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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. Righto boys on further consideration i can't see the sense in being in two fantasy comps, Chooks was a bit slow off the blocks but his is a better option than mine,, since the tinker league got 90 bucks out of me a few weeks ago I'm not gonna give them another cent, so i think we should abandon ship, drop out of my Fantasy comp...looking the details over in mine we play each other once thats it.....very quick season indeed....

    What to do what to do?

    Don't be silly Alex, all is good and nothing changed. You can have one team in many leagues. Mid season final, see how you're going then the big one. Same teams,just double up in the 2nd half. A bit like Collingwood a few years ago being called the July premiers then fell to pieces.
  2. Can anyone imagine a BIB Operational Targeting meeting ?

    In considering who to target there must be no one rich, connected or with a family name, no politician or anyone connected to one, no senior police or military officer and anyone connected to one, no, no , no etc. ! No one around this table either.

    Now is there anyone left we can actually go after and there will be no comeback ?

    My barber Somchia charged me 30 baht for a Chang whilst I waited. Can get for 26 at my local mum & pop.
  3. I thought Yingluk wanted the election and Suthep and his band disrupted by blocking passage to booths, intimidating and assaulting candidates and voters. Why is Yingluk charged with offences committed by this person? He will walk as he has been in bed with the military from the start paving the way for the coup. He has held demonstrations since the coup and nothing was said whilst a few students speaking out against corruption were arrested.

  4. I first saw them in 1976, Bon Scott at the Moe Town Hall in Victoria Australia. It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and role. Jail break and can I sit next to you girl. We paid about 1 AUD then as they were new and up and coming. Still have all thier album's and think of them as the greatest band ever. They will go down in history as Australia's best and probably the world's best.

  5. Righto boys......looks like CHOOKS has got last years fantasy up and running...i just saw the email for Martin i assume that is you chooks? what to do what to do...do we really want to have 2 comps going with the same teams in them?

    You seem to know more about fantasy mr chooka than JO, what to do what to do?

    Yes that is my name, nothing to hide. I played in 3 leagues last year, one team. Got smashed in one but finals in others. Nothing to do Alex but to go with the flow. You are the premiers and can you go a fourganism as hawks supporters claim
    • Like 1
  6. Mr JO, the powers that be and set up fantasy being AFL have it set that way, maybe if we take up the paid version we could jigg things around, don't know, the way it is gives you 2 weeks JO to fine tune before you hit the action, I think it works fine unless 5 of your midfielders go down with in those 2 weeks, from what I saw last season I was often caught short early on, I think I've addressed that part this time....tip....choose at least one player per grouping you know plays around 18 to 20 games in a season who can cover an injured player.

    your correct AlexRRR and what will happen is at the conclusion of round one the AFL will automatically fill the league with other teams to make up the competition. Last year when I set up the league paid $10 made it private for us and this allowed me to set it up so we played twice. I hit the regenerate button which automatically reactivated last year's league and sent out emails. You can be in more than one league with a single team
  7. My recollection is you start to actually play from round 3, the first 2 weeks you can fine tune with 2 interchanges, won't do you much good putting ur team together at the last min....as a good coach jo you should be checking on injuries from mid March and begin to adjust accordingly, looks like I will finish above you in fantasy as well....

    So why don't we start from round 1 or is that not possible.
    Starts in 24 days, round two. I regenerated my team from last season only 4 changes and managed to squeeze fyfe into my star studded midfield which now has the top six midfielders. Much better side this year. When I regenerated my team it also regenerated league from last year automatically. A one stop shop.
    • Like 1
  8. I'm sickened by the appalling and callous treatment of these refugees and, like Alexander Betts, I am ashamed to be European.

    We are nearly all of us refugees or economic migrants of one kind or another. Every single American, Australian, Israeli or (white) South African comes from some kind of refugee background. All of us living in Thailand are economic migrants (and very privileged ones at that)! Sure, many Brits and Germans and French people can perhaps claim to be "pure blood", but we enjoy the freedom to choose where we want to live and work, virtually anywhere in the world - if we ever feel disenchanted with our vater- or motherland, we wouldn't hesitate to up sticks and settle somewhere more conducive (and because we can afford it and have the right passport, we don't have to be labelled as a refugee - even though we're doing exactly what they want to do).

    Refugees tend to be people who don't want to leave their homeland. Economic migrants (like us) are looking for greener pastures and we tend to have the wherewithal to achieve this. Either way, people who relocate are hungry for opportunities and are prepared to work hard to improve their lives and live with decency and dignity - often not for themselves but for their children.

    Much of the crisis is indirectly the fault of meddling politics and corruption of our Western military-industrial politics and economies, it's not just about religion and crazy Muslims. The majority of Syrians (and other refugees) would be very happy to ditch their religion - it's been forced upon them anyway, just as in Europe most of us (or our grandparents) were forced to be Catholics or Protestants. And those Muslims who do want to continue practicing their religion will most likely want to do so in a far more moderate manner (in Europe, we can all enjoy wine and beer without getting our hands chopped off, and we can discuss our religious beliefs and question it and even be blasphemous). If I were a moderate Muslim, the last place I'd want to live in is a Muslim country! Besides, many of the refugees are Christian or some other religion anyway.

    Sure, many of the refugees are uncouth and uneducated, even lazy. I was also, as a young 'asylum seeker' from South Africa during the Apartheid era. I got civilized quite quickly after I moved to the UK. And I gained work experience, greater expertise in my field, started companies, employed people, made and spent money - I became a good economic citizen: a consumer!

    Blocking refugees is tantamount to murder (at least accessory to murder). By blocking refugees, we are condoning people trafficking, organized crime and putting people's lives in mortal danger. It's time we stopped this nonsense and find ways to bring in these people and their families. We can afford it. And not only can we afford it (because it doesn't cost us anything, it's a relatively simple matter of borrowing against the future which we do all the time, particularly for the financial and military industries, and social services) - the investment that we make now will pay back dividends in the future. Refugees are good for our economies - they create new industries, we get cheap labour (without having to rely on workhouses or child/slave labour in China or India) and we gain an entirely new demographic of young(er) people who will pay for our pensions and healthcare when we're too old to work for ourselves!

    It's morally right and in our best interests to let them in and take care of them!

    if someone breaks into my home to take what is mine it doesn't become my moral obligation to hug and care for him for the rest of my life.
  9. I was walking down the street with my 16 yr old daughter and as we approached a phone booth she sent me a text. What's that thing dad? I said it's a telephone darling where people call and speak to each other even over long distances. She texted me back and said, old people, all they have to do is meet at a coffee shop and text each other.

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