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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 8 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    If the policies being advocated are that doing anything to stop illegal immigration (like a wall) is immoral - and anyone in the country illegally can stay, get a drivers-license, open a bank-acct, get "free" healthcare citizens don't get, and take a job from a citizen, and get a "pathway to citizenship" without even going back home to apply - what else does one call that, other than "open borders"?


    I guess you were not among the tens of thousands who contacted John McCain, to take him up on his lettuce-picking gig?  I was - had just lost my career to illegal aliens in a skilled-trade.  I never heard back from him - nor did the thousands of others. 


    Having sold everything I owned to pay for trade-school, it was not a happy-time when, early in my first year in the field, I was Replaced by someone offering to work for less than 1/2 of what citizens were being paid. 


    McCain offered $50/hr - but I offered to do it for $17 ($22/hr in today's dollars) - a bit less than the starting-wage of grads for several years prior to the start of illegal-hiring. 


    Sadly, Trump excluded ALL work-visas, so Americans are still (bleeped).  What a lowlife sellout he is.  Wish there was a better alternative.

    Thanks for admitting as so many others have refused. Your opinion is Open Borders.

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    No - I asked about your specific objections to what the WH has rolled-out.  I am not sure what in your post I could "answer" - unless I was expected to go all "Trump is the greatest," or something (not going to happen). 

    On testing, this seems to be a political football.  The existing testing-capacity is, purportedly, underutilized at present.  After the Big Lie on ventellators and the projected death-rate, can you blame me if I am skeptical on the 'test crisis' - which seems to only exist when political-opponents talk about it? 

    That said, I 100% support more testing.  Unlike the WH - I want EVERYONE tested, including antibody-tests.  The more we test, the more we find out how much less dangerous - to MOST people - this virus is.  As well, with the antibody test, we can potentially clear many (millions?) from all restricted activity. 


    Testing speeds the path to a more streamlined approach to dealing with this - so I wish the WH would get on-board with testing all Americans ASAP.  Hopefully, widespread-testing isn't perceived to obstruct projected vaccine-profits - a "bi-partisan" concern.

    Good point! Read this as an interesting testing plan.


  3. 4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    US economy is already ruin with record federal debt, large budget deficit, high debt to GDP and a fiat currency. Trump has make the economy worse by focusing on Wall Street and neglecting the Main Street. The dollar will crashed followed by hyper inflation and the FED can only watch. 


    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 hour ago, J Town said:

    I always hesitate to give Trump supporters facts - they are completely ignored. However, since there are others that may see this, OK:
    "Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."


    Hard to imagine it getting any worse. Trump IS the worst ever, and Biden, while a bumbling fool, at least knows how to listen to his advisors. Again, I know you'll ignore facts but others will see truth.


    Source: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/jul/29/tweets/republican-presidents-democrats-contribute-deficit/

    Thanks for that link. Saved

    • Haha 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

    If you think that LEFTWING politicians in the USA won’t use this pandemic as ammunition and try to further cripple the country and economy to try and make trump look as bad as possible just have a look at Nancy Pelosi and the funding of the Business  Fund. 

    And if you honestly believe that her blocking a 2 page no frills funding bill was not a political move meant to cause harm at the expense of the country then it’s clear you don’t care about objectivity. 

    BS The bill was Republican only and the Democrats wanted to also include increased funding for medical spending which Mc Connel would not support. Looks like Republicans now will include. We will see.

    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Debunked nonsense:


    "Sen. Bernie Sanders wrongly claimed President Donald Trump said if people have symptoms of the new coronavirus infection, “doesn’t matter, go to work.” That’s not what the president said."



    Did I say Bernie? What universe is it you live on?

    During a Wednesday night interview with Fox News, President Trump said he believes people infected with the novel coronavirus may get better "by sitting around and even going to work."

    • Confused 1
  7. 37 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Well yeah, obviously many if not most red states are doing much better than the cluster of blue states hardest hits. As such, they can get back to business quicker. Pretty simple logic, yes?



    oops this is a RED State willing to devastate thier own 

    • Haha 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    Handful of governors in the liberal blue states of the Northeast. And that's fine. There are 44 other states also deciding what to do independently of them. The Governor of Michigan has gone nuts and is doing her best to hand Trump a victory there. 


    The places that take the most risk and move the fastest will recover the quickest. The tighter the controls the longer your state will languish. 


    The sick and vulnerable need to stay inside for the sake of the healthy and not the other way around. The healthy need to go produce basically today to hold the ship together. This talk of shelter in place remaining until a vaccine is found is just nutty. 


    We are at the point now where any good you could sell is now an essential service. Shutting down the garden centers of big box stores is one example of utter stupidity. The more power hungry your governor is the more your state will suffer. Get it wrong now your state may never recover again.


    My Grandfather who is 90+ years old, stormed and took Okinawa when he served, was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice back then and says he is willing to do so now. He understands the situation. He remembers the day back then when he got the order that "It's time to go boys!" 

    OK RED states go ahead

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  9. 18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    So don't vote for him. Who cares? 45 fans wouldn't vote for any democrat. The hard reality for 45 fans is that this is a referendum on 45 and 45 stinks to high heaven. Of course he can win with a 40 percent of the vote, voter suppression, and an electoral college squeeze by but that is hardly likely. 

    I give KellyAnne all the credit in the world, along with Comey's help, for pulling off that inside straight 70,000 electoral college Hillary creaming. With a president who has and never will see 50% approval that is a very impractical possibility. Give the Cult 45 credit for not abandoning trump but reality is just too much to accept.

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