assets, rather than under-declaring as one might expect. Why would anyone bother to pursue her for that?
  8. mfd101


    Um, the last time I tried to carry my boy was on our wedding night in 2013 but it turned out he had to carry me as he's about 3 times stronger than me.
  9. Thailand's security threats are entirely internal, created by its own military forces used for internal security and 'nation building'. This is unlikely to change any time in the future that anyone can foresee. The Chinese threat issue that exercises the Japanese, Taiwanese, Philippines, Usofans and Australians relates to (1) Chinese attempts at a takeover of the South China Sea & the East China Sea - areas vital to all trade in SEA, East Asia & Oceania (2) Chinese threats to Taiwan's defacto independence as a modern democratic nation (3) China's ceaseless search for more energy sources worldwide, leading to massive 'investment' in Africa and (4) Chinese leaning heavily via illegal economic sanctions on anyone who dares to stand up to them (eg Oz). None of which is of much concern to Thailand as a security threat (as opposed to an economic one).
  10. Age 74. Life is full of good intentions. I do 80 legs-in-the-air cycling before hopping out of bed in the morning. I then do 5 minutes of stretching for neck, shoulders & trunk. I also have a small gym beside the carport. My intention is to visit there 5 times a week for 5 minutes of weights, 30 sit-ups and 30 minutes fast walking on the walking machine thingy. BUT my (carefully-maintained) record shows that my weekly average over the last 3 years is 2.13 times a week. We do live in a large mansion however and I race up & down the stairs 2 at a time about 20 times a day ... Always room for improvement.
  11. If you're serious about diabetes and your health in general, then cooking at home is the solution. Lots of vegies (especially the 4 cruciferous greens), nuts, eggs, berries, apples. Some red meat, lots of fatty fish (salmon). Avoid all dairy products. No alcohol, no 'sports' drinks. Black coffee & green tea are fine. Make eating-out a once-a-fortnight change.
  12. How many days after Sunday till they announce the result? There'll have to be a recount then a rerecount ...
  13. New government to Military: See! We're trying. Germany: You've gotta be joking! New government to Military: Oh dear! No go, I'm afraid. We'll just have to cancel the sub.
  14. What do the crossed arms mean? Cross my heart and wish to die?
  15. On the other hand ... After a decade of the dinosaurs, this new mob - and particularly the PM - has a feeling of being open to new ideas, trying new things, looking for new ways forward for all Thais. Which I find refreshing. Of course it may be just window-dressing and come to nothing. But I find the never-ending cynicism of the all-knowing ANals a bit tiresome. Let's try a little optimism for a change.
  16. Workers of Thailand, Unite! You have nothing to lose except your lethargy.
  17. Funny how all this comes out just after the Government of Dinosaurs has finally disappeared in to the history books ... So the issue for the new Government of Hopefuls is to pursue the matter with great energy, changing the relevant time-limiting laws as necessary so that Boss and the others can receive the justice they all yearn for.
  18. Tourism is the lazy country's way of running an economy. Over-reliance on tourism leads to nothing good. Ecological devastation among other ills, and low skill levels. Confirming Thailand's longterm Second/Third World status.
  19. Making decisions and anything changing in the real world are 2 different things. If nothing changes when the Minister issues an order, where does the responsibility lie? With the Minister who's ignored? or with those who ignore him?
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