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Posts posted by bergen

  1. Nahm Yuen - what an awful place, hard to find somewhere to eat or an internet cafe.daetudom in comparison is positively exciting with wife's village situated halfway between the two

    Several internet shops in Nam Yun, 2 across from the hospital, a couple along the main rd, 1 or 2 near the market/bus station.

    Good Thai and European food at Suan Loong Daeng, on rd 2248, 13 km west of N Y. :whistling::D

  2. I figured it would be the women trying to hide the money from the men folk before they rush off to purchase some "exotic" food which no one else will like which for the equivalent price enough local food could have been purchased to feed half the village!

    Anyway, what is happened to that sleepy and isolated corner or Ubon?

    First a 7/11 in Nam eun, then one in Narchaleuy and now a Tesco in Buntharik!

    Too many Aussies?? :rolleyes::D

  3. Is that Beer Laos I spy in the pictures. Is he serving that at the bar or is it just for takeaways. Either way I shall definitely be paying a visit. I can put up with being told by Lance what he thinks of me for the sake of a Beer Laos or two.

    The juxtaposition of pictures of a farang bar and farang produce under the captions

    "... Thailand as it should be. Simple life, genuine people and the most unspoiled..."

    gave me cause for a little wry smile MeMock :rolleyes:

    I had Beer Lao Dam (95B), Murphy's Irish stout (175B?), and a couple of Singhas' when I dropped by on Friday.

    I also tried the roast pork, which was too chewy for my liking.

    As said above, some imported things for sale to those in need. :rolleyes:

  4. Send her on a masseur course. Get he certificated and set up shop. Someone always wants a massage after working the fields.

    I wouldn't totally dismiss the massage idea. It' seems to be increasingly popular in Ubon. :unsure:

    Wife of a friend is a hairdresser, finished a 3 months massage course, got a license and had no problem getting a job at a decent massage place. She is at the same time attending courses to be educated in herbal spa massage, and I think the thought of having a future hair/beauty/herbal spa/massage place, have crossed their minds........... :D

  5. The UHHH will have their 35th run on Saturday 4/6.

    Because some of the runners might attend an evening party at WrongWay Cafe, the run will start at 16.00.

    Meet up at the pedestrian walkway on the riverside next to Wat Luang, and close to Talat Yai (the new large market building east of the main bridge.

    Be there at 15.45 or meet up at WW cafe at 15.30 for pick up.

    More info about Hash House Harriers can be found on www.ubonhash.com


  6. Dreamrider, you should take Patriot along for a night out there when he arrives in June. ;) I think you two would get along really well.

    I understand that perhaps Lance and Tom are hitting it off on more then just the business front as well. :whistling:

    Table for two needed?? :rolleyes:

    Hope to see you both on the hash next Sat. :D

    I guess there are exceptions from the old saying:

    never mix business and (or is it with)pleasure? :unsure:

  7. We lost power yesterday at 15.00 and got it back at 20.00.

    I went to bed at 22.00 and the power went off again at midnight (24.00)

    I had a bag packed and was ready to escape to a hotel for this night,when it suddenly came back on at 20.00 ,so it has been gone for 20 hours (last period).

    In the mean time I've been busy walking our 14 dogs for an hour each, but since I don't have a MP3 player, I've spent nearly 6 hours doing crosswords. :whistling::P

    I hope it (the power) will last the night! :D

  8. 1400 baht for Air Asia for a one hour flight as apposed to a 10 hour bus trip for maybe 1,000 baht cheaper I would take the plane (and I do) every time.

    I just booked a flight for August for Bangkok to Ubon with Nok Air for 1090 baht.

    Bergen is more knowledgeable about the train but I think it is around the 700 baht mark but of course it takes just as long as the bus.

    Make sure your seafood is very tightly wrapped up in a container that does not look like it is carrying seafood and you wont have any problems. Just don't tell them.

    Ok. So do you order directly from air carrier's website? Or do you recommend a specific discounter/local agency? What is your secret to getting cheap fares? You booked well in advance which probably helps.

    The night train from Bkk to Ubon leaves 20.30 and arrives 07.30 (if I remember correct) :rolleyes:

    2. class is about 700 baht, and 1. class around 1200. Lower berth is a few baht more expensive than upper....

    Food and drinks can be ordered from the restaurant on the train and brought to you, or you can go and have a seat there.

    All in all quite comfortable, and I've done it several times. :D

    Let me confirm: 2nd class is a reclining seat. 1st class is a sleeper berth. Correct? All food is extra.

    A sleeper berth. Can two people fit in a single berth? Do I have to pay for each person?


    Hmmmmmmm yes

    1. class sleeper has private compartments for 2 people with upper and lower berths.

    2. class sleeper is a wagon/carrier with upper and lower berths separated with a walkway in the middle.

    post-24958-0-16466500-1306423064_thumb.j post-24958-0-40303900-1306423010_thumb.j

    Any other qestions? :rolleyes:

  9. The night train from Bkk to Ubon leaves 20.30 and arrives 07.30 (if I remember correct) :rolleyes:

    2. class is about 700 baht, and 1. class around 1200. Lower berth is a few baht more expensive than upper....

    Food and drinks can be ordered from the restaurant on the train and brought to you, or you can go and have a seat there.

