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Everything posted by HauptmannUK

  1. 30 days on inspection and 90 days on tax.
  2. Another 'Internet Personality' who is a boil on the backside of humanity. This guy has got quite a track record of misdemeanors in various countries including being banned from some hotels in Switzerland for breaking filming laws there, and also trying to set up a cryptocurrency scam. 10 years in a Thai jail would be more appropriate.
  3. Drugs/medications of any kind (inc. alcohol) are rarely the solution to these kinds of problems. Looking at the OP's profile I suspect he is wrestling with some kind of sexual identity issue which is leading to psychological turmoil. His avatar is that of a gay man, whilst he gives his location as 'waiting for you in the prison showers'. He also displays a dislike of bar girls. Probably the best thing is a flight back to his home country and therapy/counselling with a native speaker where these issues can be explored and, hopefully, resolved.
  4. You need to follow her over to that village and find out what's going on! Given that she's lied about her whereabouts this is probably not going to turn out well for you. I have seen the results of ladies gambling in my wife's village and it can get very ugly. Loan sharks turning up with guns (really!) and loss of house and land. Of course at the moment you are living on your wife's land in her house. Personally I think those usufruct's are worthless. Could you really continue to live there if you split up? Even if you tried to, it might not be good for your health (especially if there is another guy involved). I would hope its nothing too sinister, but prepare for the worst. If she's involved with another guy then get out of there very quickly, your life could be in danger.
  5. I would think that she IS losing money (possibly your money) but you just don't know it (yet)... 1. Make sure your assets are under YOUR control (car, house, whatever - documents!). 2. Make sure you are worth more to her alive rather than dead (cancel any policies on your life with her as beneficiary). In another post you mention that your are working very hard and aspire to a house in the city and new Mercedes Benz. Maybe forget the Benz, make do with a Camry, and spend a bit more time at home improving home life?
  6. Very difficult to fix this. My wife has a very close friend, Nat. Nat lived in a nice house with her husband and two kids. New Nissan pick up etc etc ... wanted for nothing. For some reason she got into card games and it very rapidly spiralled out of control. Six to eight people came to her house playing all day, almost every day. Younger kid was being looked after by the older kid. Housework not being done. My wife kind of broke off friendship with her. Eventually there were money troubles and the husband cleared off with the kids. But she didn't stop. House repossessed and she was made homeless. The house remains unsold and empty to this day. A lovely house and now terribly dilapidated and overgrown. My wife took pity on her and built her a very small house on a piece of land of her (my wife's) land. I would suggest you take all possible measures to stop this. Try to deny your wife access to money. Find her something to do outside the house.
  7. I use BleachBit to get rid of stuff I really don't want anyone to see. Its recommended by Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump...
  8. There are plenty of older vehicles fitted with the J1962 16-pin connector that are not OBD2 compliant. At the time your vehicle was made Isuzu were very close with GM and they were using the GM Tech2 scanner. Here in the UK I have an old Tech2 interface that plugs into a laptop with ALDL software on it. We use that on old GM and Isuzu Diesels. We also have a Launch X431 that I think also does them, but that's a £5k tool. In the UK Diesels didn't need to be OBD2 (actually EOBD2) compliant until 2004 manufacture. So some 2006 registrations are not OBD2. Of course we don't see many nowadays. In Thailand aNything is possiBle until after about 2013. Anyway, you just need access to a suitable scan tool. There must be some OBD2 scanners that will do it - as I said before, just go to a dealer or a mechanic who regularly works on these. He'll have something that reads it.
  9. My brother sold his business and moved to Spain last year. The visa requirements are not particularly onerous - IIRC €2500/month income plus €500/month for wife plus health insurance. After 5 years he can get permanent residency. Or you can get a long term visa by buying a house for €500k+, which by UK standards is not a lot. The estate agent he dealt with in Spain told him that one of the benefits of Brexit for the Spanish is no more low-income British pensioners moving there and struggling to live on €1000/month.
  10. I was saying it will be using an OBD1 protocol - which it is. It also appears to use K-Line (KeyWord Protocol 2000). See diagrams below which I managed to find. I think these were not fully OBD2 compliant until after 2008. Thailand only required OBD2 from 2013, although nearly all cars were OBD2 long before that.
  11. The C-Reader is a good piece of kit however it may well not work with your Isuzu. Your Isuzu was made right at the end of the period when they were still using GM OBD1 protocol. It will probably be using GM 8192 ALDL (Assembly Line Diagnostic Link). There will be K-Line data on Pin 7, which certain modern scanners might read. In the UK we have to use an old GM Tech2 scanner on old Isuzus. Probably best to go to the Isuzu agent or to a mechanic who is regularly working on Isuzus and has found a compatible scanner. Models 2007/8-on should be fully OBDII compliant.
