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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. You do know what discrimination is don't you?

    It's not the same as a price structure based upon considerations of age.

    It's not the same as something that is applied to all regardless of gender, faith and nationality.

    Discrimination is based upon prejudice and all the bigotry that accompanies it. Can you really not see that?

    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    You never answered my question, do you think it wrong that Japanese and Swiss nationals subsidize their tourists? Or are you going to erroneously claim that subsidies are discriminatory? Anyway, who really cares what you think, I am happy to subsidize the poor and I am happy if their are less moaning foreigners to share the park with, have fun on the net, I am off to see some wildlife, laters.

    Agreed. I might go out to the national parks as well.

    Apparently my wife and kids get to go for free so a bonus for me.

    Thanks Thailand. Gotta love living here.

    I didn't stay long, too hot today.

    All these people moaning about 80 baht are hilarious, you just know they go to bars where they pay twice the going rate because they are "falang friendly" and they can order their Leo in English, proper losers who would rather stay in moaning on the internet than support a worthwhile cause and actually see something, pretty funny stuff.

    We don't all go to bars, how is it you know about bars
  2. And foreigners with Thai families?

    Why am I even bother to ask.

    If foreigners with Thai families cant be arsed to get citizenship then of course they should have to pay. Most can't even be bothered to attempt to integrate judging on the Thai language level of many I've met. If you want to live as an outcast take the consequences.


    I accept that I live in Thailand with an Australian passport and will happily take my family to the national park and happily pay my way.

    I remember living near Darra in Brisbane which is a huge Vietnamese community. All tight knit, could not speak English, but Vietnamese friends said all these people did was complain, complain, complain about Australia.

    If you don't like it. Go home.

    what is your definition of a FAMILY? Would one member of the family being thai be defined as a thai family or would it require a majority such as a thai mum and one thai child or two? Could the farang father be accepted into the definition as family? I had to go through the courts and family services in Thailand to be recognised as the father of my son even tho my details appeared on the birth certificate to obtain a 12 month family visa. This identifies me as family only for a visa but not for family passes to anything else.

    You identify yourself as an Australian and I don't know is your are married or partnered to a Thai and have children but can I ask you a question? If you had a family and took them back to Australia for a holiday or extended stay and decided to go to an event, park or what ever and they had family tickets would you purchase one?

    What if the attendant said to you, sorry Sir the lady with you is Asian and the children look mixed, you can't be family. Do you have any documentation to prove you are a family. Personally I would be pissed off if my family whom I love was judged by appearance. I don't know about you but I guess you would say to your family if you don't like it bugger off back to Thailand.

  3. Then the following day everyone can pay to see all the garbage that these Thai families leave behind! Naturally, that garbage will remain until it disintegrates since there is no one to clean the place nor trash bins to put trash in.

    They have imposed a levy on foreign tourist entering the country to clean up the mess. It is foreigners who dump rubbish thais would never soil their own nest.
  4. attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1460207311.159269.jpg

    Ummmm, The man upstairs heard my cry for help, the farmer and books are in front of me.....the pressures on....it's a long and winding road that leads to the top guys were just started the race, test of skill and nerves, I'm sure books will drop his bundle around round 8 when he gets cocky, meanwhile the effervescent farmer stuck out in the sticks will be a little harder to pin down me thinks.....

    I'm going for a clean sweep again this week. Bulldogs to beat the hawks. Pick 9 from 9 twice in 3 weeks will be nice.
    • Like 1
  5. The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

    Actually, for once i agree with him.western culture like showing tits at festivals and 'Girls Gone Wild' like behavior has no place in a modest, values based religious country. It is a cancer that eats at any cultural fabric. Where i have issue with his statement is the fact that he percieves that provocative dancing, lewdness (going topless or naked in public) is something that all foreigners approve of. He would be shocked to know the vass majority of westerners have the same view of inappropriate behavior. It comes down to what Thais want to teach their children and what they allow them to be subjected to and influenced by. Look at what Sprng Break has become. The hundreds of rapes and assualts because everyone is allowed to to be out of control.What people need to understand is this is a celebration of Thai culture and if you want to participate in it then have respect for the ancient ritual. It really is not about riding around on trucks and drenching each other with ice water. I like Thai culture and i dont want Songkran to become another Spring Break.
    This is exactly what TAT shows in its promotional campaigns abroad. Young women dancing in back of pickups, water drenching them and loud western music. Come and see Thailand in all its glory, enjoy the culture. Many first time farang travelers in thier teens and 20's see these advert campaigns and say that looks like fun and book a holiday in Thailand for Songkran. When they arrive they are confronted by hawkers selling a variety of water pistols and other implements and encouraged to join in. It is not the farangs fault. Prayuth should be directing his blame towards thais and TAT who promote Songkran as it is. He should reel TAT in to promote the Junta, the temples and rice farm tours. Show the real Thailand and not go full out after the tourist dollar with western style hotels, nightlife, walking street. Stop showing women who have modified thier looks and bodies to look sexy and western with white skin, pointy noses and the like. Show real thai women in your campaigns. Stop blaming the west for Thailand's ills.
  6. In reality he actally has a point, Songkran has been hijacked by the western white devils the faflang,,,

    Songkran is celebrated differently in different cities, and differently by different people, eg, Pattaya v Chiang Mai, children in a small village v lady boy's and hookers on pick up's, which by the way is illegal as of last year by order of the PM.

    Now if you prefer to celebrate Songkran in a more traditional way then maybe give Pattaya etc a miss. live and let live.

    Unfortunately this (_____) thinks he has the wright to dictate to the rest of the country how to celebrate under threat of gaol.

    hijacked by western white devils or sold to the west by that government agency called TAT?
  7. Judging by the Prime Minister`s remarks it does display the fact that Farlang expats are still considered as complete outsiders and will never be an acceptable part of Thai society. Or may be I`m reading too much into this?

    Or maybe you just didn't comprehend what you read. He was talking about Thai fugitives living abroad, not expats in Thailand.

    Ye'p I read it that way also, but it can be interpreted just as cyberfalang said, "ghost's that have taken refuge in falang houses"

    No mention of over seas. also can a so-called falang be a falang in his/her own country? nit picking ok ok my bad.

    Now if you would be so kind as clearly your mind is in sync with this plonker, please explain to us with far less in common with your hero the PM unlike yourself, the bit were he say's, there's a lot of weird things but he can not do anything about them because it's about democracy...

    go on mate give it a crack, please......cheesy.gif

    And sure it's ok if you think you can manage it, then you can even use some big boy words as well.

    Yes even in Australia thais refer to aussies as farangs.
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