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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. On 12/25/2019 at 8:33 AM, Cryingdick said:


    The assumption here is that Bolton is <deleted> off with Trump and will say damning things. You have to remember that Bolton is one of the most rabid right wingers out there and even if he despises Trump, it isn't likely he wants to live in an America ruled by Liz Warren.


    So if witnesses are called be prepared for a few surprises. The dems could be walking into an ambush.

    Truth has never been my enemy. Bolton has already said through his lawyers he has much more to add,

  2. 7 hours ago, mogandave said:


    Don’t you already know the truth?


    Why do you assume people don’t know who they’re voting for? 

    A lot of people don’t like Biden and support Trump asking for the investigation. 

    The same people that want him run out of office for this wanted him run out of office about the Stormy Daniels issue, yes? 

    To be honest,  when I found out he was a rich guy with a TV show that liked banging porn stars and didn’t want his wife to find out that was it for me. 

    I have NO RESPECT for any man that CHEATS on thier spouse.

  3. 4 hours ago, TPI said:

    How can the witness be so strong when he sent the "email" on the 25th and Sondeland said he heard about it on the 18th? It looks like the Dem's have inserted a "straw man" into the mix??

    Let me share that statement you'r referencing about questioning the strength of witness as it seems inaccurate. What is reported is this: A new email obtained by the Center for Public Integrity and released Saturday shows Michael Duffey, associate director for National Security Programs at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), informed the Pentagon of the freeze on $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine just 91 minutes after President Trump's call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, skytrooper70 said:

    Maybe, but the same past recordings show Schumer objecting to witnesses, in 1998, when the Dems controlled the Senate. What happened was that witnesses merely gave depositions, only portions of which were made public and given to the Senate. So, now, McConnell is playing "tit-for-tat." It's all about politics and who is in charge of the Senate, meaning the rules will change to suit the party, in power.

    Comparing a BJ lie to asking for political investigation announcement from a foreign country is tit for tat? Having BJ whitness verses having actual people who know what the first hand truth is?

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  5. 1 hour ago, roquefort said:

    Or reading The Sun every day.............but millions still do. There's a hardcore group in society who do not function on logical thought or reason, but on base instincts. That's why Trump always appeals to the lowest common denominator and it will probably get him re-elected, judging by the quality (or lack of it) in the opposition candidates.

    Anybody BUT trump will win

  6. 28 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Most of us are well aware of limits, and probably do not believe that Trump has crossed the line of a "High Crime or Misdemeanor worthy of impeachment. For goodness sake, even Clinton hadn't done anything bad enough, IMO, and it was just a witch hunt by the GOP to remove him, IMO.

    Far as I'm concerned there hasn't been a president in my adult life time ( except Carter ) that hasn't done some bad stuff along the line. Only ones bad enough to be impeached, IMO, were Reagan and Bush the younger, and no one even tried.

    Speak for yourself the you say most of us. More than half Americans will not vote for him. https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/nearly-half-of-voters-say-they-won-t-vote-for-trump-in-20-75337285712

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