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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. As sickening as this attack was, keep in mind that this sort of stuff happens all over the world. It is not just Thailand. I think some members here are getting carried away with the punishment to be dished out to the offenders. Another poster laid out the Thai law with regards to assault, so here we are only looking at bodily harm with possible aggravating circumstances, including intoxication, number of offenders and maybe victim's age etc. Unless one of the victim's has a permanent injury as a result, then I wouldn't imagine there would be too much jail time for these grubs. Don't get me wrong, even though there is a possibility that the victim/s may have somehow provoked the offenders, what happened to them is inexcusable.

    Tourism in Thailand will suffer as a result as that video is circulating the world and it is very damning evidence. I'm sure that both TAT and the Govt will be secretly fuming over this incident. Especially as it has happened in Hua Hin, the King's home, which I would consider a safe city. I have just left there after living there for just over a year and rarely saw a problem in the town area, even late at night after most have had a skinful. I know there are a lot of members here that think that Thais dislike farangs, but I just didn't get that impression. There are always going to be issues with foreigners living or visiting any country, including cultural and language barriers. What happened to this British family was horrendous and I wish them a speedy recovery. Hopefully the offenders will get exactly what they deserve...

    It certainly does, had a pack of Thai dogs gang up on a lone Aussie in Melbourne Australia and beat and stab him to death simply because he saw them attacking another stranger and asked them to stop. They are now doing 20 yrs in an Aussie prison.
  2. It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

    no so! in the United States they have a "hate" crime law that includes old folks! hit an old person and go to jail! period
    Show me the law and the penalty.

    This would come under the common assault law. It was not premeditated and first offence.

    Though there is an extra penalty, for assault if it was 2 or more doing the crime.

    Suspended sentence. Standard.

    I also get sick of people going on about victims being paid off to avoid prison. This is not true. Thailand has a very good law, that every victim is entitled to compensation from the criminal. This sum can be agreed upon before court, it has no bearing on the criminal sentence which by the law must be enforced. Or, the victim can prosecute the criminal in a civil case if victim feels compensation is not enough.

    Many countries do not have the victims compensation law. Everyone makes money, the lawyers, the court (fines ) with the victim recieveing nothing. I have been a victim,the money does help cover costs of medical, court attendances, and other.

    In the state of New York if a victim is at least 65 years old and the assailant is 10 years or more younger the crime of simple assault is upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony. My home state of Missouri also has a similar law.
    In Australia they are also Serious Indictable Offences which carry a prison term. This isn't a simple assault but but everything from recklessly cause injury to intentionally cause serious injury and conduct endangering life. The kick to the face of an elderly person could have killed her.
  3. It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

    for attacking an elderly female and kicking her in the face whilst she is on the ground helpless breaking her teeth will definately get you prison time in Australia. Violence against women especially elderly female pensioners is not tolerated in Australia.
  4. So TAT turn up for a photo and show some fake sympathy for the elderly victim. Their only concern is the tourist dollar. I would tell them to bugger off, I don't want to be part of their b/S save the baht campaign. What next, will the police bring the thugs before them to give a false sorry and ask her to sign a non complaint form. The best they can do for tourism is ensure the animals are given lengthy prison terms, send a very clear message to other thai thugs and the world that tourists are actually welcome and they aren't just wallet transporters.

  5. Was on the Australian ABC News yesterday how a number of people have already been arrested and imprisoned for expressing an opinion about Prayuth. The story went on to say how the junta has its hands around the neck of Thailand and is squeezing tighter and tighter. All rights are being stripped from the people.

  6. Absolutely horrible .....but wait,... all you people suggesting this kind of stuff would only happen in Thailand. How many times have I heard on the news of attacks on homes in isolated country.areas...where families are tied up and beaten until they hand over whatever valuables they have (if any) or does not not happen in your own country.....it certainly does in mine.

