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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. A distinction with little or no practical difference.
  2. You'ld have to be a NITwit to think there'll be any benefit for expats out of such a scheme. And will my aged PILs - illiterate & without income beyond what I give them - have to register? They wouldn't know the meanings of the words. As for the appalling corruption at every level of government and society, much of it would disappear if bureaucrats were actually paid a liveable salary ...
  3. Age, family history & race: You have no control over these. (Yawn) The 2 things you can control - ie greatly improve - are diet and lifestyle (ie exercise). As in just about every other 'Western' health issue - diabetes & dementia come to mind - sugar (in all its forms) is your enemy. And it's never too late. Your decisions, your consequences.
  4. Oz $ climbing steeply against the US & the ฿, even as we speak. Long may it last (at least 5 minutes, dear Lord!).
  5. Enforcement of the current tax laws would probably solve most of the government's problems.
  6. The present constitution is indefensible - written by the royal & military fascists to keep the royal & military fascists permanently in power (in practice if not in in name). The problem is that - putting the current impossible situation aside - the Senate is right IN PRINCIPLE about how to change a Constitution. It should be hard to do, and only done with the double democratic majority the Senate is defending. Wunnerful Thailand.
  7. Thailand in good company. Perfectly normal in the France of my youth - men pissing in shop doorways, beside the road, against any wall anywhere ... It's mostly only over-anxious Anglos who worry about these things.
  8. Yawn, seen it all before, including the Palace's standard lines. Still be the same in 50 years when George succeeds William ...
  9. Mmmm, well we're about to find out.
  10. Being close to a tall iron tower (as in the photo) probably not helpful ...
  11. Just about says it all, I think. Pollsters & betting platforms need CONSTANT CHANGE to continue making money.
  12. Such agreements don't achieve much out in the real world but they do no harm. At least they're better than the alternative (shouting insults and being negative about everything).
  13. Yes. And the top monthly figure is only a rough estimate. It may have been a bit bigger than that on occasion, though rarely - repairs to the car (mostly driven by my b/f! (sigh)), works around the house, looking after the extended family ... I haven't bothered to check back.
  14. Over the years, including the last few weeks, I have transferred anything from 70K฿ to 250K฿ in a month. Never been a problem - or even a question - here in Surin. I've always assumed that it's the 65+ that counts, not its source particularly. And in 2016-17 I was bringing several millions across for land purchase and house build ... Never questioned by anyone (but I guess that was when the Oz Embassy still certified one's income. But again not its source).
  15. So didn't Thaksin et al learn anything from what happened to Srettha? Or is the list of Thai politicians with NO earlier criminal conviction too short to meet current requirements?
  16. Yes, I thought the CM and then BKK problem was basically Jan-to-March. Haven't the rains & floods everywhere (except here in south Surin) achieved anything?
  17. Just a get-together of ol' frens. Nuffing politics 'bout it.
  18. Demographic issues are longterm - 20 years, 50 years, 100 years. Most Thais can't think beyond dinner tonight.
  19. So you think it's in the US' interest to allow the Russians to take over Ukraine?
  20. Nothing would get Putin out of Ukraine faster than US troops arriving.
  21. I loath Trump but I suspect Boris might be right on this one.
  22. Anything can happen. A stumble here, an obvious lie there, a 'misspoke' somewhere else. Looks like being fascinating till the end, watching a once-great nation falling apart.
  23. Yes, as announced to suitable bells 'n whistles a few days ago.
  24. Seen from afar, a whole nation of fruitcakes on display ...
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