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Posts posted by bergen

  1. 500k Sinsod? Post a pic of this beauty (is it against the rules?) and let the mob decide on her looks if 500k is fair value. :lol:

    I went to a 300k sinsod wedding where the woman was 30+, a couple of kids and formerly of the Pattaya pole molesters.


    She is not pretty at all, 24 years old. the girl lights of Pattaya Bar in the forehead, I'm curious how old farang is when he comes he is old and from Germany. The girl had a nice body so it is difficulty to see that she has children with clothes on LOL She also said that it was only money she was looking for. Love you looooong hours hehehe

    She may be pretty to the German, maybe the best that have happened to him for a looong time, and if she tells him: he handsume man, how can he resist. :whistling:

    Anyway, good of you not to lie for her! ;)

  2. I've been to several weddings (and funerals) both Thai/Thai and Farang/Thai. :rolleyes:

    Sin sots:

    Starting from 20k Baht. Last wedding was between two Thais, sin sot was 200K Baht, (which was returned to the bride) + 50k Baht value of gold.

    At the time I left which was around 11.00. ( I arrived at 0800)

    Fights: none.

    Security: none

    Drunks: a few men and women, but well taken care of by the more sober.

    Scavengers: probably a few, but didn't see any.

    All in all I witnessed no problems while attending! :D

    Different families/people, and different places, probably means different experiences. ;)

  3. NK has several new hotels, I wrote about them a few months ago in this forum. They are brandnew and have fair prices starting at 500/600 baht. It is absolutely not true that they are overpriced and not well maintained. You can have a good hotel in heart of town, for instance at the road that starts at the Tha Sadeth Market where Carsten's place is.

    The farang food in NK is OK at some places, terrible at other places, it indeed depends on the cook but there are a few, not more than a few, farang restaurants with a good farang cook like for instance Milford's place New York Bistro.

    There is no reason to be gloomy about the hotelbusiness in NK; I know this place for 20 years now and live here 9 years so I know the ins and outs. Welcome !


    I like Nong Khai, if lucky visits a couple of times a year, and like to try "new" places! :D

  4. And to be a bit more constructive here is an extract of feedback I gave to Shivers on TV before his wedding.

    'As it happens I was an accountant in an earlier incarnation and therefore anal in the extreme when it comes to how much I have spent - not to be confused with being tight I hasten to add.

    My total expenditure on our SiSaket (amphur Khantaralak) Issaan wedding in July 2009 together with related activities was 236,689 baht, give or take the odd few baht [seriously how sad is it that I can be that precise]. But that includes 63,150 of Bangkok lawyer fees for a prenuptial (optional probably even for someone with assets to protect) and assistance (worthwhile) with registering the marriage in Bangkok. It also includes 55,000 for the wedding ring (which is probably a bit cheap charlie on reflection, now that I remember I spent £1,000 the first go-around 35 years ago).

    So, without those two items, lawyer fees and ring, and without the sin sod the total amount was 118,000 baht. That comprised:

    Food and entertainment 83,000

    Drinks 26,000

    Photographer, Videocameraman and purchase of some studio formal photos 18,000

    Flowers for the wedding night formal party 5,000

    Wedding document fees (some were for passport) 4,000

    Invitation printing for 225 people (150 printed) 2,000

    Trueso gifts for formal party guests (+ special ones for family) 3,000

    Wedding dress 3,000

    Make up and hair for formal studio photo session and on the wedding day 2,500

    Reduced by: Wedding money gifted by party and wedding ceremony attendees -28,000

    We had a full on party at the house the night before the wedding (celebrating our moving into the house) with food and drink - maybe 100 attended, a formal wedding ceremony morning with food at the house before the wedding and during and after the ceremony - maybe 150 attended - and a formal evening sit down wedding party with paid host/hostess, band and coyotee girls - 225 ish invited / 325 showed up!! We also had a clean up party for maybe 40 the day after and the multitude of cooks got a couple of thou baht as a thank you included in this. We also had extended family staying over a 3-4 day period and their eating and drinking throughout is included also. A couple of uncles were paralytic for the best part of 60 hours.