    How many times have we heard of a pack of animals attacking elderly tourists in other countries. This is about thai animals attacking senior farang citizens in Thailand and not a burglary in another country. Stop defending scum who prey on tourists in Thailand. I hope it happens to your elderly parents if you support this.

    I hope your elderly mother does not slap a stranger in the face in a red light district coffee1.gif
    I don't appreciate you calling my elderly mother a prostitute. You don't know her and she isn't here to defend herself. Your comment is just like kicking an elderly woman whilst she is down. I am not going to attack your mother.
  7. Good to see the saints have dropped that useless piece of shit and oxygen thief called McCartin and replaced him with a person who has 30,000% more talent being menbrey. Why are the Saints persisting with the retard McCartin.

    Don't hold back chooka

    He was suppose to be Nick Riewoldt's replacement but hasn't lived up to the Riewoldt standard. Nick made his debut in Rd 2 of his 1st season, never looked back and was captain in his 2nd. McCartin has even proved worthy to lick nicks boots. Piss the useless piece of crap of I say.
  8. I'm looking forward to see this kid play - Christian Petracca

    Some people are saying he's the best kid they've sever seen.

    Petracca to debut

    MELBOURNE young gun Christian Petracca will finally make his much-anticipated debut on Saturday against St Kilda, the club which overlooked him with the No.1 pick in the 2014 NAB AFL Draft.

    Dees coach Paul Roos delivered the good news to Petracca on Wednesday, after holding back the midfield bull despite weeks of sensational VFL form.

    "I never thought the day would come to be honest," Petracca told the club's website.

    "He (Roos) didnt really tell me I was playing. He told me there was no spot for me in the team and we were playing good footy, which is true to be honest.

    "Then he told me that I was playing and I cant really describe it to be honest its all a bit of a blur."

    Petracca was long mooted to be the first pick in the 2014 draft before the Saints opted for key forward Paddy McCartin.

    His long-awaited debut comes after a knee reconstruction wiped out his first year at Melbourne, while a frustrated Roos made the 20-year-old bide his time this season after breaking a toe playing basketball during pre-season.

    Nobody seen him play but he looks inpressive readybuilt body like hes been playing 10 years already.

    We should have an inpressive midfeield soon, every one knows Jones, latest sensation Viney, hes dad was a gun centreman, the emerging Brawyshaw new boy Oliver, ex Crow Bernie Vince, ex Gaint i think minch got his name right , thzt stirrer Bugg who plays defence tooooo.....here we go here we gooooo......

    I hear chooka has been well pleased with the Saints picking Paddy MCartin

    McCartin is going to take years to be an average player. Saints Nick made his debut in Round 2 of his 1st year and never looked back. McCartin isn't a pimple on his arse.

    And he was dropped tonight....

    yep because he is a bloody useless retard. Not even worth trade bait for some other clubs retard. McCartin is the worst clusterfuck player in the comp and wouldn't even get a game in auskick under 3's. This is his 2nd season, Riewoldt was captain in his 2nd season.
    • Like 2
  9. Well gangsters

    Another big round coming up.

    Kicking off with this Friday is the top of the table clash between North and the WB.

    A few weeks ago, I would've picked WB. Now, with 3 backman out plus Tom Boyd and Caleb Daniel, I'm not so sure.

    Melbourne versus the St's is a tough one. Saints are playing good footy and aren't far away.

    They've also had the wood over the Dee's. Can Melbourne go 3 in a row?

    Gws and the hawks should be a belter. Are the hawks due to lose one?

    First real home game for the Giants. Thinking maybe GWS can run them of their feet

    but it take a brave or stupid man to tip against the Hawks.

    Richmond and Port is a hard one. Last week I would've gone Richmond, but with Rance out

    and a huge doubt over Riewoldt, I'm not so sure. Delidio back in for the Tiges is a huge inclusion.

    Home ground advantage might give it to Richmond.

    Carlton and Essendon could be a close one. Carlton had a win last week but Freo have hit the wall.

