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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 34 minutes ago, Kelsall said:



    "Freshman Dem who led impeachment charge: Let me get back to you next week on how I’m going to vote, okay?"



    Still confident Nancy does not have the votes to impeach I wonder? LOL

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  2. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    And so it begins...


    I think that I view this situation a bit different than others; while Trump is officially on trial, I view it as the Republican Party as being on trial. Trump is what he is, I think most knew what he is and there isn't much more to say about it.


    The Republican party, on the other hand, was something different, something much better. While not perfect (nothing is actually perfect), it stood for numerous principles that mattered; ethics in government, a free-market economy, a strong judicial system, morality in public affairs, a promotion of Rights and Freedoms abroad, the Rule of Law, efficient and effective government that lived within it's means, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.


    I don't recognize the Republican party in Trump's America, and I find that sad. I see people who spent their careers fighting for honesty and ethics in government meekly spouting Trump's ever-changing defense/lie of the day. I see people who spent their careers trying to ensure that the government lived within it's means and did not run huge deficits meekly voting to balloon the deficit. I see people who spent their careers fighting the evil ideologies around the world and promoting truth, morality, ethics, and Rule of Law now spewing Putin's talking points. 


    The decline of the Republican party is a hard thing to watch. I see Senators like Burr, Portman, Alexander, Sasse. Romney, and more being silent when they have a duty to speak. I see Grassley, a life-long advocate for a whistle-blower law demanding that it be suspended. I see Cruz (NOT a favourite!) defending Trump's nonsense after he had his own father accused of being involved in the JFK shooting!


    I could go on. And on. And on. And on.


    The Republican party desperately needs to get it's Mojo back.


    I look at Trump and come back to something that I have posted several times; what I call the Trump Test. And, by the way, I have never had an answer...


    Can anyone name a person, other than perhaps Niki Haley, who has been associated with Trump and had their reputation enhanced for the effort? A single person? One? If you can't name a person whose reputation has been enhanced for their work/association with Trump, then that speaks volumes.


    I have said it before and (sadly) need to say it again;


    Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


    Please Americans (Republicans and Democrats alike), get rid of this odious cancer!


    Oh, and rejoin the Paris Accords.




    Republicans to this Independent represented fiscally responsible, free trade supporters and integrity to stand up for their beliefs. I personally look to former Republicans to see what happened. They to me represent opinions I value. Never has any Trumpite  proved to be more than a blind supporter. SAD.

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  3. 1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


    to you, nothing at all.


    to independent voters it clearly illustrates how the previous admin set out to ruthlessly 

    unseat the man who humiliated their sure win candidate at the polls.


    they see this fraudulently started surveillance as the first domino that set into motion all the events up until today.


    now the first domino has fallen....so expect the others to come crashing down as well.


    as you and your democrat pals in congress like to say....we don't need a crime to impeach.

    all that %$#$ will not wash any more.


    We're now in the area of public opinion and any notions of winning a house vote on impeachment are fast evaporating.

    I am an Independent and read that the report found no political bias. Where is your proof contrary ?

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  4. 8 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    No Biden corruption!!  It's just a conspiracy theory!!  5555555555


    "Yes, that's what he told me. He came to me and said, "You are a patriot of Ukraine, we need this billion dollars. We are at war, and if you are a patriot you will close this case."

    "My conversation with Poroshenko was in a phone call," Shokin continued. "It was after we started seizing Burisma assets in Ukraine when Poroshenko called me and said "listen, this all has to stop already. Joe Biden's temper is overflowing. This seizing of Burisma assets was the last straw.""


    Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin interviewed by OAN:




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