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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. I have just received the funds I requested via Wise on Saturday morning (16th). I don't usually do transfers at the weekend but the midrate for AUD to ฿ was good (24.826) and Wise gave me a slightly better rate (24.8331). As noted above on Saturday, I chose as always the 'Longterm stay in TL' item and, after transferring the funds from my Oz bank to Wise, pressed the GO button. Arrived a few minutes ago (1415 ICT) exactly as planned, and noted on my BKK bank account as International Transfer. When I update my bank book in a few days, it will undoubtedly show as FTT.
  2. Don't worry, the Thai subs will never go anywhere except flag-flying VIP visits around the Gulf, never below the waves.
  3. So Thailand is at 35% 'fully vaxed' (of which a large proportion with Sinovac). Oz is just opening up for the second time (post-Delta) with 70% double-vaxed (age 16 up). Won't open completely till 80% is reached. Go figure.
  4. Reminds me of Putin visiting Saudi Arabia a year or 2 ago. I watched the video of Putin & the band as the musicians' musicianship collapsed in a screaming heap and the Russian nat anthem was completely unrecognizable in a fury of noise.
  5. We all fear the process of dying: pain, long-drawn out suffering, loss of bodily control etc. But once dead, there is nothing to fear, it seems to me. Either there is nothing after death: You have simply ceased to exist so there is no longer a 'you' that can do or suffer or think anything. Alternatively, if there is an after-life (which seems pretty unlikely but it's rational to have an open mind), we can only hope it's pleasant. In any case there's nothing we can do about it and we can't even imagine what such an after-life would be like so there's no point in worrying.
  6. I've just requested transfer of AUD4000 from Wise in Oz, which will be paid in baht at 1415 ICT on Monday. I ticked the usual box (funds for long-term etc) and then requested transfer of $4K from my Oz bank to Wise. My usual routine. I expect the transfer will show on Monday as an international and, when I update my bank book, it will show as FTT. I shall confirm (or otherwise) on Monday. If confirmed, this would tend to support my suggestion in a previous post above that the problem is a country-of-origin one, and associated - as others have suggested - with the sudden-death method as opposed to the slow boat to China.
  7. That question is as clear as mud. It simply doesn't address the issue of passing through a different bank before it gets to your BKK bank account. No wonder you got a useless reply!
  8. A suggestion that occurs to me: Is this a Wise country-of-origin issue? I notice that the people having problems seem to be mostly doing transfers from UK & US. Whereas at least one person above did a transfer from Australia without problem (ie marked as FTT). I similarly did my last transfer from Oz on 4 October without problem (but perhaps this was just before the difficulties arose?). Mine was a normal 'slow' transfer - ie booked it on the 4th with Thailand-stay option (and booked before 0730 ICT to get it same day), transferred the funds from my Oz bank to Wise, and the funds were in my BKK bank account at 1400 ICT. And in my little book as FTT. My experience from Oz is that quick-as-a-flash is not available (at least to me). Those who talk about the quick service again seem to be from other countries. Perhaps the slow boat to China is better than the flash in the pan if you want FTT.
  9. But the big fat green caterpillars are magnificent, and the butterflies are very beautiful. Sadly, life is full of difficult choices.
  10. I suspect that, as suggested above, this may be a UK problem ... Certainly I have had no difficulty doing transfers from Oz. I do 2 or 3 transfers each month as that gives me more flexibility for moving when the xrate is good, or at least better than usual. I tick the 'long-term stay' item & then transfer funds from my Oz bank to Wise. The 'transfer' to my BKKBk account then happens at 1400 ICT the same day (if initiated before 0730 ICT) or the next day if initiated later. All show as FTT in my BKKBk book. Last one I did was on 4 Oct. An alternative explanation (unlikely but worth considering): The system may have a minimum amount to register as 'long-term stay'. So if you do a, say, $20 transfer to try out the system, it may not work as it's clearly not a monthly 'long-term stay' amount ...
  11. How do these people manage to find the brains and energy to struggle out of bed each morning?
  12. Get rid of RID. That's the solution.
  13. I expect the rich and the wanna-be rich of Bangalore go to California for their annual hols ...
  14. Yes but most of the difference in people's height comes from short vs long LEGS.
  15. On the once every couple of months I visit the family farm they throw on a BBQ for the 10-20 family members present. If it's raining we sit inside the house we built for MIL, nice and cool on the tiles and I have a low plastic chair to sit on. If it's fine we all sit outside on mats on the ground, the concrete BBQs nearby, the plastic chair for me, and a small concrete table & plastic chairs for MIL & PIL (5 & 3 years older than me). And the farm dogs join us for the meal. All works nicely. Very relaxed. Perfect for life in the tropics. When the family members arrive to mow our lawns (currently once a fortnight) they sit outside on the verandahs as we feed & water them through the day.
  16. Australia today has announced that it now recognizes Sinovac and Indian-made AZ (Covishield) for incoming travellers when Oz opens up for international travel (expected 1 Nov). Other vaccines (Sinopharm & Sputnik) are awaiting data becoming available. The main problem in 'Western' countries certifying the Chinese & Russian vaccines has been reluctance of the manufacturers to reply required data. No data, no progress.
  17. So is that good or bad? and which is which? and how can you tell?
  18. Shows that Thais have the same possibilities as everyone else when properly educated, trained & led.
  19. Nonsense. Every 'Western' government has done the same thing as they keep the populace & the economy afloat during national lockdowns. The Thai government is no doubt incompetent in myriad ways but this happens not to be one of them.
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