    All in all quite comfortable, and I've done it several times. :D

  10. I think you can forget the bus. Train is an option, and you can change to CM line in Khorat.

    Rent a private transport (pick up) will be next choice, but more expensive? :D

    Bergen, the change to the Northern line would be in Ayuttaya.

    Sorry, yes of course I was getting it mixed up with the Nong Khai line. :jap:

  11. There was the third in a week of 3 wedding eve parties in my village yesterday. This was the biggest of all.

    It was an all day event, with live music and dancing girls supposedly arriving at 10am. This was subsequently rescheduled to 4pm, but didn't commence until 5.30, because the girls refused to dance as it was too hot.

    So I joined the invitees at 5.30 and must say the music was the best I have come across, and the girls were very pleasing in every way.

    Unfortunately though, there was no food. Why? Because it had all been taken away in plastic bags by the local women, who had donated their 20 bahts and considered it their right to take food home. They consider it just like going to the market -have no interest in the wedding or whatever.

    Lao khao and warm Leo was available, and for just a few "privileged" guests including myself, some blended whisky was available. Fortunately it made up for the lack of food (but as I lived next door I popped home to make a cheese sandwich!)

    At 6.30 the inevitible fight started between the "groom" and a very drunk guest. Luckily for the guest who was on the receiving end of quite a pummelling, 2 police officers arrived in seconds.

    So not really the best of events. The taking away of bags of food is ingrained in Thai village life, but to me is wrong. People are "invited" to a PARTY. To eat and drink they must participate -attend -join in. TAKE-AWAY BAGS SHOULD BE BANNED.

    This page is getting a bit out of hand in the negativity stakes. without questioning veracity I will just add a bit of balance by saying that I have attended three Issaan weddings including my own. All had loads of food for everyone and I did not see people slinking off with doggy bags. No security, no fights, Sin Sod paid at all three. Enjoyed all three except when my wife lambasted me for not resisting more forcefully the overly flirtatious advances from an overly obvious Pattaya girl (not at my own wedding I hasten to add) :rolleyes:

    As I've said before, different places and people gives us all different experiences! :rolleyes:

    I totally agree with SantiSuk, but I guess we're just lucky living, and experiencing our part of Isaan? :D

  12. Dont bother with him Jim, like a whole load of others on here, hes waiting for the goverment, some seem to have been here a long time, but dont seem to have learnt much about thai face,

    I could have paid all for the plot, then what? wait wait wait ,,,,,,,,,, no, my mrs is clever, she knew there would be a lack of interest by all parties once the money was handed over, i agree, its great face for your thai partner to hand over big wads of cash, makes her look good in the community, bit like sin sot i suppose?

    But to have a thai wife who doesnt give a monkeys about face is far more important to me, she gets things done, without the bamboo and plastic bags!!!!

    Bored Jim? dont forget the rubber thingy mate,, Cheers, Lickey.


  13. Aw gee james you forgot to tell me to go home lol I think before you accuse me of calling anyone a village idiot (which I never did)you better go look at your farmers sob stories posts about your problems here in thailand. I dont believe you own or have invested in anything in thailand other than a lot of stories. What I posted above is the reality of what I and others around me have experienced getting their land surveyed and titled. Yes Im sure there are a few decent surveyers here in issan but most of them dont have the money or need to invest in a proper transit setup either optical or sat based.

    Thunder looks like you can see through me, I am really sitting in a small flat in Melbourne living a dream on my computer. Now that you have outed me I will have to hang my head in shame. Jim

    Jezus Jim, and I was sure I've met you several times here in LOS, ............was I just dreaming? :D

    I'm glad some people seems to know it all............... :rolleyes:

    Trond get the doctor to get your medication in order, you live in a nuthouse in Norway. Not on the Cambo border. PS sold our first rubber for the season, will be down to get drunk at the next sale. Jim

    Let me know in advance Jim, seems I will be in Ubon this weekend. :rolleyes:

    Have to fix a non working TV, and there's a rumour of a possible party (p*ss up) on Sat. :D

  14. The number of birds, and other mammals are indeed increasing in our garden, which looked a jungle and was flattened 7 years ago when we started building.

    We now have lots of tall Tamarind, wild Mango, Betel nut, Coco nut, Rambutan, Longon, - and several other kinds of trees.

    I've seen exotic lizards and I've recently seen a squirrel, and my wife says we have two pairs of different kinds of squirrel.

    Last two years we had about 60 geese staying a week in our river, but so far this year, I've only seen a couple.

    I'll take some pics if possible!

    Btw, here is one though not of a bird:


  15. Aw gee james you forgot to tell me to go home lol I think before you accuse me of calling anyone a village idiot (which I never did)you better go look at your farmers sob stories posts about your problems here in thailand. I dont believe you own or have invested in anything in thailand other than a lot of stories. What I posted above is the reality of what I and others around me have experienced getting their land surveyed and titled. Yes Im sure there are a few decent surveyers here in issan but most of them dont have the money or need to invest in a proper transit setup either optical or sat based.

    Thunder looks like you can see through me, I am really sitting in a small flat in Melbourne living a dream on my computer. Now that you have outed me I will have to hang my head in shame. Jim

    Jezus Jim, and I was sure I've met you several times here in LOS, ............was I just dreaming? :D

    I'm glad some people seems to know it all............... :rolleyes:

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