    The actual formal wedding party was relatively cheap (massively cheap compared to falangland). Included in the 83,000 above for 3-4 days of food and entertainment is the wedding party organisers fee of 45,000 for the wedding night party venue (should have been a school playing field but a downpour made it a glorified cowshed), set table-served food and food servers - I think it was baht 1200 baht for a table of 8 - the band and the coyotee girls (2 troupes - I didn't ask for them or know I had hired them, but they were a real sight for sore eyes!). The food (8 courses) was fine but I think a cow and pig in similar circs might have pushed the price up. I'm guessing but I would expect a pig and cow plus serving to cost in the region of 15,000-20,000 baht. You will see however that the formal wedding party was only half of the cost of the total food consumed over a 3-4 day period so if yours is not so stupid as to combine a moving in party with a wedding then you would get savings on my total food bill anyway.

    The party organiser did not organsie the alcohol/softies. I did that as my wife said this is an area you need to keep a reign on. My wife was much more parsimonious than I would be - she suggested one bottle of Thai whiskey (Johnnie W - only red - for the top tables) and half a dozen bottles of Archa on each table plus soda/water/softies. I applied my western party giving analysis to alcohol consumption and secretly bought far more than this. Multiples in fact. Given that the event turned into a 3 day marathon I was continuously handing out 1,000 baht notes for someone to go down the local shops. If you go for DIY let me warn you that alcohol and softies on this scale was a serious trucking job from Tesco and the Kantaralak wholesalers. I also made the faux pas of putting the copious quantities of Lao Khao out on the wedding party tables. That is just not done apparently. You bring it out clandestinely for all the serious drinkers when the polite people have departed and the dancing starts!

    Also a tip. Keep plenty of cash in your pocket throughout. Wedding party life is one long litany of 'darling Mum/Uncle/(fill in the requisite person) need x,000 baht to get y'

    My MIL also paid for some food on top of all this and paid for the 'marching band'. I didn't expect the latter and so I'll leave you to be pleasantly surprised also. I guess she paid another 20,000. So that's 138,000 all up and maybe you would pay a bit more for cow and pig and ... well you can do whatever adjustments you like for numbers and extent of celebration.

    My abiding impression was that I was far from ripped off. The photography aspect in the UK would have cost 5 to 10 times the amount I spent (a formal studio camera session two weeks in advance including pro hair and makeup, a cameraman for the whole morning wedding ceremony (6 hours) and for the evening party, a videocameraman for the whole morning session and evening party and free copiable CDs of all their work except the formal studio session. A couple of big framed prints and a small album of studio prints also comes in my 18,000 outturn (goodness - now I'm getting flashbacks of an early career in financial reporting). The party organiser charged a tiny nominal amount more for 325 people than the contracted 225 - 'that's ok - we had enough food anyway'. Ancillaries like invites gifts and flowers do not seem to attract the 'captive audience' premium they do in falangland. I negotiated nothing. My wife organised everything and I simply turned up and agreed to what was being asked for with a smile on my face and a 'god that was relatively painless' thought on my mind.

    Of course a lot of village freeloaders drank and ate at my expense. So what else is (not) new in the world of weddings worldwide!

    I did a family blog of the whole experience which I put on TV somewhere - I'll dig the link out later. '

    I now know where to look if I need an accountant!

    (Ps. I intended to add a smile, but the Emoticons didn't work)

  5. Food, cows, whisky, lao khao, soda, beer, for 300 people I would think would cost you around 100k Baht.

    300 people = 50 tables seating 6 people

    Blend whisky 200 Baht x 50 = 10.000 Baht

    Lao Khao 100 baht x 25 = 2.500

    soda 150 x 50 (24/table) = 7.500

    Leo x 500 x 25 (6/table) = 12.500

    2 cows = 20.000?

    Other food 100 x 300 = 30.000

    exstra Leo beer 500 x 10 = 5.000

    so far = 87.500

    Just a rough estimate, or something to start with, and then comes music/karaoke, dancing girls, decorations, and more.

  6. Quote: onionluke

    "Ah leo . I will be up country in a few weeks , maybe see you around for a cold one and some idle banter ....:D "

    I'll be ready Luke. :D

  7. Think he maybe talking about Ubon Ratchathani university.

    I'm still not sure where it is.

    The comment "Warrin side" makes it confusing to me. :unsure:

    So is it near Nevada Complex, or near SK Shopping, or is it on the Warin side, across from the Ratchathani Uni way south of Ubon? :blink:

    About 10 kilometer southof the Mun bridge there is a big old University with a lot of dormitory block flats being built . There is plenty of bars for the studios youngsters running along the main road .

