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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. If true, that is a tragedy. All prenatal care should be free to those below a certain income level.

    No one should have to experience what this man claims happened.

    Most migrant workers live like this. Up north, many Burmese fear hospitals because too many of them have gone in for something small and died. Our maid claims they are selling organs. Who knows, but on this side of the world, anything is possible, even in places where you think you're safe.

  2. C'mon guys.!

    Go to any Kodak shop with your passport.

    For $3 they will colour copy your passport front page and Visa/Extension, reduce to wallet card size and laminate with one on the front and the other on the obverse.

    In less time than it takes you to enjoy a cold frothy.

    Do it on the way home from your annual Immi visit - you'll need a coldie by then.

    All well and good until the guy on the spot decides he wants the originals. Good luck with quoting chapter and verse of the law to him on your way to the cells..

    I think you need a second layer of foil on your aluminum cap to keep the voices out.

    Unless, of course .. you have something to hide.

    Anyway, feel free to carry your original passport ... do tell us later the joys of getting the replacement and new Visa stamp.

    For the rest of us, with beautiful color laminated copies of the cover and visa ... please pardon us if we stay calm and proceed .. business as usual.

    Not only replacing a Thai visa, but many of us also have valid visas for other countries. The thought of having to replace all of them and the headache involved, no thanks. I'll carry a copy and deal with whatever consequence Sargent Somchai feels like dishing out at the moment.

    I wonder if they will raid any actual tourist spots during the day and shake down the Chinese. I highly doubt it. They won't be bothered in any way, shape, or form.

  3. It looked like they were doing something similar at Thapae Gate in Chiang Mai last night. There were over a dozen police there at 10.00pm checking walking tourists and stopping foreigners on motor bikes. They were blocking the road and disrupting the traffic as I went past very slowly in a car - waved through because they only saw the driver who was Thai and they did not see me through the windows. Did anyone else see what was going on?

    I saw it. They had another stop at the same time not far from Maya. Had it the day before too.

    I'm looking forward to when they start knocking on doors and asking to see our passport. To protect the country, of course.

    I don't mind a random stop if they are checking for drunk drivers. But just to check passports... Nope. What's the point of such a stop? It's not like they are running your name through a database to see if you're wanted or not. It's just pure harassment.

  4. Nice to know that nothing illegal was going on near Grace hotel. gigglem.gif

    Drug dealing Africans across the street, trafficked women outside of and inside the hotel, local working women outside the hotel, ISIS meetings happening in plain sight in the alley behind, and so much illegal counterfeit product being sold it will make your head spin, including porn DVDs, sex toys, and dildos, BUT the mission was to make sure everyone had their passport.

    Ho-lee-khrap these people have lost their marbles.

  5. It was decided to arrange a mock marriage between the two and, according to the father, as soon as this was done everyone recovered as if by magic.

    so if they fall ill again, what they gonna do?

    Do what most Thai males do, visit a Karaoke Bar. The more Christmas and red lights decorating the establishment, the better. Bonus points if it's in the middle of nowhere or on the highway.

  6. Regarding deliveries- yes- Thailand is great, but that only can happen when a large portion of your population is underemployed. Why do you think Thailand's unemployment rate is low. there are millions of jobs where people are making the minimum wage- 300 Baht per day- so of course a business can afford to get things to us quick. However, try getting that same business to provide the same result on faulty products or backing the guarantee you are supposed to have. In the US- companies provide poor service because they refuse to hire enough people to provide that service as they do not want to spend the money providing a proper staff with a proper wage. It is the same situation in both countries- the wealthy control everything- the rest are their minions.

    Deliveries and easy bill payments at 7-11 and the ATM. Best anywhere.

  7. We live here 6 months out of the year and this has been since 2001. Love the country and most of the people we've met. Got nearly everything here as back in the States. My only complaint is their driving habits, but I think that can be corrected by a pro-active police force. Nearly every country in the world has its neglected areas, I for one say this Thailand is not third world by a long shot.

    Thailand may not look third world, but she has a third world mentality.

    Without foreign investment prettying up the place, Thailand would be no better off than her third world neighbors.

  8. I also find it ridiculous that they evidently have to bring their own supplies of sticky rice and grilled pork from 8,000+ km away (the tag on the carton says BKK-ZRH), otherwise they probably would starve to death, because Swiss food is oh so terrible - not.

    What about all those foreigners needing farang food.. is that different ?

    I know of many foreign tourists who prefer farang food, I actually never have met a foreign tourist who traveled with a suitcase full of farang food though.

    I strongly dislike SE Asian food. Chinese, Korean and Japanese food is delicious, but Thai food (deserts excluded) and food from the region is generally awful and unhealthy due to how it is prepared. But that's just me.

    I either cook my own or eat somewhat healthy Western food.

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