  12. If you mean underbody protection then 3M products are available in Thailand. They do a flexible underbody wax (I think its 08882) and a light cavity wax (maybe 08853 ?). Both should be available in 1L Schutz cans, if not then you'll have to use 500ml cans. Pressure wash underneath and allow to dry thoroughly for a day or so.
  13. Its standard for the NHS to repeat and confirm results obtained elsewhere. If there is any suspicion of cancer he will be put on a Two Week Wait (TWW) pathway and seen by consultant within two weeks. I think PIP will be Personal Independence Payment - government money to support living/homecare costs of someone suffering major illness.
  14. The conundrum with buying a 'challenger brand' like MG is that although the purchase price is lower, depreciation tends to be much higher than with an established brand like Toyota or Isuzu. This means that overall cost of ownership if you sell the vehicle at say 3 or 4 years will likely be higher than for the established brand. On the other hand, if planning to keep long-term reliability and product support are an unknown. The MG/Maxus transmissions have a good pedigree and should be reliable. The GM 1996cc Diesel engine is a very fuel efficient engine and variants have been used in other vehicles around the world for several years. Reliability-wise its probably average. At the end of the day what you are buying is a Chinese-assembled small GM truck with as much cost as possible taken out of it. Such issues as arise will most likely be with ancillary components and electronic/electrical parts. For example, the quality of wiring and connectors etc I've seen so far on MG products is pretty shoddy. At a personal level I think they look very unappealing. That huge front grille is almost a parody.
  15. I don't have a product name but I know HG make one and HG are usually pretty good. I've seen HG products in Thailand. Search Lazada for 'HG urine' or 'HG odor' and something should come up.
  16. When were you last in UK, 1964?! I can't remember ever having eaten Toad in the Hole (possibly as a child 50+ years ago). Nobody is going to be 'amazed' by a Thai dish. Even small UK towns have Thai restaurants - even specificly Isaan and 'Northern Style' restaurants. Ingredients are readily available in supermarkets.......including (to the delight of my wife) pla-ra sauce...
  17. In used vehicle preparation we use an enzymatic cleaner to remove urine smells, followed up with an ozone generator. HG International (a Dutch chemical company) distribute in Thailand and they make a suitable cleaner. Check out Lazada. Failing that then a clean with a biological washing liquid detergent would help. Remove the seats from the car to clean thoroughly. A car valeting shop might be a good option - they would have done this before...
  18. The MG Extender is a rebadged SAIC-Maxus. Like almost all export-market Chinese vehicles it is built with licenced Western technology. Almost all SAIC-MG-Maxus-Roewe products are based on General Motors designs. The 2.0 petrol are the GM/Opel MGE engine. 2.4s are Mitsubishi units. 2.0 Diesel is a slightly modified GM Family B engine (much the same as in Chev Cruze 2.0TDi). The 2.8 Diesel is an Italian VM Motori that was designed for GM and built under licence. The six speed auto is a rebadeged GM 6L50 - GM licenced this to Punch Powerglide (a Belgian company who operate the old GM Strasbourg transmission plant) and Punch then sub-licensed to Shaighai Auto Gearworks (SAGW) who build the boxes from kits supplied via BorgWarner (China) in Dalian. The manual transmissions are Aisin (Toyota) units made under licence. I think these MG vehicles are OK as a product. However my knowledge and experience of MG on the UK market is one of poor spares availability, poor technical back-up and failure to take ownership of known problems (i.e. timing chain problems on the SGE engine). Of course the Thai market might be handled quite differently, I really don't know. But keep in mind that the cost of a vehicle is its depreciation (purchase price - disposal value). My advice to family and friends is that if Toyota makes something that would do the job then buy that. Toyota are not perfect but they get it right most of the time.
  19. Most of Africa AA ? I don't so. I visited a few African countries and I would say an AA would be the exception.
  20. 3BB put fibre in our condo (Pratamnak). We have their cheapest fibre package at 300mbps download whIch was ฿290/month on promotion last year. There was a further 5% discount for paying one year in advance. Had it about 9 months are it seems very good.
  21. Another happy 3BB customer (Pratamnak). No problem with torrents.
  22. My wife has several houses that she rents out. Earlier this year the shower packed up in one of the houses. I went to replace it. Turned off power at main breaker in fusebox. Took the precaution of checking for voltage at the shower - it was live! On further investigation the shower was found to be wired direct to incoming mains from the meter! There are two showers in the house and both the same. Fitted by local 'electrician' when the house was built 8 years ago. All sorted now with breakers...
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