    Essendon better in the 2nd half against the Pies.

    I'm hoping that WC smash the Pies but Essendon played them into form last weekend.

    If WC don't win this one at home, can kiss the 8 goodbye.

    All the breast fella's

    Saints have dropped McCartin because he is useless so a big plus and advantage for the saints
  10. You need to watch the video in full screen several times to see what happened, what I see is:

    Two intoxicated males arguing with each other, both unsteady on their feet.

    A farang wearing a black cap and holding a womans hand walk in the opposite direction, one of the drunken Thai men make (accidental?) light bodily contact with his man - he staggered a little and wasn't watching where he was going.

    The Thai man took the contact as deliberate and turned after the man, he then pushed him but not hard.

    But the farang in the black cap lost his footing and fell heavily against the step and lay there for a moment.

    That was the start of the whole thing, innocent bodily contact misinterpreted and fuelled, I guess, by alcohol.

    But then the action starts as the foreigners and the Thai's start to talk and then argue, the result pretty quickly is that the female foreigner slaps the Thai mans face and moments later, a white male in the group punches one of the Thai's.

    It's game over at that point as the Thai men have lost face and want revenge, the details don't need to be discussed again.

    What would you have done? I would have got the group to walk away after picking up the man who fell heavily, if it was me who had fallen I would have picked myself up and walked away, trying to argue and chastise the Thai's in their condition, at that time of night, in that location, was a non-starter - slapping the guys face in public had a highly predictable outcome.

    I saw the Thai in the white shirt, black shorts, holding a bottle of something push the elderly farang in the back as he walked past. The elderly female spoke to the Thai who immediately received backup from his tough thai mates
  11. Absolutely horrible .....but wait,... all you people suggesting this kind of stuff would only happen in Thailand. How many times have I heard on the news of attacks on homes in isolated country.areas...where families are tied up and beaten until they hand over whatever valuables they have (if any) or does not not happen in your own country.....it certainly does in mine.

    How many times have we heard of a pack of animals attacking elderly tourists in other countries. This is about thai animals attacking senior farang citizens in Thailand and not a burglary in another country. Stop defending scum who prey on tourists in Thailand. I hope it happens to your elderly parents if you support this.

  12. Maybe they should have stayed in England? Maybe they deserved what they got?

    Shame on you, bubba1, shame on you!!!! sick.gifsick.gifsick.gif
    Plenty of stereotypes of Chinese and Russians on this forum. Lager louts of working class English can't be talked about?

    These victims scarcely fit the stereotype of Lager Louts now do they?

    I was wondering when the first half-witted 'victim blaming apologist' would be along....didn't take long....

    What are they doing in an area based on prostitution at 2:00 AM in the morning? They only have themselves to blame for being in this situation
    glad to see you have exonerated the Thais of any blame and shifted it onto someone else, an elderly 65 yr old woman, her husband and their middle aged son. If they were young farangs beating up elderly thais would it be thais fault?
  13. There is no grey area here,you dont hit up on a family enjoying songkran and then kick the <deleted> out of them when they are on the floor.

    Disgusting and it should rightly go viral as a lesson to what is happening here quite frequently nowadays.

    Land of smiles not.I hope they catch them but for what the punishment will be it is just not worth it,shame all round on this story.

    You especially don't kick a 65 year old woman in the head when she is already on the ground and defenseless. These thugs will be patting each other on the back for taking on and defeating elderly senior citizens.
  14. Educational.

    Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people, if someone else can see this and understand it's better to walk away than this happening to you, the locals are not innocent but this could have been avoided. It's true people get drunk and full of themselves forgetting where they are then it all end in tears, I wish quick recovery your the family involved and the gang members PROPERLY dealt with. I don't wish to seem to black hearted but this can be seen as an education on how bad things can go wrong for you here. Take note if this surprised you.

    where is the evidence that this tourist family was intoxicated?
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