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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Why the <word> would anyone attack Belgium? Nothing happens there, literally nothing. In a scientific sense the place could be called inert. There is something to be said for freedom fighters but these people are not fighting for freedom, they are fighting for lack of freedom. If you are from a country that the UK or France bombed the <word> out of then you may feel miffed. Belgium.... <deleted> have they ever done?

    Do you understand what the concept behind ISIS is ?

    They regard anyone from any country that do not follow their beliefs to be their enemy.

    They want to attack and kill any infidel in their eyes regardless of nationality and religion

    and that includes muslims as well.

    It is not Belgium that they care about it is purely destruction against anyone that isn't a

    part of them.

    The concept behind ISIS, 'as described by western media', you mean? As in the western media completely owned and controlled by corporate America, or, shall we say, the 1%!

    So basically they have nothing better to do, other than of course, completely devote their lives to the systematic annihilation of 6.4 billion non believers!

    Bit unrealistic me thinks!

    I believe Islam and muslims have been doing this sort of thing well before Christopher Columbus was born
  2. I also find it ridiculous that they evidently have to bring their own supplies of sticky rice and grilled pork from 8,000+ km away (the tag on the carton says BKK-ZRH), otherwise they probably would starve to death, because Swiss food is oh so terrible - not.

    Probably because street food carts over there don't sell sticky rice and pork at the waterfalls. If they'd did, the Thais wouldn't need to take their own.

    If you cannot survive on local food while on an overseas trip lasting a few days, you better should stay home. I think it's one of the great pleasures of traveling to explore and discover the local food.

    I agree with you, but I don't think they took all their food for their entire trip. They probably already knew that unlike in Thailand, that the waterfall street food in Switzerland wasn't as good as in Thailand, and probably unavailable so this was a snack.

    Plus let's face it Thai food is one of the worlds great cuisines and popular all over the world. Not so many Swiss restaurants outside of Switzerland.

    I live in Thailand, but not all my meals are Thai food. But I don't often eat Aussie food here, because like Swiss food, it is average at best, so no one really opens Aussie restaurants. And if they do, they usually fail. Because it isn't popular. Thai food is.

    kangaroo steaks and sausages aren't that popular outside of Australia. I have to bring them back with me.
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