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Wake Up

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Posts posted by Wake Up

  1. On 10/14/2019 at 7:05 PM, BuckBee said:

    well if thailand implemented actions 2 months ago it would of been well above 30 and not like go below 30 .

    base rate needed cutting and never should of gone up to 1.5, they need  put it down again and implement further control on investment and ease outgoing rules .  Main thing is needs doing asap as effects on export/manufacture are getting huge and hard pull it back if wait too long, to many other cheaper options in the region and they got better government and immi policy .

    With amount of money uncle buck banana spent on silk shirts, watches, MP's for election win and chinese hardware/projects tough times are ahead.

    Been far wiser spending on water management infrastructure and education and encouraging BOT act swift on currency control .

    Are you smart and wealthy?  I doubt it I bet you are zero for two. 

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  2. Can any of you guys read or are most of you convinced Thailand does not want expats anymore?  IMO you must have health insurance but my opinion does not matter. What matters is if you are on an extension of stay and single and have 800k in the Thai bank relax and stop worrying about what might happen. If you are married and don’t have 400 k of money to deposit in a thai bank then worry because you are cash poor and cash poor equals disaster in every country in the world not just Thailand. 

    • Sad 1
  3. On 10/11/2019 at 3:41 PM, Myran said:

    Never understood the cult following of this guy or why people are branding him a genius. All of "his" ideas were invented years ago, including electric cars, rockets that can land and trains running in vacuum tubes (something invented decades ago, and which he hilariously enough said he wanted to file a patent for in an interview).


    And no, he didn't successfully popularize electric cars, or his company wouldn't be hemorrhaging money every year at the expense of tax-payers' money.

    With your great knowledge and brain you have done what with all of these “ideas” invented years ago? And what tax-payer money is funding Tesla?  

    Yes businesses do hemorrhage money and that is why we have investors and investment bankers and Risk-Reward companies like Amazon, Federal Express, Uber, airlines, etc. And why some people are successful investors and businessmen and end up worth lots of money while others barely survive in Thailand and throw stones at the risk takers who make it big. 

  4. I came here as a tourist since 2010 to 2016 and it was always 29 to 30 or 31. Then in 2016 it went to 36 to the USA dollar. 30 and 29 are normal rates IMO. And yes I also think Thai banks like Bangkok bank are safe comparing to other national banks. And no i am not a retired pensions only person praying for a higher exchange rate to rescue me from poor retirement planning. 

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  5. TVF has some good visa information, travel, car and health care information. But it is dominated by angry, sad, or broke old men who blame all their money issues on other people or countries or ....  you also have a group that simply like to complain but held no leadership responsibilities in the world.

    For new friends coming here i hope they understand most of the bs griping on TVF is from people who have some mental impairment, never learned thai language, never drive in Thailand, no retirement savings,  have almost no Thai friends and have not traveled outside their TVF bubble. Yet they are experts in everything except reality. Peace ???? 

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  6. If you are legally married ( not just village married) and you are a USA citizen your wife is entitled to a visa to go to USA and will not be denied. She should get a 10 year visa. 

    If your wife and you are “only” village married her chances of getting a tourist visa or finance visa is very low.  She would need to be hi so or you and her have proof of being together for years and she has a good reason to return to Thailand. 


  7. Let me wake up every morning and be the first to make a disparaging remark about Thailand - a country I chose to relocate to and left behind my home country. 


    Thais should do things as smart as the country I chose to leave.


    Dang Thailand treats me like a criminal immigrant. 

    My home country has been ruined by criminal immigrants. 

    Hopefully I will get lots of likes to make me feel smart and important in my own mind and make me happy. ????????

    Maybe I can say something outrageous or critical and get into a personal online fight with someone I don’t know today. ☹️

    Thailand could not possibly survive if I left. ????

    I could fix all of Thailand’s issues in five easy steps if they would just make me their leader. 

    I love retirement by trying my best to spread misery, anxiety and negative thoughts on line everyday. I do my part for a better world that is going down the crapper.  

    All my money was stolen by a Thai women and her family. 


    i am the smartest investor on the planet. 

    Don’t drive in Thailand. ???? 

    This is how I do it. See and adopt my checklist so you you never made a mistake. 

    No sympathy from me. 

    Sleep, wake up, rinse, repeat.


    Ain’t life grand. Would be funny if TVF was a British comedy. 

    Enjoy your day????

    • Like 2
  8. Do the math and it answers your question.


    I put 800 k in the bank because as a retiree you need to have some cash saved in this country and your home country for a rainy day. You don’t need to spend all your money every month to month unless you just enjoy being broke and vulnerable. 