    I know where you mean Luke, since I pass every time I go to Ubon, but it's far away for those looking for a bar in Ubon city, and transport is needed for those who enjoy a cold one! ;)

  8. I'm still not sure where it is.

    The comment "Warrin side" makes it confusing to me. :unsure:

    So is it near Nevada Complex, or near SK Shopping, or is it on the Warin side, across from the Ratchathani Uni way south of Ubon? :blink:

  9. Thers a Newish one,by the Uni,Warrin Side. Ferang Friendly,out past Egat Controll Room.Guitar Player and some Music, not bad.Easy Going stays open till youve had enough.No idiots pester you.:blink:

    Can you be a bit more specific about the location.

    The Ratchathani University south of Warin is a bit far away if you're drinking and not driving, but the crowd might be interesting. :whistling:

  10. TC Kitchen next to E-Ba/Laithong hotel, supposedly opened 1. May. Haven't been there after the opening, and don't know if it's classed as a bar, restaurant or cafe. :unsure:

  11. Hi Bergen. Thanks for answering my questions. Once I get settled in in Ubon I'll look up you Hashers and join you all.

    Looking forward to meeting you, and can probably speak for the others as well, and say we all are! :thumbsup::D

  12. Drinking and running...two great things that go great together! This sounds like a right good time! I'll be moving to Ubon in October and would like to get in on this.

    Two questions...generally, how long are the runs, and how many people show up on average?

    The short runs are usually 4 to 5 km, and the long ones 8 to 9.

    Due to special circumstances, we were only 5 hashers at the last run, the average is 15, and we've been more than 30 at some occasions.

    The numbers are not that important to some, since the fewer runners attending, the more cold ones available, and lots of fun we have anyway! :rolleyes::D

  13. I suggest you check out the "Farming in Thailand Forum".

    There should be plenty topics and advice about fish farming if you do a search! :)

    Yes, I'm doing that too - thanks. I already have a feeling I'll not be going ahead with idea, though!

    Sounds wise to me! :rolleyes:

  14. Have a good one chaps and chapesses, unfortunately I am in Pakistan working at the moment, I have just finished a top secret mission near a military academy.

    Hey Bergen, can I rely on you to punish SantiSuk for all conceivable infringements of HH rules!!!

    See you mid June

    Glad your secret mission is finished. Give the other seals a down down if you hit the circle! :whistling:

    Being the RA, and the GM replacement, thus representing the mismanagement, I'll make sure punishments will be carried out! :D


  15. Ubon Hash House Harriers' run 34 on Saturday 7th May 2554.

    Here are the instructions on how to get there;

    Go to the bridge over the Muun River that connects Eastern Ubon (near Ubon Rak Hospital) with Warin. At the south side of that bridge there is a sharp bend. Turn onto the dirt road that is on the East side of that sharp bend (there are three small Thai flags flying at that junction) and, after 20 meters along the dirt road, turn right into an area that starts as a fly tip but ends as a depository for unwanted baan shrines. Park up.

    Be 4:30 pm(16.30 hrs) at the hash site or pick up time at 4:00pm (16.00 hrs) from Wrong Way Cafe, in Padaeng rd. There will be a beer stop (money not needed) if weather ok.

    More information can be found on www.ubonhash.com.

    You're all :welcomeani: to join and share the fun! :D

    On On

  16. It happens here in South Ubon also, and seems to be more frequent in the start of the rainy season? :unsure:

    We have been without power for periods up to 12 hrs., but a good fridge/freezer will manage.

    We often calls the el office to ask when the power will be back, but usually they don't know. They have replied 2 hrs and it's taken 10.

    They've also replied that we've already got the power back - which we have not! :blink:

    Not only do we experience outages, but the strength of the el power (current?) varies, as if the power is half on. :rolleyes:

    This have ruined fridges, tvs, amplifiers, and other el. devices over the years, and I now use several UPS to filter and minimize the problem. :D

  17. I have had the satellite gold package from True Vision for 6 years, and pay 1440,- per month.

    It suites me, and as I live in the countryside, with internet provided by mobile phone, there is no possibilities of downloading anything. <_<

    The only things I miss watching (that I can think of at the moment) are winter sports. :rolleyes:

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