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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. I've always felt the laws in Thailand should be reciprocated when Thais go abroad.

    If I can't own land here, Thais should not be permitted to own land in my country. But dont stop there. They must also have constant check-in with immigration (or border runs), and ever changing visa rules, and so on.

    If this were the case, you can bet the laws here would change real quick.

  2. You can probably come to your own conclusion here as to what will happen with them.

    My thoughts: Most will malfunction and not be replaced or repaired, the viewing room will be understaffed, and generally it will have been a huge waste of money.

    However, I do hope I'm wrong.

  3. As if there is a reason for anything they do. We may as well be on Mars. Nothing makes sense, and the longer I'm here, the less sense anything makes. So, I just stay out of the way and let Thais do Thai stuff while I shake my head or laugh in disbelief.

    It is a shame though that they slaughter the trees how they do.

  4. As it has already been stated, carry a copy with you at all times if you're heading to places known for police raids.

    It's really that simple. No need to freak out about it.

    To the gentleman who laminated a smaller version, excellent idea. Keeps it dry.

    And always, this too will blow over in a week or two, if even that long.

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