    I could pay an agent 20 k in BKK but my 800 k makes 12,000 baht a year at Bangkok Bank. If instead I paid an agent 20,000 baht out of pocket then I would have to make 32,000 baht a year minimum 20k for agent and no 12k interest from bank) or 4 percent return on my 800 k to break even. If people tell you they make over 4 percent tax free return on their money every year then they are mistaken at best or stock brokers or life annuity salesman at worst. 


    This year we have had the added benefit that my 800k of baht is worth more in dollars than it was when I converted dollars to baht last  January. 


    I am not trying to be judgmental but I love math and investing and have USA stocks and bonds and CDs.   Many  guys I know that criticize Thailand for requiring 800 k in the bank don’t have the 800 k to save in a bank.  For them agents are the only way and I wish them the best but would hate to be them at this age.


    For the guys who claim they can easily get 6 to 8 percent on their money in their home country every year they are not providing correct information IMO.  I trust Berkshire, Vanguard, Charles Schwab and other investors much smarter than me. And none of those professionals  or investment firms would ever state you get 8 percent a year or advise you to not have some cash saved for living especially at retirement age. 


    Put the 800 k in the bank and forget about it like NCC1701A suggested above. 


    Peace ????????????️♀️????????????????



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  9. Ask your girlfriend not TVF. I see a lot of expats selling food in Isan with their wife or girlfriend. Not a problem with them or the police. If you want a paranoid expat, never speak Thai, never travel Thailand opinion then that is what you will get from most of the TVF “experts.”  If you want the real world travel about and see for yourself and learn Thai and meet some Thai people. In the meantime ask your girlfriend and forget all the paranoid responses on TVF. Good luck to you and your girlfriend. You meet a lot of good people selling food to them. 

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  10. 10 hours ago, madmitch said:

    Here's a link to the article referred to




    Basically a crappy online magazine which provides no basis for its findings. You can't even read the full table as the ads take up too much space! Their list from 2017 was probably written by someone else and looks totally different!


    I wonder if the writer has ever visited a Thai public hospital?

    It amazes me how guys who post first are so biased against Thailand and seem to desire and feel pleasure getting the anti Thailand like button responses. Frankly and bluntly your opinion shows you have never traveled the world for work or pleasure and seen health care in other countries. Not your fault but why comment on a subject you have limited knowledge about? 


    I have visited Thai public hospitals and private hospitals. IMO if you are an American the health care in Thailand is available, good to great medical care and cheap cheap cheap. The Thailand I live in and the one you describe are clearly different Thailand’s. But I also can choose where in the world I want to live and can afford health care and have seen health care in many countries all over the world. If I received  health care free or cheap or readily available at my home country I might not like to pay for health care in Thailand. But for those countries that charge for health care and you have to wait months to see a doctor with a bad attitude who is a millionaire then Thailand is the best IMO. Health care quality and affordability is one of the main reasons I retired to Bangkok. 

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  11. On 9/1/2019 at 4:34 PM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Soi 6 is dreadful. The girls are not pretty. The bars play the worst music in the world  except Scooters and the foreigners are low class footie fan types. WS is much more fun and less sordid. 


    You are a troll or a dumbas@. I am guessing a troll but you to you ????????????

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  12. On 9/1/2019 at 12:17 PM, Matzzon said:

    I sincerely hope you are joking! Iconic slice of Pattaya? Since when does the sleazy bar and bargirl scene become iconic. Must only be iconic to the ones that degrade themself to frequently indulge inthe forever boozing and eating a piece of flesh a couple of times a week. So, as asummary. We should be very sad if the sex expat and the sex tourist are leaving Thailand. As I said, you must be joking.

    You are a weird man ???? 

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  13. They are saying I am old, not wealthy enough to live here,  and no one knows how special I am and how much Thailand owes me for me choosing to move here and spend some money on myself and others.

    Yet they also say immigrants are ruining their home countries and immigrants get everything free so get rid of immigration in their home countries. But Thailand should  work harder to appreciate immigrants to Thailand.

    Would be funny if it was a comedy show on TV and not true.  

  14. 9 hours ago, keith101 said:

    With the exchange rate with the aussie dollar I am now having to survive on under 36,000 baht from my age pension which s going to send me back in January when my next extension is due .


    My step daughter got finance for a pickup for me in 2017 on 0% deposit (in her name) and the payments are 15,600 baht a month which she is go to be responsible for once I go back and I feel really bad for her , I will have to send her some money every month to try and help but considering the prices of things back home it wont be very much maybe only 5,000 baht per fortnightly payment .

    I am looking to buy a good used truck if you want to pm me. Good luck to you and your family. 

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