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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Wow, it seems Thaivisa posters are a lot smarter then I thought. I expected people to keep defending Trump. I been following this all on youtube and legal channels. Its just amazing how the guy shoots himself in the foot. Acts like a Italian maffia boss suggesting it would better that there is no evidence (to his lawyer).


    Still so many defend him, had expected a group of his brainwashed followers on Thaivisa too. I am pleasantly surprised.


    I even read that some conservative network is funding add campaigns against Trump. They are republican but are of the view that if Trump runs the republicans will lose. 


    It seems like a slowly moving iceberg the trend away from Trump. Seriously doubt it can change enough and his being the candidate.

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  2. 21 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    Thanks, I wasn't sure.  If they were classified, not a big deal. Stupid but not serious  Top secret, we have a problem.  I wonder at the policital end game though.  For the GOP, getting Trump out of the race is the best thing that could happen.  

    His party fully supports him and the two polls shows his lead has increased. Many in the GOP had claimed he has the nomination sewn up now after these indictments. File the likelihood he is "out" under "not likely to happen"

  3. 16 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I don't want him to run 2024. But not because he scammed some kids who are lost causes anyway if they enrolled in his college. He simply has too much baggage. Time to cut him lose, there's others with similiar policies but better statesmanship. You don't seem to understand why Trump won 2016, not really.

    Can you tell us what was the tipping point for you?

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  4. 12 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    A rational defendant would negotiate a plea:  "Guarantee I don't serve time and I won't insist secrets be revealed in court."  I assume that is what Gen Patreus did.  I don't think "rational defendant" apples to Trump.

    That is exactly what his lawyers should have done in last week's meeting. The claim is now that Trump is 100% going to be the nominee.

  5. 3 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

    ... or, I should have said, Washington DC.

    That being said the other side of the coin is this from a prosecutor's point of view.


    Former President Donald Trump will face charges in the Southern District of Florida, a venue whose reputation for swift proceedings has earned it "rocket docket" status -- a colloquialism that reflects its strict adherence to the speedy trial clock.

    The judges in the Southern District of Florida adhere very strictly to the Speedy Trial clock, which, with limited exceptions, requires trial or conviction to occur within 70 days."


    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Broken clock is right. We agree!


    I agree with your "alas" 100%.  


    Seems the Democratic party is handcuffed.  They need to pray that Trump wins the GOP nomination.  To be honest I don't think Joe would stand a chance against one of the other possible candidates.

    Alsa, you are hoping he gets what is due.  Providing your dream candidate might see an elevation. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    I am dead serious. I think it would be better for everyone involved if both of the old dudes stepped aside. Certainly more interesting.  But I guess Biden thinks he can just slip into the nomination with no challenge, and the party seems to agree, in spite of what rank and file Democrats think.

    We will see that in 2028, I feel certain of that. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    Convenient to say that.  Of course if the Democratic party machinery doesn't give them a chance to get their message to the party members, their chances are slim.  But that only shows how little confidence there is in Joe Biden as a candidate. If Jr and Williamson can scare Biden's handlers, how can he face a potential GOP candidate like Senator Scott or Vivek?  He would be eviscerated.

    So, Joe is scared and would be eviscerated facing the likes Senator Scott or Vivek. Both who might make the kids table at the Republican debates. Are you really being serious!

  9. 28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


    Your definition of woke is completely different than the definition given by DeSantis the world's leading kill woke politician.

    Face it dude.

    Woke is just a generic political attack word now.

    Where he uses the loaded phrase cultural Marxism another BS generic attack phrase of the right that most can't even define.




    I don't expect much more from DeSantis and he will fade away. Word salad is the best description of his campaign. 

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