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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Right from the beginning it seemed to me to be quite ridiculous Trump team were capable of anything that elaborate. Waste of time and should have only focused on the obstruction.
  2. She is rated at the top of all conservatives on issues. Proof that wing of the party is the real Republican Party. Trump is the in disguise RINO
  3. Happened to me with my buying a swimming pool blue hard top sunroof turbo six speed stick and powered convertible with all white leather
  4. Brilliant! Send money to his re-election
  5. After getting caught with his pro quid attempting to erase Biden's eventual WIN. All he did was sign off on approved spending
  6. Ha ha ha So at least this time we both agree Trumps will surely lose. You however believe no Democrat could win in 2024? Lets wait until then...
  7. Hopefully it is Trump again and watch the new low in LOSING. All in
  8. I noticed a difference after the discontinuance of Embassy affidavits. It seemed a s though getting people who worked the system were weeded out. The IO's began a steady climb towards professionalism. They now are first class.
  9. All of us have opinions. Putin would have NEVER listen to a woman of power is my rebuttal opinion.
  10. President Biden’s approval rating among Americans has risen 6 percentage points this week https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-approval-rating-rises-6-points-from-record-low-poll/ar-AAY0QRe?li=BBnb7Kz
  11. I never thought anyone here gets a speeding ticket. I googled that as a question The one response I did get was 70% of all the fines never are paid.
  12. Palo Alto 35 years then the rest Capitola, San Jose and Freont
  13. Been retired since 2014 from living in California. Moved here 2016. I first was able to exercise 20-30 hrs a week daily thanks to the fine weather. In CM I have rarely missed a day of exercise thank to even better weather than CA.
  14. Is the Airport Mall still doing vaccine shots?. I need my Pfiser booster now that I have waited the six months
  15. COVID Foreign Community Support Group Chiang Mai has not been updated since March 8th. I need my Pfiser booster now that I have waited the six months
  16. The last time this was updated as March 8th. No response to those asking when the resumption will begin again. Please can anybody find any updated news on resumption!
  17. Can you tell me locations as I made the waiting period just today for Pfizer Booster here in CM
  18. Thai stick. Back in the 70's this was the top demand of the all true connoisseurs. Legalising rope will never have anything close to that attraction.
  19. Yesterday I sent a message to Covid International Community support CM and still awaiting help on the question
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