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Posts posted by bergen

  1. Getting a bit one sided this looks like the tree huggers are out numbered here in Thailand and we still have to talk about Spiders yet. But lads If your going to kill snakes remember there great duck food dont get close best thing is a 5ft stick and smash them just behind the head or the top weapon is a petrol strimmer there can only be one winner.:ph34r:

    When walking around on the farm, or hiking in the nearby mountain range, I'm always armed with a 6ft stick! ;)

  2. I don't like snakes around, and agree with IA's old man :whistling:

    We've had snakes in the garage, kitchen, swimming pool, restaurant, bar, restaurant kitchen, garden, etc.

    All the bigger ones were shopped and marinated in plastic bags, before BBQ'ed and eaten by our workers at the end of the day and washed down with Lao Kao. Usually my eleven Thai dogs takes care of most snakes that comes to close, but if needed I'm happy to assist. ;)

  3. dam_n Bruce you are all over the place on this one???? Now Denmark is a gay country according to Mangosteen?? I live in Jomtien am a hetro (not Danish either I'm afraid) and other than certain small "gay areas" it is no different and probably "cleaner" than Pattaya. As far as the actual posted topic I look foreward to a new upscale Mexican Restaurant - the more competition the better, the Bangkok menu and prices looked great. An upscale coffee shop is also needed in the area also.

    Jomtien is generally thought of as a gay destination worldwide. It doesn't bother me. I don't care. I'm surprised there isn't a "upscale" coffee shop out there. So many around town but not in Jomtien? Why? That's what I was answering. The reasons I gave were my opinion, but it seems money talks, BS walks. It's the flow and type of people in the area. Sunrise on the other hand(no pun), people will travel to so me thinks. There used to be a KFC out there if you recall. Why is it gone? Same same.

    Wrong... again.


    yes wrong again! <_<

  4. Good topic JT

    I usually stay in this area when down to the sea, and like to see positive development! Did check out the bar area a couple of months ago, and will definitely have a closer look at the new restaurants at next visit. :D

  5. Surin will probably cover most if not all your needs. :unsure:

    Swiss, German, American, Norwegian, Aussie, English run restaurants with decent food available.

    Big C, Makro and Tesco, provides your basic ingredients, and some specialist shops like Staffords, Nobbies + more, will have extras. :D

  6. A great day, afternoon, evening, and night was had. :whistling:

    Thanks to IA for hosting, and to all for participating.

    Good to catch up with some known faces, and meet some new ones!

    I had hoped to bring back home some bacon and ham, etc., but maybe next time at AA1's place........ :unsure:

    Will post some pics, when my internet connection is stronger: :D

  7. Nice weather yesterday, heavy rain last night, and sunshine again today.

    The Moon (Mun) river has already gone over the new walls, that were built to protect from flooding............ :whistling:

    Tried to attach some pics, but connection not good enough, will try later. :D

  8. Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder to those yet to confirm coming on Saturday, please drop me a line by PM or post here. Trying to establish a head count for catering purposes. Obviously the flooding situation cannot be known until the day.

    For those who are tossing up whether to come or not have a look at the second article on the recent TBS show, that's us.


    Hope to see as many as possible. Will post location tomorrow.


    Isaan Aussie

    IA - did you manage to book rooms for me? :unsure:

    Hope ones for me, or should I bring my hammock. Jim

    Yes Jim, I've booked room through IA for you as well! :D

  9. Hi everyone,

    Just a reminder to those yet to confirm coming on Saturday, please drop me a line by PM or post here. Trying to establish a head count for catering purposes. Obviously the flooding situation cannot be known until the day.

    For those who are tossing up whether to come or not have a look at the second article on the recent TBS show, that's us.


    Hope to see as many as possible. Will post location tomorrow.


    Isaan Aussie

    IA - did you manage to book rooms for me? :unsure:

  10. I could wax on/wax off about this forever. Two points for me are critical and not relevant to which country we are in. One, it is either theft or laziness, secondly, we all get apathetic about many small things because it is easier when the shutters go up over a minor thing. But in this case the importance to my mother and thought she put into the small gifts and greetings out rules any chance of letting this slide. My clock got properly wound.

    RBH is correct on registered mail and collection notes being left. Where we lived before in Suphan Buri the postal service also would not deliver parcels by bike, you had to collect them after a note was left. It seems to me from the dismissive nature of the local post master that they are on the wrong side of the law here and that other post offices are either straight or just as bent. When you find a bent one, act. I have never had reason to doubt Thai post before moving here.

    Getting important mail sent by EMS or registered mail is a smart move and advice I will follow, in fact have already acted on. But I am sure it erks you all as much as me that others must spend extra money to cover the corrupt practices here.

    Now, an admission. I said before that I didn't play the mind games here. Well to me I didn't, I made a statement of fact. In the email I left no doubt as to my background here in Thailand and the level of people I dealt with during those early days. Lets just say senior diplomat. I have no doubt that influenced the response from Bangkok and afterwards level of investigator that visited us, the 2IC for the province. He told us as much and offered to sack the locals. Thieves deserve to loose their jobs and pension rights to me, but I am also a realist and this is Thailand. I wish it was different and if everyone spoke up, maybe some day it will be.


    Fantastic . you suggest you are an Ozzie. Your rant is totally out of line .This is NOT your country. You are a guest in this country. If you cannot cope with the way things happen here ,using the vernaculer-piss off. I gave you a valid. workable solution ,which sadly ,you chose to totally ignore. Instead ,you chose to rant and rave, on something which you have no right to do. Not happy - piss off, this is not your country, and let us ,who learn to live within the parameters,enjoy our lives. I am mightily sick and tired of farang who critize , a country in which they are a guest. Don't like it ? piss off. I repeat I gave you a totally workable solution ,Which you chose to TOTALLY ignore.

    I chose not to read your solution when ever/what ever you posted ! You know why ? "Where got time !!!" That's how we Singaporean say it ! I'm happily reading this topic here and you want me to find your post in General Topics, why don't you offer a link here !?!!

    You done this too on the topic of poisoning fish in a pond....and IA is known to have a short fuse...and glad he's cool on this.

    The rate you're going, you should probably change AFARANG to ATHAI. Because where i came from, we are brought up to be better mannered, know what's rude and how to be polite...and civilized.

    We live in Thailand now...True ! But doesn't mean we have to live like a Thai and have their mentality. We all blend in to this culture and enviroment to adapt, not to be lost.


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